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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I'd like to know the cost of the check stop program. It can't be insignificant. I saw a lot of people pushing back on social media when the numbers came out showing very few DUI offenses, asking about the cost to the public. In regards to small crimes, I think you're spot on. To see cops setting up programs to ticket drivers at drive thrus and car washes but not doing those same kind of operations to capture petty crime...you really see what the police have become. Things like booze thefts, the province should either inject money into the police service or change their policy to allow security to actually intervene. I remember from my bar days getting very mixed signals from police, more or less depending on who was on duty on any given night. At times, we were mocked for calling the police and told to handle things ourselves (but then at times, were overly scrutinized when a patron said we roughed them up). At other times, we were told always call the cops because thats what they're there for. If there was a good civilian security force and businesses were willing to pay, you could nip a lot of this crap in the bud petty quick. Petty crooks go where it's easy, not where they might get a broken nose and an arrest for stealing a bottle of cheap booze.
  2. Holy smokes. Rudy just got roasted on cnn. Total train wreck. Click for the full tweet thread. Wow
  3. And he's already been named an unindicted co-conspirator in the campaign finance violations. The only reason he wasnt indicted for that felony is because he's the President. We can debate how bad that charge would be, but we can't debate the fact of it. But some people just keep moving the goal post. Wasnt it this same person who came into this thread like a year ago and attacked the Mueller investigation for finding nothing and saying it was time for it to end? The goal post will eventually be "yeah but is he ACTUALLY in PRISON right now? If he's not behind bars at this moment, then he's TOTALLY INNOCENT of everything ever." And then eventually the goal post will be "it doesnt matter that he was tried and convicted or that there is a mountain of evidence, he denies it and so its not true." I mean, OJ Simpson was innocent too and is a really awesome guy.
  4. That wasnt at all what you were talking about. You came here to create a wild narrative of the FBI being out to get him, linking an article for support that didnt back up your claims. You then argued with other people that it didnt matter what Mueller found on Trump because he could do whatever he wanted to as President. And then followed that up by publicly declaring that his racism and/or criminality didnt matter anyway. What more is there to discuss? You're wrong on the facts and you've already stated it wouldnt matter to you anyway.
  5. I dont hate anyone. I dont know him. But I also wouldnt fall deeply in love with him like you have. You blew yourself out of the water by saying you dont care if he's a racist or a criminal. We now know where your red line is, there isnt one. Whats done is done.
  6. Yeah they could be overly generous to Trump but really, as you said, they have the Oval Office meeting where Trump staked his claim to owning the Shut Down. And they have the Situation Room meeting where Trump flat out admitted he wouldn't negotiate for fear of looking weak and then stormed out. So, this whole thing is on Trump and the Senate who is protecting him.
  7. Ummm I think being a criminal probably does have something to do with it. lol wow is right.
  8. That answers a lot. Comparing the FBI opening a reasonable investigation that had the approval of officials to Nazi stuff is absurd. Do you really hate the FBI that much? Stop watching FOX news.
  9. pelosi sent trump a letter basically disinviting him from giving the state of the union. Several Dems were invited to the White House today and declined until government reopens
  10. Im not unbiased. Trump is clearly a racist and a criminal. Why would you be unbiased towards racists? Thats weird. The FBI can open counter-intelligence investigations. You want to spin this as an example of a FBI run amok. It isnt. The only element of the FBI that was crooked was the New York office which was tight with Rudy. You dont talk about that much. Are you biased?
  11. Dude, you ALWAYS pop in here, usually when Trump is reeling, and try to change the narrative to something in defense of Trump. lol I've never known anyone to both claim they dislike a person and to so vehemently defend them.
  12. Thats not even what your linked story said. The FBI CAN open counter-intelligence investigations. Okay, Im going to let you in on a secret. Trump wasn't the President prior to the swearing in. He doesn't get a pass on his actions just because he LATER became President. That's the big point you're missing and the flaw in your argument that Trump can do whatever he wants and these investigations dont matter.
  13. ESPN article links the Jets to Kevin Hayes and Jake Muzzin as potential deadline targets.
  14. I would also. I mean, why not. Also, Helle seems to respond to competitive pressure.
  15. What does that have to do with the Mueller investigation? You're trying very hard to create a false narrative. But Im pretty sure you know it's false rather than you just completely missing the facts.
  16. Trump has already been fingered in campaign finance violations, a felony. Were he not the President, he'd be indicted for that. The idea Trump, as President, can decide how to relate to other leaders has ZERO to do with conspiring with an enemy nation commit crimes during an election WHEN HE WAS NOT PRESIDENT. lol No one is saying his private meetings with Putin are illegal. They are saying it creates suspicion of previous bad acts when evidence is viewed in its entirety.
  17. I didnt get it either. I guess creating an argument in favour of men? I love the pushback on the Gillette ad. Like people actually getting mad over a message towards men to not be dicks. My favourite is now people saying its fine but should not be aimed at men only, but should also be aimed at women. Because of all the powerful women sexually harassing men I guess. A lot of very defensive reactions...
  18. If the money was similar and the chance to win was similar and treatment by the team was similar, with no emotional connection to either place...he's an American plus Las Vegas has certain benefits over Winnipeg.
  19. I dont think that means what you think it means. What does that have to do with Trump conspiring with a foreign power? lol
  20. Your link doesnt support your assertion. It clearly says the FBI has the right to open counter-intelligence investigations. And it further emphasized the mere possibility that doing so was imprudent. Obviously they were well-founded and to avoid any conflicts, a special counsel was formed.
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