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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. You're transparent as transparent can be.
  2. This is really low and gross. People like you who are attacking those who defended someone why, by all accounts, was a victim come across as relishing in the fact it wasnt true. Like it never happens. What planet do you live on? How much joy do you take in the fact this idiot has hurt the cause for legitimate victims? Knock it off. Virtue-signalling. Good God. Defending victims of racist and homophobic attacks is virtue signalling? You know that sounds a lot like you support attacks based on those things, right? Super gross.
  3. nah, the best part is still the alt right going insane over her and looking for silly videos to post to help support their position. If she's such a nothing, why are you all so scared of her?? lol If you werent so obnoxiously biased you would point out how often the alt right takes her statements and twists them or out right lies about them. You might further discuss the fact that the gap between rich and poor continues to grow and many of her ideas have merit. A conservative who gives a **** would do that. A blindly devoted Trump-ite wouldn't. Quite frankly, gun control, universal health care, climate change action are all things that are going to happen no matter how much the alt right stomps their feet or lies about it and tries to create scary boogiemen out of progressive ideas. And the absurdly rich can afford to be taxed to pay for it all.
  4. The best part about her is how she ties the alt right up in knots to where they post totally wild criticism on message boards like this.
  5. Are you sure its not a cover story to keep Buff out pending a trade? Buff to Ottawa! 😉
  6. If they bought time, they are morons. The whole point of doing this is to take advantage of networks and streaming services handing out money for content. I bet XFL announces a solid TV deal.
  7. Probably all sort of tax implications to invest that money. They must have a lousy TV deal if they were on the verge of collapse after Week 3. I hope Vince is watching...
  8. Trump very often projects his own transgressions on to others. There was an issue with the FBI but it was a small anti-Clinton group in the NY office who were right with Rudy that were the issue. Its amazing really.
  9. Now that’s chyna is dead it’s okay for hunters kids to google her.
  10. We supply the boys. They don’t usually travel to Indy shows. Our boys told me it was the most fun they’ve ever had on wrestling lol (and that was after just winning the tag team title also!) i agree. He’s great. He’s really perfect for Indy shows because his gimmick is easy and super colourful. He was in full gear with the cape and everything. And a super nice guy.
  11. It was great to meet you! Thank you so much for coming!
  12. Lots of intrigue with Chapman involved in the talks. Maybe just because he likes to be on big talks. But I’d think it’s talking about a potential sign and trade for stone which means moving someone significant out and you need chipman to sign off on something that fans might not like
  13. So when you steal a bottle from the LC whole security watches helplessly you can no longer go to the library with it because security will be tighter.
  14. Quick note. I know at least one of you here came out to the Dalton Castle show (always nice to our a face to the handle!) anyone else who might have, thanks for sticking with us while we had absurd travel issues. Castle left his home at 6am. Had three delayed flights, ended up in Toronto (wasn’t originally scheduled to), waited on a delay there while they called in a replacement pilot). Made it to the show after midnight. Was on at 1am. It was one of their nights we can laugh about. It worked out in the end. Castle is a great guy too. Best fans in the business. Thank you!
  15. $25,000 per hour for appearances. Big time get for Starrcast.
  16. The next Dem president will declare gun violence a national emergency and the GOP will lose their minds.
  17. Yes sir. Tickets available online or at the door.
  18. Undertaker confirmed for Starrcast (the convention at Double or Nothing). https://www.si.com/wrestling/2019/02/14/wwe-undertaker-starrcast-all-elite-wrestling-double-nothing Thats pretty big news. WWE was not happy about guys doing the first Starrcast and were actively trying to get guys not to do it this year. In fact, Starcast announced Ric Flair this week, waiting until after monday just in case Vince was so pissed he pulled Charlotte from the WM match (which was unlikely but thats the pressure being put on talent). Talent confirmed: All the Elite guys Undertaker, Sting, Bret Hart, Kevin Nash, Ric Flair, Jim Ross, Eric Bischoff, Dave Metlzer, Bryan Alverez, Bruch prichard, Tony Schivioni, Jonathon Coachman, Jerry lawler, Lita, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, The Four Horsemen, David Arquette, Terry Funk, RVD, and a whole host of others.
  19. Khan was a long-time subscriber to the observer (still is) and is even listed in some old newsletters when he sent in show reports and stuff. A true fan to the core. He was avid tape trader and would watch wrestling from everywhere. Sounds like he was a big fan of Mid-South (Bill Watts) and maybe AEW will have a bit of southern rasslin in it's booking. What's funny is, I grew up watching WWE because thats all we got (after they took AWA's time slot) but I was probably more of a fan of Southern wrestling (NWA, World Class, WCW) from the mark mags because it shows how those company treated it more like a sport than the cartoony aspect of WWE.
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