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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Imagine knowing everything we already do and still clinging to trump. Lol even his base is turning on him. You have to be a special kind of alt right to still embrace the guy. Its that erosion in his base that will turn the gop on him too
  2. So you came here to post about how Trump's insane rantings about the FBI are true? Uh huh You're also not entirely correct that only Congress can investigate the President. Since, in your own post, the FBI was doing so. Whether a sitting President can be indicted has never been tested. Was it the fast food jokes about your guy that bothered you? They're hardly the things that should trigger a defensive reply. And do you really think Mueller is NOT investigating Trump's ties to Russia? Like...can you translate your post into English please?
  3. He's truly the master of all he sees.
  4. I agree. They'll all come back so they can have better deaths. Transporter-effect disappearing of most of the heroes isnt the way these beloved characters will die.
  5. Did people think all the heroes actually died? It was a cool story but just a chapter. Seeing some people online going nuts over everyone dying...ummm.
  6. https://deadline.com/2019/01/vera-farmiga-jon-bernthal-join-new-lines-sopranos-prequel-1202534868/ I love Vera Farmiga. Could she be Livia Soprano? Bernthal would be a good heavy but not sure if he works in a previously seen role...like, Tony's dad. Too recognizable I think. the flashbacks on The Sopranos were so well cast.
  7. Pretty embarrassing serving that to a sports team visiting the White House but whatever. I wonder if Putin will sense the end is near and call in his chips. Trump making noise about pulling out of NATO might be his end game as a Russian asset
  8. WWE's idea to shake things up seems to be to go back to silliness like people walking in on topless women in the locker room, "neanderthals" grunting over pretty women etc. The Women's tag team championship belts look awesome though. Lawler re-signed with WWE. His deal expired on Jan 10th and he texted a reminder on Jan 8th to Kevin Dunn (exec producer). Imagine them forgetting that Lawler's deal was coming due...especially at a time with increased competition. He got a new deal and a raise.
  9. The GOP wouldnt support it and the Dems shouldn't offer up Wall money because it moves them off their "no wall" position. Trump owns the shutdown. He claimed it, he said he'd do it proudly. He's pushing a stupid campaign promise that he broke anyway. And there are bills the House passed that the Senate supported already. Just get it done. Its totally on Trump and the GOP. They send their people out on the news shows to argue totally absurd facts that the public just isnt buying. They made their best effort to win the PR war and lost. Every day it goes on is Trump and the GOP pissing away votes in 2020.
  10. How many months ago was it that the media began pushing the narrative that the public was tired of the Mueller probe and wanted it wrapped up? I think they do that when there is a lull and THEY want it wrapped up for the newsworthiness of it. And then time marches on, a new Trump scandal hits and the public is interested. Certainly, the goalpost has been moved. If this Mueller probe was released and it was a total surprise, there would likely be near riots all across the US demanding his ouster. But the media coverage creates a sense among the public of what to expect. How often have we said "in the past THIS scandal would be insane" and it's like the 9th scandal of the week. But I think American's are so patriotic about their institutions and if the Mueller report is as damning as it could be, there will be a sense of resignation among many of Trump's supporters. Not all. The racist idiots wont care who he conspired with. But the people, some of them here even, who say "yeah but, the economy" and other nonsense will really have little choice but to finally admit the red line was crossed. For everyone else, it would be a tidal wave of condemnation. And the GOP will know the chickens have come home...it wont be about trying to win in 2020, it will be about trying to save the party from extinction. And they will jump off the bandwagon. And they will likely support impeachment in an effort to show a "new way forward" under Pence, who might not escape unscathed either.
  11. I hear these guys are pretty good.
  12. another day. Another twitter meltdown by trump
  13. Another note: - Impact denies they have ever been for sale but Chris Jericho tried to broker a meeting between Tony Khan and Impact a few months ago to discuss just that, with the idea Khan could buy an existing company with infrastructure, assets and international TV deals. Impact was open to talking but Khan wanted to start fresh. In WWE news: WrestleMania looks to be Rousey vs Becky vs Charlotte now, possibly as the main event. Lars Sullivan was scheduled to debut on RAW but no showed (or potentially called in sick late) due to anxiety. He was then booked for SD and didnt show up either. He was scheduled for a big push with Wrestle Mania being planned for him vs Cena.
  14. Its super dynamic. With TNA you had millionaire backers (Panda Energy) who didnt really understand wrestling. And in ROH you have super rich Sinclair (Billionaire company) who owns it but arent committed to it being anything more than decent content for its syndication stations. To have billionaire owners who understand wrestling, who understand business, understand sport...its hard to predict success or failure because its a new world now, but its the best chance of success since WWE went public.
  15. Reading some of his comments, I wonder if the Jets employ (or have considered employing) the use of a sports psychologist.
  16. The issue with an offer sheet is that your intent is to make it so the home team is unable or unwilling to match. The Jets do have some cap space and if the cap goes up as expected next season, even more. To make them unable to match, you have to make it pretty enormous. Essentially you offer what would be an albatross around the necks of the Jets....but an albatross is an albatross. And then be willing to part with all those draft picks. If a team was that determined to land Trouba, Laine or Connor, they'd probably be wiser to try and make a trade. The Jets have to be strategic in signing their guys though so that as they sign, they dont up the option of an offer sheet due to the declining ability to match due to a reduction in cap space (ie. they need to have their ducks in a row and execute deals pretty much together). Hard for the owners to go into a CBA year making outrageous contract offers.
  17. Some updates from Dave Meltzer: - AEW is wholly owned by Shad Khan and his son Tony Khan (who was a long time subscriber to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter by the way). Khan's are worth over $6 billion, far more than both McMahon and the Fertitta's (former owners of UFC) (and makes them the richest wrestling promotion in the world). - Currently, AEW is negotiating with two outlets for a weekly, two hour, prime time, LIVE TV show. And this opportunty is directly related to the connections and clout of the Khan's and the value of WWE's programming. There is a potentially more lucrative international TV deal on the table as well. The value of wrestling as a TV property is the highest its ever been in the industry. - Tony Khan is the President of AEW and head of Creative, described as the "Vince role" (in other words, the creative buck stops with him) but there will be others in creative. - The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) & Cody Rhodes are all Executive Vice Presidents. Bucks' roles will include a focus on tag teams while Cody will focus on singles. Brandi Rhodes is the Chief Brand Officer and will focus on women's wrestling. Matt Jackson's wife is head of merchandise (she was heavily credited with the excellent merchandising of the Bucks over the years. Ryan Barkan of Pro Wrestling Tees will also be part of the merchandising division. - At least one more executive VP will be added to senior management (I wonder if this is being held for Jim Ross who's WWE contract doesnt expire until spring). - Bucks & Cody have three-year contracts with options on a 4th & 5th year. They are world-wide exclusive but would be available to work other places pending corporate agreements with those companies (such as New Japan or PWG etc) - Currently signed are Bucks, Cody, Hangman Page, Brit Baker (fiance of Adam Cole), Chris Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, Scorpio Sky, Chris Jericho, PAC, MJF, Joey Janela & Penelope Ford - All are signed to contracts of various stipulations and lengths (ie. no standard contract, some can work other places, some are exclusive) - Jericho was negotiating with WWE as recently as December but chose AEW and signed a three-year deal that was better than any contract he had in WWE. It's exclusive to AEW except for the right to negotiate his own New Japan deal and future Jericho Cruises. (It's something to note that AEW out-bid WWE for Jericho) - Originally, All In 2: Double or Nothing was scheduled for the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas but the arena said if the Golden Knights ended up having a home playoff game that night, AEW would have to move. While slim, they didnt want issues so moved to MGM. - Estimates between 50,000-55,000 PPV buys for the first All In event (I'd suspect that's below what they hoped). The show was also available on New Japan World and Rong of Honor's streaming platform so that would cut down on buys. There was an issue with DirectTV where the show didnt air at the last minute, cutting down buys as well. - They did average of $50 per head in merch sales at All In ($500,000 in merch....wow) - Drew 196,000 viewers for the Pre Show on WGN Meltzer is really fair on this saying you need more than hardcore fans and good shirt sales and feeling that, without a major publicity blitz you can't draw on TV initially. But he pointed out TNA on SPIKE went from 200,000 on FOX Sports Net to over a million on SPIKE. He points out that AEW has a far more underground presence than TNA did but is also paying way more Cody & Bucks then TNA paid for even Sting & Angle. He says AEW's owner is far more wrestling savvy than TNA's and their top executives understand social media and merchandising better than TNA. He specifically notes a $250 per match guy in 2005 is earning over $100,000 a year now. - Second PPV event will be in the summer in Jacksonville and likely an anniversary show over Labor Day back in Chicago. Meltzer said PAC vs Page looks to be a big match on the Vegas show but noted "a major main event is scheduled that is likely to be announced when tickets go on sale in February". (The fact he didnt even allude to whom makes me think it's Kenny vs....maybe Jericho?) - They have an affiliation with China's OWE which has some talent (and everyone is desperate to breakthrough into the Chinese market). - They dont want to be enemies of any promotion and are not trying to be enemies with WWE. Cody & The Bucks praised Hunter for how negotiations were handled (Meltzer notes that WWE will see them as the enemy whether they want it or not) - Since Smackdown was held in Jacksonville the day of the rally, many fans attended both and WWE was not allowing fans wearing AEW shirts in but once it hot social media, they rescinded that (WWE denied it and I wouldnt be surprised if it was a lower level decision made by security). - Aex Marvez was one of the hosts of the rally. He works as an NFL Insider for Sporting News and is a long time wrestling fan (ran his own newsletter in his youth) and his close friends with Tony Khan. He's expected to be part of the broadcast team. - HBO Vice was at the rally filming, reportedly just a news item for their Vice show and nothing else (HBO, you say...?) - Tony Khan wants wrestling to be treated more like sport - AEW wants to work with New Japan. New Japan is happy with ROH. (But reading between the lines, I have a sense New Japan and AEW will work something out after the ROH/New Japan show at WM Weekend). - Hunter really wanted Cody, Bucks & Page. He offered Page main roster money to be a top guy in NXT. The Bucks were offered money nearly on par with AJ Styles and their Being the Elite show would be a Network show. And amazingly, they were given a six month window to opt out of their contracts if they werent happy with their push - WWE thought there was no way Bucks would turn it down and the Bucks were tentatively booked to debut at the Rumble with a significant WrestleMania angle. - Hunter and the Bucks spent about 12 hours in talks and they praised him for the process and noted he enjoyed their BTE show where they had Kaz portray Triple H and get superkicked - Noted that AEW trademarked Tuesday Night Dynamite and felt Tuesday was a good night but that it seems unlikely now and will be decided by the Network they sign with, though noted, it would be prime time live. - Health Care will be provided for executives, including Bucks, Cody, Brandi, Mrs Bucks, Daniels (also a Producer), Billy Gunn (Producer), Will be the same insurance provided to Jaguars execs. - New Japan was surprised when Kenny Omega announced he was leaving as they expected to re-sign him. He's hugely important to their plans. The rumor is that Omega has already declined WWE's offer and will be announced for AEW in February. And its believed it impacts New Japan's willingness to make a deal with AEW. (Imagine this...AEW made Jericho his best contract offer ever. Assuming Kenny gets a tip top deal too (he would) PLUS gets a lucrative New Japan contract as well...man, he's going to essentially get TWO top contracts. Good time to be on his Christmas gift list! Who was it that tried to argue no one knows who he is? hahaha) - If Omega signs with AEW, its expected Kota Ibushi would work shows as well (he doesnt sign contracts). - New Japan is offering two-year deals now as opposed to their usual one year and both them and ROH have made increased offers to talent. Good time to be a good wrestler.
  18. GOP Rep Mo Brooks carrying the water for trump by saying there is a real emergency. Out and out lying about crime stats. And cnn puts up stats and studies and the guy just says it’s wrong. Racism alive in American politics.
  19. He tucked his tail and ran from that thread. Lol. At least everyone was polite. I wonder how often he sends his resume to true north.
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