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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Thats the key. I mean, are we to believe Trump was so stupid that all the people around him were conspiring but he had no idea? Especially when things he did and said lined up with key moments in the conspiracy? The question is, how good of a mafia boss was he, did he insulate himself enough? What Mueller seems to be doing is building up the chain where each fish can flip and incriminating the bigger fish above and so on and so on until really, you might be left with the kids...and will the kids turn on their dad? Will Trump let the kids go on trial to save him?
  2. Well that’s one way to spin it
  3. But employees should want to work for free. And just buy groceries on credit. And what’s with those fbi guys working for free today.
  4. But employees should want to work for free. And just buy groceries on credit. And what’s with those fbi guys working for free today.
  5. She sure wanted to avoid going to bat for Trump this morning didnt she? Even a weasel like Sander's is thinking about her own future. Maybe one day she will find the last shred of personal pride buried deep down inside and stop claiming his lies are facts. Should be funny to watch the last few rats start jumping off the ship. What happens first, Stone flips or Trump throws him under the bus, ensuring he flips? Mueller's plan is starting to come into focus. He's been slowly tightening the noose. If they indict Bannon (and he seems ripe for it), Don Jr...maybe Kushner, he's basically getting everyone right up to Trump's bedroom door. Assuming Mueller wont try to indict Trump, his report will likely make the case that Trump should be indicted and leave it in the hands of the DOJ to decide if they want to do that, Congress to impeach...or nab Trump when he's out of office. I wonder if Mueller would try a sealed indictment on Trump...can you imagine the day he leaves office, the FBI swarms and takes him into custody?
  6. Only a trump supporter would think Pelosi is doing a bad job. Hahaha. Forcing trump to declare an emergency is such a bad look for him. Oh well. Nothing to see here. No news today. Lol Is mueller hinting that trump ordered Bannon to direct Stone on the wiki leaks stuff? Edit: yes I guess so And ofcourse a tweet. A month ago from a clearly petrified trump sending stone an important message.
  7. A big one (CNN) — Roger Stone has been indicted by a grand jury on charges brought by special counsel Robert Mueller, who alleges that the longtime Donald Trump associate sought stolen emails from WikiLeaks that could damage Trump's opponents at the direction of "a senior Trump Campaign official." The indictment's wording does not say who on the campaign knew about Stone's quest, but makes clear it was multiple people. This is the first time prosecutors have alleged they know of additional people close to the President who worked with Stone as he sought out WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The associate and the high-ranking campaign official are not named in the complaint, though the indictment describes how Stone told a reporter that what Assange had in the unreleased emails was good for the Trump campaign. Stone responded at the time, "I'd tell [the high-ranking Trump Campaign official] but he doesn't call me back." An email matching that wording that was published by The New York Times shows that the official Stone referred to was Steve Bannon. The indictment also alleges that Stone lied to Congress about "his communications with the Trump Campaign about Organization 1." In the indictment, Organization 1 is WikiLeaks. Stone was also indicted on a witness tampering charge for his alleged attempts to sway radio host Randy Credico's story before he testified to Congress — even tapping into language from mob movies and citing disgraced President Richard Nixon, who Stone once worked for. Over text message, Stone told Credico, "'Stonewall it. Plead the fifth. Anything to save the plan' ... Richard Nixon," prosecutors said. Stone warned Credico he would get "indicted for perjury" because he could contradict Stone's testimony. "And if you turned over anything to the FBI you're a fool," Stone told Credico later via text. Multiple times, Stone told him to do a "Frank Pentangeli," a reference to a "The Godfather: Part II" character who feigned innocence to Congress. He also called him "a rat" and a "stoolie," prosecutors say. He threatened to take away Credico's dog — a fluffy white therapy pet named Bianca who even later went with Credico into his grand jury appearance — and told him "Prepare to die [expletive]," prosecutors wrote.
  8. He’s got a draft declaration of emergency and money to build the wall. What emergency eh? and then responds to Ross saying federal workers should just take out a loan by suggesting grocery stores will work with people ie you can get food and pay later? Has this idiot ever bought anything? Ross didn’t understand why everyone doesn’t just get a loan. So people should pay interest on their own salary? These people are rich out of touch morons.
  9. And now Trump saying he'd sign a short term bill to re-open government in return for a large down payment on the wall. Isnt that the same thing as funding the wall?
  10. He's really be exposed as far as being the great negotiator goes. And I suppose this is what people were afraid when more and more staff left the White House. When they talk about having grown-ups in the room. This is Trump unchecked, who isnt a good negotiator anyway, doesnt understand politics and is incredibly insecure and only getting advice from the far far right while listening to FOX news. FOX News, by the way, referred to this as "Trump Blinks" so even they arent happy. What did they expect him to do, just show up at Congress and begin delivering a speech? Who would want to give a SOTU during a shut down anyway...the State of the Union is bad. Very bad. Historically long shut down, criminal investigations of Trump and Trump people on multiple fronts. Like...what would he say?
  11. Reports of Abyss & Sonjay Dutt leaving Impact for WWE. Likely backstage roles with nxt. Speaking of which, Dutt was a passenger on that Unjtes flight stuck at Gooden bay a few days ago
  12. Trump says he’s holding the stage of the union as planned at congress. Pelosi says no he isn’t.
  13. He must feel like a scolded dog having to eat **** from Pelosi over a stupid shutdown of his own making. I read the Dems are preparing a counter offer where they will agree to provide the funding Trump wants (or even more) conditional on it not being spent on a wall and they get certain concessions. He's going to flop.
  14. Trump says he’s holding the stage of the union as planned at congress. Pelosi says no he isn’t.
  15. I enjoyed it over-all. Thought it came across fully baked as opposed to last season's early episodes that were clearly hampered by the change in show runner. The one thing, the show will always be hurt by the lousy premise that Michael started the war when she really didnt. That was something they just were never able to make right last season. Better to move on and forget it. The negatives: - Portrayal of Sarek. I think the writers' reverence for the character hurts the portrayal. He was always portrayed as cold, emotionally distance and a bit of an *******. But we see none of that. What was good about TOS was the moments that showed us he was more than that (his obvious love for Amanda, his confronting Kirk over Spock's katra, his approval of Spock's friends etc) were special *because* of how cold he was. The JJ films made this same mistake. Its almost like they're trying to retcon Spock's issues with his father from Sarek to Michael. We really need to see some more coldness from him. - Humor. Dial it back just a bit. My advice to them is, ask yourself if a professional military would behave that way before airing a "goofy" scene. In particular Im talking about Tilly's first scene on the bridge where she compliments....was it communications? And then back and forth on the pods. At least on the pods, Pike interjected to tell them to knock it off and they did (similar to STID where Spock & Uhura were bickering during an important away missions but they ignored Kirk's order to knock it off). - Pods. Yeah....I know some fans are raving about it as an exciting sci fi scene. I sort of glazed over a bit. But Im not a fan of adding crazy elements to something for dramatic effect...like in STID when Kirk & Khan are hurtling themselves through space from one ship to another and have to hit a tiny little mark...thats not dramatic enough so add in asteroids. Same thing here. A bit too insane. But not bad...just, hard to care about for me personally. And you knew the blue shirt (ha!) was going to die. Positives: - Humor. Other then above, it was well done. Tilly is very charming. Dont force it. I didnt mind her interactions with Pike either but I would have liked a scene or line where she expresses admiration for him so that her super awkwardness was a bit more grounded. But the episode was long. She's an ensign on command track. He's a legendary Captain and who happens to be heroic, charming & handsome. Perfect foil for Tilly but I'd like to hear it. We KNOW he's a legend because of canon but Tilly would be the perfect character for us to see through her eyes. Almost have her say "everything is going to be okay. Captain Pike is here." - Cinematic feel. Amazing. It looks and feels like a movie. The SFX are top notch. The wide screen is great. How it's directed. Cinematography. Everything. Star Trek has never looked so good. Oh and more traditional sound effects were added too...the background ship sounds and the door swoosh on Enterprise etc. Also seems the space shots have been toned down as far as the overly blue, foggy look goes. Looks more like traditional Star Trek (rendered by modern SFX). - Acting. Pike has been a great addition. The rest are top notch as always. Even when given little to do (Stamets) they hint at a lot of depth. They just have to reconcile how the senior bridge crew have so far done little compared to the stars who mainly arent bridge crew. And it seems they will by giving the bridge officers more to do. Some good actors there too. They love love love Michelle so she's here to stay (especially with her own show coming).
  16. It’s amazing that he was allowed to make the moves he did recently. Seems he was fired more because of the public backlash.
  17. Ive been dying to see Vice but schedule hasnt worked out. What turned you off about it?
  18. There is something very wrong with him
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