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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. to be fair, its been pretty funny. I mean aside from the obvious ramifications of being a white nationalist. But generally pretty amusing. A trump-ite demanding the truth about the left. hahahah you can't make that up!
  2. None of what you wrote has any validity at all here. Again, you're a smart guy but not nearly smart enough to try what you're trying. Its incredibly transparent. But if you want to just take shots at me, thats cool. 98% of the people here see what you are so you're really just making my point (and many others' too). Funny how personally offended you get over a rookie politician's platform...all you're doing is parroting the alt right message to attack her. I get it, she's an easy target for the white nationalists since she's...well, young, inexperienced, female and black. She your perfect target in fact. But all of Trump's crimes and racist remarks are fine, right? No outrage there? All the people around him who have been implicated, some charged and sentenced. No problemo, right? No, you take a person like AOC and want to paint all anti-trump people with that brush. And it feels good because hey, beating up on women and minorities is fun anyway, so why not? We get it. We get it. The good thing, however, is that you and a couple others hung on for a pretty lengthy time trying to play the "Im not a white nationalist, just a general conservative" card but you cant because the left combined with the deplorable actions of the guys you love make it too hard for you to keep up the facade. People aren't objecting to you because they all love and support AOC or agree with every position. Its that you're silly attacks are so transparent. You're a white nationalist. We get it. Its gross, okay. And you wont convince anyone to accept it.
  3. Same scenario in the XFL unless something changes. Vince intends to own all the teams. Of course, he wanted to own all the CFL teams at one point too.
  4. I hate accusing someone of being a troll but you're really entering troll territory. Im surprised to see people so personally offended at poltical remarks about the alt right. Its really quite something. But again, we can be honest here. The projecting of "scary" is just another routine trick in the Trump supporter's bag. What they really mean is look how scary this dark skinned woman is. What's scary about the super super rich paying more taxes? Do you have a super rich American cousin or something. Your motivations are transparent. Both your deep personal believes that the vast majority of people simply find abhorrent and your desire to distract. If all else fails, try to disrupt until mods come in and lock the thread down (we've seen that before). You're not going to get what you want here so why keep trying? Im sure there are message boards with like-minded people that can provide the echo chamber you're wishing for. PS: LOL (preemptively)
  5. Ummmm no, you spouting clearly alt right opinions and demeaning, attacking, ridiculing people who disagree with you is what is happening here. Why are you so afraid of liberals and their opinions? Why are you so afraid of people pointing out the truth of the alt right you so vehemently support? See, its easy. Im not sure I've ever seen someone so entrenched in their perspective who actually thinks they're open minded. You'd dismiss a major negative fact about the right but blow up a minor fact about the left. You're as buried in the sand as you claim everyone else is. So if you really believe its not too late to use your brain and think about things clearly and without bias, give it a shot.
  6. I was thinking the same thing. Lots of chatter about Jets making a big trade and its like the team either can't handle the thought of it or they really want it and are "waiting" for it to happen. I'd suspect there is something amiss in the room the way they're playing. But I also can't imagine Wheeler letting that fester for long.
  7. God forbid that create outrage. No, the white nationalist outrage is directed towards people who felt compassion for a person claiming to be a victim of a racist, bigoted attack. As if that's a bad thing. These people are so devoid of compassion...sorry, let me be specific, they are devoid of compassion for blacks and gays. They have plenty of compassion for the super rich, white guys who sexually abuse women (as long as they arent Democrats) etc. Can we stop beating around the bush? No one ever supported white supremacists because of their economic policies who wasnt also a racist. And we can be subjected to all the goofy, "amusing" gifs and youtube clips in the world to hide that fact, but its the truth. Why is AOC always the target? Lets see...rookie politician. Woman. Woman of colour. It comes down to her needing to learn her place. Its that simple.
  8. When people run every single thing through their alt right white nationalist filter, there is no ability to reason with them. None. Inagine feeling personally offended by AOC whole defending trump. It’s quite obvious what is happening there and it’s quite distasteful. Anyway, talk about fake news. Poor Tucker EDIT: This is worth the watch. Its about 7 minutes long I think but Tucker goes from supporting the guy when he thinks they are like-minded to having no answer...and in regular Tucker fashion, when he has no answer, he gets obnoxious before having a full melt down, calling the guy names, dropping F bombs and proclaiming it wont air.
  9. True Crime fans, watch Abducted in Plain Site on Netflix. You wont be disappointed.
  10. So a new story that is getting some news coverage so its....out there. A week ago Corey Graves went nuts on twitter, verbally attacking a Deadspin writer (who does a lot of wrestling stories). He made fun of people on welfare, claimed he once ate a bottle of Fentanyl etc That was the warm up for his wife publicly revealing Graves was having an affair with Carmella. She posted texts messages Graves sent her where he seems to insinuate he might kill himself (or hopes to die), pretty manipulative. He then claims WWE called him and will sue her if she doesnt remove the messages. THEN, Carmella posts a short video where she sends birthday greetings to Graves's young daughter. Yikes. Then Pro Wrestling Sheet (meh) reported that Graves and his wife are separated and have been going through a divorce and the wife got pissy when graves told her he was seeing someone else. The wife then posted a text exchange with Graves where she quoted the story and called Graves a liar (accusing him of leaking the story). Graves replied that it wasnt him and the story is wrong. The wife replied that the more Graves lies, the more she will reveal. Then she deleted her instagram. What a week for Graves.
  11. Tye Dillinger asked for his release (and posted a statement confirming it on his social media). He's 38 so its ballsy but he's tight with Cody. Batista apparently not interested in AEW and continues to talk to WWE. Seems awfully late to throw together a main attraction for Wrestle Mania but apparently, they are in disarray. RAW was completely re-written at 2pm with Vince's directive to bring him the 4 best guys in NXT. Originally Ricochet was to work Balor but Hunter had it changed. Supposedly Vince thinks ratings are down (and everything else) because they have no stars so he wants to create new ones. Spoiler alert: its the booking, not the talent. But that explains why this crop of additions is being pushed better (after two days) then the previous crop (where is EC3 anyway?). They love Lacey and she's in line for a big push. Vince is not happy about Undertaker doing Starrcast and they might yet use him at WM so there isnt the perception that they lost him. Cena doesnt have a scheduled match for WM but was originally meant to face Lars. I could see Bryan vs Cena with the Bella's but that seems like a story that should have started already. Knowing WWE, it will be Bryan vs AJ vs Kofi three-way Also, according to Meltzer, the whole show was meant to be built around Seth Rollins but he's not cleared for contact so they changed it. And that meant changing Ronda's match as she was booked to beat Alexa in a squash but now had to go long so they did the rematch with Ruby thinking it would be better than a long match with Alexa (which is true). But if you have time to fill, why not use some of the 100+ guys you have under contract, rather then exposing Ronda in a match like that?
  12. And by the way, still waiting for some of AOC's lies to be posted (and no Im not watching a video). Post them here please. Im most anxious to see her tax plan criticized (and likely misunderstood) as well as her remarks about climate change. Or we can talk more about Bernie Sanders and how mean the Dems are to him and how unusual it is for an alt right to be so concerned for him. What else, what else...I mean, if like, actual news is off the table because it's too negative towards Trump and the multiple investigations into him and his admin, Im not sure. I guess we could discuss the criticism being leveled at Malia Obama for wearing a bathing suit and drinking wine. I mean, if we're talking about crazy reactions, thats a good one.
  13. Trained seals? The AOC stuff aside since thats just the usual MO of the opposing side (ie. to attack a view they disagree with), even when you do it poorly. Your criticism of people defending what appeared to be a vicious assault based on racism and homophobia as virtue-signalling exposed you once and for all. You accusing people here of being a trained seals or only seeing one side is pretty rich considering you're staunch alt right view that is glaringly apparent in every single thread you ever post in. The reason people dismiss you here is not because they love AOC of because they believe everything she says. Its because you dont hold your own right wing heroes to the same standard and you often use your posts to belittle or demean those with opposing viewpoints rather then attempting to engage in legitimate discussion. Thats what I meant by transparent. And its obvious to everyone. If AOC said ten things and 9 were totally reasonable and true and one was wild, you'd go nuts about the one. If Trump said 10 things and 9 were crazy and 1 was reasonable, you'd hold it up as an example of the right. Everyone can see that. If you think anyone here sees you as being able to (or actively) see all sides of the political spectrum, you've been into the gin already. You're the complete opposite of that. That's okay...everyone is entitled to their opinion, but really, do you think you're not incredible and clearly politically biased? lol And even if it were true, which it isn't why would that scare me? Why would anything about you scare me? lol
  14. Settle down. That bolded statement is not remotely true and you know it.
  15. Could be many things. Trump's latest melt down, the great twitter thread detailing the NY FBI field office efforts to screw Clinton, the fact the Gang of 8 were informed of the FBI's probe into Trump. Or maybe Roger Stone's threat towards a Judge and subsequent apology since his bail is now at risk. Wouldn't want anyone to talk about those things. Let's talk about a rookie Dem politician who has become the post child for while alt right attacks. There are 2-3 people that do this but its always the same and always transparent. They come here to blow up a minor thing about the Dems when Trump has a bad day. If it were me and 98% of negative posts being about Trump & the GOP bothered me that much, I'd probably just not read the thread.
  16. Pot. Kettle. Black. Yowza! Post of the year and it's only February!
  17. Dating X-Pac didnt help as they were both addicts. A lot of people blame Russo indirectly for her death. She was living in...Japan I think, teaching English. Apparently doing well outside of the spotlight. I think she had a fiance who was a normal guy. Russo went on some campaign to bring her back feeling WWE owed her something. he got her to come back...she ended up back in the spotlight to a degree and fell into old habits.
  18. Hunter cheated on her for about a year before she found out. There was no repercussions for it. She blames it for her being let go when her contract came due but she was asking for a lot of money and to work men. But no doubt, she was treated awful by Hunter and Steph (who was head of creative at the time, and an owner in the company). She actually found a love letter from Steph to Hunter which is how she found out.
  19. Oh I think she would. But they wouldn't. There was no way. She'd have had to "behave" for a long time before they'd trust her. Hunter had previously said it was the fact his kids could google her and see porn that was a problem. But I mean, they can google him too...
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