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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. One of the stars of Blue Bloods is Winnipegs’s own Lou Cariou!
  2. So trump is going to argue executive privilege to try and keep the mueller report secret. Even from Congress. Unreal.
  3. He will say that Trump knew full well about the payments to the mistresses and that it was to avoid impacting the campaign. That's campaign finance violations and it's a felony. That alone, absent anything else, is a felony and an indictable offense. We can debate the severity and Paul Edwards had a hung jury but it might, by itself, create a debate over whether you can indict a sitting President. And ofcourse, what else. Cohen had that recorded conversation referring to transferring all the Enquirers material to them...surely there are many more damning things.
  4. The chief would dictate how the police members use the law. And we've already seen a "net" system with them demanding breath samples from all motorists without cause. And even doing that, they caught virtually no drunk drivers. Total waste of time. To compare it to another law, I was talking to someone about drones yesterday and there was a case up north where a drone user was charged with a crime and on its surface it seemed heavy handed until it came out the police responded to multiple complaints and gave the guy multiple warnings. Thats an example of police using discretion. The idea that the cops "know" you've committed a crime but the usual method of probably cause makes it difficult is too bad. Its supposed to be hard to pin a crime on someone. Being able to demand breath from anyone, anywhere, at any time is not only CLEARLY open for misuse, it can "officially" be used as a witchunt. Which it was when demanding breath from ALL motorists at check stops. Its wrong. Its clearly wrong. But if police forces recognize this and ensure their officers dont abuse it, thats at least one step in the right direction. Cops have been known to abuse their powers of arrest and detainment. Giving them another thing that they can misuse is a bad idea. Thats a legal thing not an enforcement thing and shouldn't reside with the front line police officers. Many jobs require intensive training. And dont pay what cops get paid. No one disputes they require training. But its an example of a very high paying job with great benefits, pension, early retirement that essentially requires no advanced education. I know many cops and dont want to disparage them but a lack of advanced intelligent is certainly not an obstacle. That's the point. On the list of jobs that do not require a degree, its pretty high in terms of pay and benefit.
  5. Absolutely. Its one of those politicized things where people are afraid to say the cops are paid too much because the answer is always "how much is your life worth?" Well, sorry, but the requirement to be a cop is a High School diploma. And we know there are lots of cops ranging from outright corrupt to merely "pricks" (who unfortunately sully the reputation of the really good cops). The pay scale is out of whack and the OT is ridiculous. But there seems to be little will to overhaul police services to get cops back on the front lines stopping crime and bringing criminals to justice.
  6. It would certainly be a slap in trump's face. It would be the end of the "unity" between White House and GOP.
  7. How about this, someone is assaulted so they knock on every door in a community and demand a semen sample without suspicion. The mere suggestion of providing this without cause is completely absurd. Its one of those things where most people say "so what, dont drink and drive" but wait until they get that knock at the door. The check stop program was practically useless this year anyway. Either people are simply being more responsible or the cops' strategy isnt working in focusing on times/areas where people drink & drive. Its an excuse to set up a ticket trap, which was by far the largest result of the check stop program. Meanwhile, this massive use of police resources to capture virtually no drunk drivers, the program to look for people using their cell phone at drive thru's and car washes....and the meth fuelled crime wave continues. I'd toss this Chief and anyone else responsible to the current police direction out and start fresh. Stop designing police strategy with a focus on generating revenue and start focusing on crime prevention.
  8. Yes Trump has effectively admitted that the option to declare an emergency is simply a ploy and an end run around congress since obviously no emergency exists and if it did, he can't sit back and wait for negotiations to play out. That might hurt him in any legal challenge. I think Trump hates losing and would be more open to compromise rather then risk an out right loss. But its all about his base which he needs for support and rabble rousing as he faces serious investigations. Its really all about the GOP. You see that support already becoming tenuous. They only supported him because they wanted to support a winner. If they cant win with him, they will drop him. If he goes down criminally, they will want to distance themselves. The admin are a bunch of racists pandering to a racist base. With that racist base, they have virtually no support. Trump probably will declare an emergency because he's being pushed by people like Stephen Miller and idiots like Sanders are providing strategy. Dems are doing the right thing by continuing to present options. Trump's position (and Pence etc) that Pelosi refused to support a wall in return for re-opening government is a different way of saying Trump refuses to re-open government unless he gets a wall. He isnt getting one unless he cheats to get it. The strategy of shutting down government might be to try and produce obstacles to the many investigations into him also. Hoping federal employees stop working and conducting investigations.
  9. Totally ridiculous. What idiot in this country thought it was appropriate to give cops the power to demand breath samples without cause? Abaolutely absurd. Can’t wait for someone to take that to the Supreme Court and win.
  10. What part of No ******* Wall does trump not understand?
  11. Smackdown had two million viewers. For whats it worth. Maybe they will all start watching AEW and we can deem it a success. 😉
  12. Ocasio-Cortez says she thinks Trump is racist. The White House replies by accusing her, a woman of colour, of "sheer ignorance."
  13. Cant remember if I mentioned this yet but Billy Gunn hired as producer for AEW.
  14. Bob Orci wrote a script for Trek 3 that was rejected and he was eventually fired but speculation is that he'd have "fixed" the timeline. The rumored storyline for Trek 4 involves George Kirk so possibly the same thing. I would have been fine with that. But for the most part, Bad Robot's time running Trek was a disaster.
  15. Noooooo Kelvin timeline was a terrible idea and bad for Trek. There is only one timeline, the Prime. Kelvin is dead.
  16. Thats actually really refreshing news. The division between Paramount and CBS was so murky it was believed that the films couldnt use anything from the TV series' and vice versa. It makes me wonder if a deal has already been hatched for the two sides to work together on a film.
  17. That has nothing to do with the false point you tried to make. Now you're saying if the Jets keep Laine they might not have enough room under the cap for other players? So you're saying signing Laine might make the Jets right at the top of the cap? And if every team is a budget team then how is your original point a criticism of the Jets? We;ve broken down the numbers before. I did it just a couple weeks ago. Its tight but Jets probably keep everyone they want.
  18. You're acting like there is a wide diversity between a lot of teams. Im not sure how over 90% equates to always being a "mid cap" team. That sort of proves the opposite. They spend pretty damn high. Why dont you cite a source that the Jets have chosen not to sign a single player because they didnt want to pay.
  19. Probably for the best. How long until we hear Paramount makes a deal with CBS to produce a new film?
  20. I think the goal was for Trump to sound sincere and Presidential. It might have been his best address. He still sounded half asleep and not remotely sincere. Everyone reads off teleprompters but rarely do Presidents sound like their reading words they have never seen before or believe in. Trump always sounds that way when he's reading. If Trump really felt like the US needed protection from immigrants who commit violent crimes to the extent he wants a wall, why does he care so little when American's commit crimes with guns? How many generations back to the vast majority of us have to go to be immigrants? Trump? ONE. Him as his followers are NOT anti-immigrant. Their anti-brown people. They dont care how many white people come in.
  21. Its a good roster and still being formed. And if they sign Kenny, they're the promotion with the best wrestler and biggest wrestling star in the world. Someone said Jericho was like Hogan going to WCW. In some ways (Hogan was a bigger star) but the combination of Jericho & Kenny....thats huge. When you walk into a boardroom of a major network and they ask who you are and who your talent is, those executives might know nothing about wrestling. But they DO know Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega. It opens every door.
  22. ROH has a good syndication package because they're owned by Sinclair which is the largest owner of syndication stations in the US. It would have helped them a lot if they had got WGN but the sale didnt work out. The rumor for AEW is TNT (non prime-time, non-live). Which would be a pretty good get. You're completely right and I completely agree that the negativity is laughable...its all "but they dont have this and they dont have that". Look, if they end up doing no shows, no TV etc, then sure, it was nothing. But they had at least two suiters for TV and thats why the Khan family is invested. We have to wait and see. Anyone calling guys "midgets" (an old Nash argument) in 2019 is completely moronic. Reportedly their booking inspiration is Bill Watts Mid South Wrestling. Define huge draw. Who's a huge draw in WWE outside of John Cena? Jericho and Omega drew New Japan's largest buys in North America of all time...moved the needle big time (for a show in the middle of the week, in the middle of the night). Everything is relative but you're completely wrong. You dont like New Japan, you dont like Omega, you dont like when you're not the smartest fan in the room. But none of that changes facts and Jericho in New japan was a big success. Which is why they want to keep him. MLW is not AEW. They are good, good TV deal, good production, some decent talent. Not sure what the other points mean. They dont have TV right now. They DO, they just havent announced it. Their next show isnt until May. Ummm, yeah, four months from now...POST-WM...Vegas tourist season kicking off, long weekend in the US. Pretty smart. And yes, maybe their TV will launch when SD moves to FOX...in the fall...you know, when the fall TV season starts.
  23. Good Lord. Not true about Angle. His joining TNA resulted in increased PPV buy rates. You also can't discount (though you will) what name value means behind the scenes in terms of corporate support, TV distribution, merch, ticket sales, leadership etc. If Jericho was over the hill as a talent, which he isnt, he'd still matter a lot to the business side of things. When Hogan joined WCW, it was because WWE felt he was over the hill. Boy were they wrong. He was a bit younger (early 40's). Not sure what you mean by niche market but I assume you mean anything not WWE. But if you view the world through WWE fanboy glasses, you'll miss a lot. When it comes the non-WWE audience, we'll get to numbers in a minute. Again, what does that even mean aside from being Daniel Bryan's gimmick? Are the fickle fans the WWE fan boys? Or do you mean the millions of fans that have tuned out since WCW was sold, the million fans that used to watch TNA, the million fans that tuned out of WWE in just the last few years. There is clearly room for something different than what WWE is offering. Incorrect. Jericho is a proven draw. Not just in WWE but increasing New japan's business. Omega is not well known. lol Thats why WWE offered him a huge deal. Ummmm....what makes Kenny Omega better than AJ Styles. What does that even mean? You go from saying Jericho and Omega arent draws to comparing Omega & Styles....what does Styles' talent have to do with Kenny in AEW? And to answer your question, I LOVE Styles. Kenny is younger, more charismatic. Arguably more athletic, better look, better known internationally than Styles was when he signed with WWE. But its really like comparing two awesome things. So whats your point? Considering Kenny rarely works for ROH and Styles doesnt, the comparison and remark makes no sense. This comment proves you're either really personally bitter for some reason or trolling. Midgets? What a stupid comment. As for your question, they drew over 10,000 for those guys. They drew PPV buys for those guys. ROH & New Japan sold out MSG because people thought those guys would be there. I mean, really...you sound like Kevin Nash claiming no one cares about Jericho, Benoit, Eddie (how did that turn out for him?) Open your eyes. lol ROH is their prime competition for a lot of depth talent right now. But Bucks, Cody, Page all turned down WWE deals recently to sign with AEW. That makes them competitors. Kenny might very well do the same. You have no idea about draws. If WWE makes their arena look like 20,000 people are there, guess what, there isnt. It used to be in fashion for the boys to refer to WWE as "the E" or "The Fed". Its always funny when fans use insider terms. But hey, you can claim no one cares about AEW and then pooh-pooh them getting over 60,000 people watching their stream on youtube. By the way, its up to 360,000 views. So far the only point you've made that has merit or a hint of fact. Except your numbers are wrong. If they get 2 million viewers for TV, this is the type of success they could only have imagines. You know how many watched the third hour of RAW this week? 2 million. How many viewers did TNA draw when they were live in prime time on SPIKE (a deal Spike enjoyed and paid a lot of money for)? A million or so. Get a million and this thing is big. You can have your opinion and not like Cody, Bucks, PAC, Page, Jericho, Baker etc. They're all talented. So what underwhelms you, that they arent WWE guys? Again, there is life outside the WWE bubble. If they land Kenny, you can come here and talk about how nobody knows him and no one cares about him and hes not that good anyway. But if he shows on RAW, you can become erect and go online to tell fans about the one time you saw him across the parking lot at Polo Park. There are some similarities though I bet you can't name them. Excellent time to mention ROH's drawing ability after they had their best year in company history (on the back of Bucks, Cody and Omega). Cetainly the money might be an issue. They only have the richest owner in the entire wrestling business. lol We can have a nuanced discussion about indy feds owned by billionaires but I dont think you want to. Huh?
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