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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Funny. A buddy just texted me the same thing. I assume they did it just so JJ would be the face. I suspect he’s the next RAW GM.
  2. Jeff Jarrett has returned to wwe as an agent and will have an on screen role. Shane helms also returned to wwe in a backstage role.
  3. I enjoyed Lacey as well. Just needs work. But she could be great in a character role and not put on the position to look bad. Kacy is green but amazing athlete. Im partial to Ruby Riot. Push her more!
  4. Yes, there is definitely a mutual respect and value. The last time he was here, this past October, he was messaging me for creative for his match. I really enjoy that aspect because he's super creative and its fun to build off each others ideas. I think thats what made us work together so long, we were really on the same page creatively 99% of the time. And when the Doc guy first called me he said Kenny told him to call me and I'd hook him up with everything he needs in Winnipeg. Im not sure if I told this story on here but after the last show, his match (which included cake and pies as part of a birthday gimmick for him) pretty much wrecked our canvas and he came to me and insisted I deduct the price of the canvas from his pay (which was already a friend price). And he's very correct in that there were many times I wanted to walk away but I didnt because of him. Both because I wanted to help him and also because he was there to help me. Every time he works for us now, its a big pay day in my pocket. So all those shows I lost money when Kenny and his compatriots were learning, it all comes back in the end. But more than the money, the pride that he's the biggest wrestling star in the world and we had some small part. My former partner knew he was talented but just didnt see it like I did. He bet on a different horse. I always saw it in Kenny. If I have any talent its in recognizing his talent early. My one hidden talent I guess. lol
  5. I was trying to be humble lol I know, right!? You could hear he was trying to remember. Darn Hustler, I just talked to him couple weeks ago too so he knew the date. Probably didnt have it at his fingertips either. Oh well. They can both make it up to me by being surprises at the show lol Kenny was very gracious in talking about us (and me). Great guy.
  6. A bit late on this one but if you get a chance to listen later, its well worth it. And yes Hus asked him about his next move and Kenny said he was enjoying "going dark" and taking some time but that some announcements would be made soon... I wonder what he's doing on Feb 15th 😉 And yes, I got a small shout out! lol
  7. As an aside, we decided to watch the Sopranos again (we have the box set). man...does it ever hold up. Incredible. Although some of the things are products of the time, like robbing a truck of pokemon cards, watching laser disc, the new medium of DVD, those singing fish that were all the rage etc. James Gandolfini deserved all the awards.
  8. Women were highlight for me too. Ronda/Sasha was sloppy in spots but over all really good, real emotion. I hope they just embrace Ronda as a heel and let the fans boo her. They really want to. Women's Rumble was atrocious in that first half. Just some bad decisions there. Lacey Evans is an interesting character (although she seems to have 3 or 4 gimmicks) so I dont mind putting her first and giving her time, but if you cant have a decent match (or spots) with Nattie, you're in trouble. She blew everything she tried. Maybe nerves. Women's Rumble was better in the finish. I thought Becky tapping out to Asuka was a bit much but its classic WWE to set up an opponent for Becky later. The stuff at the end of the Rumble was well done though it made little sense to have an injury replacement like that (although the subtle thing is that Fit Finlay is Irish too but I bet they dont mention that). Charlotte should now complain that she really won since Becky wasnt really in the match and set up Charlotte being added to the WM match. Bryan/Styles. I wonder if it was just the bad spot coming off the emotionally hot Becky/Charlotte finish or people arent into boo'ing Daniel. They had a fine match but no one cared. In that spot, they should call an audible and shave 10-15 minutes off. And Rowen? As soon as he came out, whatever heat there was, was sucked out of the building. Men's rumble...loved the JJ spot. Absurd to eliminate Angle so soon. Another surprise or two would have been nice. I think they feel using NXT guys showcases them to the wider audience which is true, but they all get tossed out anyway. Solid work throughout though...just not very exciting. The plan was brock/Seth all along so they stuck to their plan but....Seth seems ice cold. Brock vs Seth just doesnt seem like a Wrestlemania main event...and after everything, to finally have Brock lose...to Seth. I dont know. They have their work cut out for them. I kinda thought Roman would be a surprise actually... That crap with Nia was....fun I guess. But pretty absurd. I assume its a public appeal to The Rock to save Wrestlemania.
  9. Royal Rumble thoughts? If they really have no one capable of producing a good rumble match, they should bring Pat Paterson out of retirement. Really get the sense they were banking on getting The Elite. Also, loved seeing the "Kenny Omega is in the Rumble" social media chatter. I actually had people messaging me asking.
  10. Controlled the White House and both sides of Congress for two years and couldn’t get anything done. Lost badly to Nancy Pelosi over the wall. Was made to look foolish by North Korea. Is there anything trump is actually good at?
  11. Watched the first episode. It had a decent charm but shouldn’t have been a reboot. Wasn’t worth adding to my regular rotation. Then again I have friends that love Hawaii 5.0 and it’s the same people. So maybe it’s good.
  12. Yes. But the fact they created that debate is great. Classic trek i recall an episode of TNG where they found cryogenically frozen humans from the 90’s. Crusher revived them and Picard was not happy saying she should have left them dead.
  13. Well Pelosi deserves the credit for the strategy that forced trump to capitulate. I’m sure there were some GOP senators pressuring him behind the scenes too. Some of them voted for the no wall plan yesterday. He had little choice. Oh and Sanders....lol
  14. I love that the new narrative will be how did cnn know. Ummmm cause they do their homework
  15. Some speculate Bannon is actually a cooperating witness and Mueller's ace.
  16. I thought last night's episode was excellent. The only think i wanted a bit more of, was more argument in favour of taking the planet inhabitants with them. I wanted a stronger moral argument about it, along the lines of what Spock & Bones would have done in TOS.
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