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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I was actually thinking about this yesterday. Is there anyone else in Trump's orbit who did more to decimate their reputation than Rudy? Remember seeing him walking ground zero after 9/11? Others, like Sanders...sure, she's a dolt but she wasnt anything before this job. In 10 or 20 years when Rudy passes on, this period of his life, the lying for Trump, the seeming loss of his mental skills, will be a big part of his story.
  2. The funny thing about the Kenny/AJ match is that I saw it once after the match took place (so back in 2006) but could not find it anywhere. I'd moved twice since then and had boxes of old VHS and 8MM tapes, unmarked, of wrestling shows. So I began digitizing them. I still havent got through them all. But when the doc people reached out, they really really wanted that match. Kenny had explained in interviews that he was ready to quit wrestling after his WWE experience and it was the AJ match that made him stick with it. So it was really important for them to have clips of the match. So I set about frantically going through what I had. Low and behold I find a DVD with the words "Kenny vs Styles" on it (it had been in a DVD case with an unmarked disc on top of the match disc). I was super excited only to find the disc would not play. I gave it to the doc guys anyway, hoping their tech people could recover it (which reminds me I should ask them if they did as they said they'd give it to me...lol). Well that was happening, I finally came across TWO different angles of the match on two different tapes. These were one cam shoots (so would be decent for editing together). I dont know for sure what they're using but I did see a short clip and in that clip, they had one snippet of the match, which was AJ holding up Kenny's arm after the match and a voice over from me (which I believe was actually from a different match but used here to make it seem like it was from the Kenny/AJ match). So they got something. If Kenny ever goes to WWE, Ill hold out for big bucks for that one lol. Tickets! Yes, I have hard tickets. They will be available at the front desk of the hotel this week, at the front door of the bar on show night (barring a sell out) and you're always welcome to message me for tickets as well. I appreciate the support! In a cool thing, you can get the official TopCockTee exclusively via Pro Wrestling Tees: https://www.prowrestlingtees.com/top-cock.html
  3. Plus he cheated. He lost that election without the Russian interference and Rudy's people in the New York FBI office forcing Comey into that idiotic move to throw shade on Hilary. The GOP did well with their targeting of demos but they cheated. And Hilary ran a good campaign. No campaign is perfect. The Dems shouldnt out smart themselves though. Everyone sees the emperor has no clothes. Dont get too cute. Run a good but tough campaign on the issues that matter and they will win. No one can be so stupid as to vote for trump again unless they're a rancid raving racist. And that wont be enough.
  4. Havent seen that confirmed. He was originally linked to rumors/speculation several months back when the first "news" was jericho & Ross meeting with a billionaire. Ross denied it but as other aspects were true, there is probably some truth. Ross is, however, under WWE contract until, I believe, April.
  5. The gag order is officially over so I can talk about it finally. Im really happy this Doc happened and I have to say, it was among the highlights of my time in wrestling (if not THE highlight). Because it made everything worth it. And I was treated with a lot of respect and to be made to feel like a big part of it. And in fact, I was. I received a cold call from one of the producers last spring/summer and they were basically starting from scratch and had only my name and Don Callis' name and didnt know who else to talk to or how to get in touch with them. So I feel pretty good about the fact that I pretty much controlled their Winnipeg-aspect of the project. It was a lot of fun. Spent a lot of time with the producers/directors etc. Did a lengthy interview myself. It was super professional. And of course, gave them a lot of PCW footage to use. Additionally, they were on hand for our last Omega event in October with multiple cameras/lights etc set up. That was the event Don Callis did the angle with Kenny that got the social media buzz.
  6. I dont disagree and I think the Dems should not over-think it. Dont buy into the idea Clinton ran a bad campaign. She didn't. She had so much working against her and still would have won. They need to run a clean, but aggressive campaign on the issues that people care about. Get all the left and moderates votes and they win easily. Obama was criticized for lack of experience and he won. Trump has no experience at all (although that might be an argument in favour of experience lol)
  7. They'd get hammered on lack of experience. I could see one of them on the ticket though. I prefer Harris over O'Rourke at this point but he ran a heck of a campaign in 2018.
  8. This would be a tragedy on multiple levels. And ofcourse Fox is just itching for it to be true
  9. My early pick for the Dems Trivia: She grew up in Montreal
  10. They want to control development around the arena. Can’t do that on campus.
  11. The hits are coming fast and furious lately. Rudy moving the goal posts yet again.
  12. I’m assuming the strategy is that trump thinks it makes the shutdown the Dems’ now if they won’t negotiate his offer. And will get them dems base to apply pressure to get DACA. but I don’t think that will work. It’s trumps base that will turn. Trump just offered a concession that Dems will keep now. It’s like in sports when you offer to keep a salary cap and the league knows you’re desperate the accept that part but won’t budge on others. Trunp blinked. The great negotiator.
  13. Dems don’t like trump’s offer and neither does his base. He’s putting himself in no mans land.
  14. Dems don’t like trump’s offer and neither does his base. He’s putting himself in no mans land.
  15. Holy smokes is there a lot to unpack on that story. Since it’s a paywall I don’t want to just paste the whole article. But some notes: Mike keane is involved as the WHL group will partner with The Rink Hockey Academy and they want the new 4000 seat arena and retail development to be in the same area They will also buy the Winnipeg Blues. No public money. Will play two years at U of M. Highlighting the project is an event centre where the Ice will play. The arena complex is expected to have about 4,000 seats. One source who had seen early renderings of the arena said the architecture of the proposed building resembles a huge snowdrift. Once the transfer of the team is finally announced, a season-ticket drive will begin asking for a small deposit. Ticket prices for WHL games would range from $15 for standing-room tickets to $35 for premium seats. Various ticket packages will also be available.
  16. It sure if this has been posted yet. What a disgusting dispicable irresponsible thing to say. Sole reason is to rile up his racist base. It’s horrible
  17. Feeling the heat. Needs a distraction.
  18. Feeling the heat. Needs a distraction.
  19. You know what this tweet means? It means the GOP is cracking. Trump is soooo transparent.
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