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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Either he doesnt care (which is probably always true) or he thinks the workers will be angry and it will put pressure on the Dems. Someone has convinced him that he's right and the Dems are wrong and the public agrees. But the polling doesnt support that. Ordering people to work unpaid is likely only going to add pressure to his own position. Maybe he thinks if the government is shut down he can't be arrested, indicted, impeached or removed. lol
  2. Reporting that Trump was taken aback when Barr described his close relationship with Mueller. lol Can you imagine if he tried to yank Barr's nomination? Buzzfeed's story hasnt been confirmed by other news outlets but Buzzfeed said it's rock solid and goes beyond two sources. If true, it's the smoking gun and it's the end of Trumps's Presidency...unless the GOP saves him in the Senate by effectively proclaiming him above the law. And if he is removed, that eliminated the barrier to indictment and likely sets him up for criminal charges and jail time.
  3. Yup. Another felony. i wonder what the trump supporters will say today.
  4. I don’t think so. I think Pence did while also claiming isis was defeated. If it wasn’t so tragic it would be hilarious.
  5. Hahaha no kidding. I like when the “I hate trump” trump supporters pretend they’re having unbiased discussions that all about how awesome trump is s the investigations are witch hunts. Makes sense like every day is a new scandal. Im actually surprised that trump would paint himself into a corner like he has done with the shut down. And we didn’t even talk about the ISIS attack that killed several people after trump declared them totally defeated.
  6. The FISA warrant and the Steel dossier have been talked about to death. It was a GOP team that started the dossier. Dems only took it over and court was told that. Nothing in the dossier has been proven false but many things were proven true. You STILL want to try and fight the validity of the dossier? lol
  7. The best part about this revelation of Cohen messing with polls is Rudy being mad that Cohen got paid more than he passed on the guy he hired to mess with the polls. Like THAT's the story to Rudy lol
  8. I saw a story that Cohen was getting nervous about public testimony as a result of Trump's tweets. He feels his family might be in danger. So Trump accomplished his goal. Incredible. He's totally a mob boss.
  9. I was going to say that too...like, is Rudy secretly working for Mueller? He's terrible!! And its not even one change in strategy, they literally move the goal posts every time they think Mueller has learned something new. Eventually, they'll just confess.
  10. Keep in mind, Trump's immature response also reveals the travel plans of the 3rd in line into a dangerous area. Did he really think that was going to make him look tough? Makes him look childish.
  11. Haha White House response to Pelosi telling trump to postpone the state of the union. Sounds like it was written by a moron
  12. The Dems agreed to a re-vote but lol
  13. I guess they'll ignore it. I suppose they could still have a dead Robin with a younger Batman but it then implies he was VERY young with **** Grayson was his sidekick. If it was me, I'd use Wonder Woman to reset everything. Since her next film is the 80's have her next one be...whenever, but its a younger Bruce Wayne etc.
  14. How will they reconcile a younger Batman into the current universe. What a boneheaded decision to cast an “older” Batman to begin with
  15. And Aj Styles does not yet have a new contract from WWE. His current deal should be expiring soon (he debuted at Rumble but some say his deal expires in April). He's in line for some serious, serious money, especially if he lets his deal lapse.
  16. The problem with those podcasts is, Conrad prepares but the "talent" doesnt. So Bisch and Bruce are going based on their memories. And Bisch openly admits he has an awful memory. And since they hate Meltzer and thats what Conrad uses for his source, it can turn into a *****-fest. Plus, Bruce is far less likely to be critical of Vince now. Actually, same with Bisch. But Bruce probably did think Red Rooster was an improvement. They likely thought, what can you do with Terry Taylor.... ugh
  17. No kidding. I assume its the "I'm a Bruce Prichard Guy" shirt which was a take off of the Heyman one. Prichard had a pretty popular podcast and was on WWE Network so I guess thats why. People probably bought it to wear ironically so they could go out and people would ask who Prichard was and they could roll their eyes like they're just so cool. Bruce, Conrad and Bisch all got over pretty good at Meltzer's expense. They should be sending Dave a royalty cheque.
  18. Its definitely a negative. Its what they did to Bryan. They have it in their contracts that they can add the missing time to the end. So if you're hurt for 60 days, your contract can be extended 60 days. If you're hurt forever, guess what, you now have a lifetime contract. But only WWE can clear you to return so there is the potential for shenanigans. In the case of Bryan, they forced him to retire due to concussions and then let him know his contact was now extended indefinitely. There was talk of him suing (and he'd have won) but there is great expense in that. He went to numerous doctors to get cleared and WWE wouldnt budge. When WWE brought Bryan back to TV, it got his contract ticking again. And then "coincidentally" the year his contract would expire, they had a change of heart about his injury. Bryan would have 100% left WWE if they hadnt cleared him to wrestle. As it is, when his deal was up, WWE made it know they disagreed and felt he had another year. But they didnt want to sever the relationship so they ended up coming to an agreement. I strongly suspect his new contract does NOT have the injury roll over provision. They tried a similar thing back when Brock left to go to the NFL. He agreed to a release that barred him from wrestling for anyone else for an extended period. He sued and a judge agreed that even though he agreed, WWE can't unreasonably prevent a person from making a living.
  19. News and notes from Meltzer and others: - In a sign of the changing landscape, ROH signed CMLL star Rush away from MLW. Rush is a really good talent. Reportedly got $150,000 from ROH to be US Exclusive and can still do CMLL (and Japan if he so desires). MLW was not happy about it. Prices and competition for talent is shooting way up. Amusingly, Andrade told Rush not to go to WWE...which likely explains Andrade's renewed push. Rush's deal is one year (Bandido is also one year I believe) which sets them up for a big pay day if AEW is where they hope to be by the end of 2019 - The Revival asked for their release...immediately after the match on RAW while still in the gear. Not likely to be granted... - Mike & Maria have apparently asked for their release too (they debuted, Mike went to WWE sponsored rehab, Maria got pregnant and went on maternity leave so their WWE run was about as good as can be outside the ring). - Omega vs Tanahashi got 5 & 3/4 Stars from Dave. And interestingly, Omega is 21st all time for 4 star or more matches. - Dan Severn is being inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame (and will be in Winnipeg in March) - I found this interesting: Best selling shirts from Pro Wrestling Tees (in order): Young Bucks, Marty Scurll (Villain Club), Kenny Omega, Cody, Bruce Prichard, Kota Ibushi, Steve Austin, C.M. Punk, Tama Tonga and Hangman Page - ROH owns the broadcast rights to the All In show...which sort of sucks for AEW. Maybe Khan can buy the rights. - Chris Jericho told his story of signing with AEW. He said he told Vince about doing the Omega match and Vince was fine with it but called him the next day wondering why he did an angle with Naito (Wait, Vince watches New Japan? lol) and Jericho told him he signed a three match deal. Vince was not happy. Then WWE offered Jericho the casket match against Undertaker in Saudi Arabia but pulled it. Khan flew Jericho to All In on his private Jet as Jericho had a concert somewhere else (side note: I knew he'd be there as I knew he was scheduled to take part in a project Im involved in). Jericho was talking with Vince before he signed with AEW but Vince didnt even make him an offer. He signed his AEW deal a couple days before the Double or Nothing rally. - Cody said they have no plan to hire any writers. He said wrestlers should lead wrestlers and they all know what they're doing and should "go out and play". (this has always been my booking philosophy as well more or less). Tony Khan is head of Creative and Cody and the Bucks are the creative team. At All In they did have agents. Guys will have a lot of freedom (ie. Kenny & Jericho bring their own ideas) - WWE was the highest gain on the stock market in 2018 with a 144% increase. - WWE opened up a second performance centre, in the UK. - WWE finally announced their women's tag team championship (good looking belts) and there will be one, not two sets of champions (I sort of wonder if they might unify the women's world title so each brand has an exclusive championship) - XFL generated far more interest than people thought as far as TV deals go. They want their 8 star QB's announced by the end of march - WWE switched their streaming tech provider from Disney Streaming (formerly BAMtech, formerly MLB Advanced Media) and are going with Endeavor (who handles, among other things, Sportsnet in Canada). - Guys who are injured are having their contracts extended every day they're out. - The Nigel McGuinness documentary on WWE Network is worth seeing. Lots of ROH and TNA footage. Guy had a rough career.
  20. Rudy moving the goal posts yet again to soften the public up to accept that the campaign DID conspire with Russia. The next goal post movement will be "sure Trump knew about it, but he didnt know it was illegal so so what".
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