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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Impact announces its new US TV home - The Pursuit Channel. They begin airing there on Friday Jan 11th with a 9PM time slot. I like the guys running Impact and I hear a local guy or two might soon be there...but man, things dont really look too good.
  2. Can they just put off the vote til tomorrow? Trump will be on vacation and forget all about it. Seriously, we see Trump's strategy as the walls begin to close in. He's appealing more and more to his radical base. Just wait til they come for him with handcuffs...Could we see a US President who actually flees and is held up in some foreign nation trying to avoid extradition?
  3. Made him a late pick in my pool. So he better get his **** together.
  4. True Crime fans should check out The Innocent Man on Netflix. Im only three episodes in and its great, really setting the stage for whatever comes next.
  5. They say its a reboot but with the original cast members. Which is weird. The original cast members wont be playing highschool students so whats the point? I think they mean a revival that maybe ignores what happened in the CW revival. Though it mentions some of those cast members could return too.
  6. Said his views don’t align with trump. Wow
  7. Metlzer reports that Cody, Bucks and Hangman Page turned down WWE offers. Three of them (Im assuming Cody and the Bucks) were offered multi-year deals in excess of "seven figures annually". That's insane. Last I heard, the only people will $1 million deals in WWE were Hunter and Cena (more people make more than that but as a guaranteed "downside", not many get a million). Now imagine what the offer to Kenny will be... generational money.
  8. I was a bit young to appreciate it but I remember it being HUGE and all anyone talked about for awhile. It was very newsworthy for the performances, controversies etc. Lots of acts chose not to appear and were criticized. There were rampant rumors of a Beatles reunion (sans Lennon ofcourse) but it didnt happen. Queen's performance is probably the most iconic. According the Wikipedia, about 40% of the world's population watched the concerts.
  9. There is an app called TrapSpy that lists Checkstops, Photo Radars, accidents etc. Its actually pretty darn good. Its supported by...I think Wiseup Winnipeg. Their position is, if checkstops only looked for drunk drivers, they would not support revealing the locations. But since they are used as a net to nickel & dime motorists on minor infractions, they do. And in fact, WPS' stats support this. They always issue way way more tickets than they do alcohol related charges. I've only been pulled into two checkstops my whole life. The first time, amusingly I was on the way to work and left my wallet in my regular jacket AND had just bought the vehicle I was driving and hadnt switched the insurance yet. The officer used his powers of deduction to quickly assess I was not under any influence and let me go (technically could have nailed me on a no DL charge). Second time, just last year on the way to a social and again, easy in and out. This whole, make everyone blow is ludicrous.
  10. He can’t even keep his own BS straight from day to day
  11. He's as desperate as can be to raise his approval rating to leverage the Dems impending slaughter
  12. Saw a trucker note on twitter that a checkstop on Hwy 59 was making every motorist blow. What a waste of time and resources and a trampling of Canadians' rights.
  13. Thats very interesting. We've seen stories where a group, say UFC, was able to pin point "User 0", a person hosting a torrent or illegal stream that was being seen by thousands. But this sort of cease & desist passed through by ISP's with a demand for cash is absurd. Now get these legal eagles on the case of the police ability to stop & blow without reasonable suspicion.
  14. He did. He also pushed back on people that were upset, saying he felt it was best for his game to skip the tournament. He said he has one year to play in Finland and wants to focus on his pro game.
  15. Trump's team seems to be trying the tact that they can lie all they want to as long as it's not under oath, and ofcourse, avoid ever being under oath at all. If Mueller doesnt get him, the House will demand Trump appear before them to answer questions. You can bet Trump will refuse, be found in contempt and fight it to the Supreme Court. Unfortunately there is precedent against him. Two sides of the coin for Trump to consider. Many speculate he might be offered a deal whereby he resigns in exchange for leniency (for him and his kids). I dont really like this because it comes across political but I suppose the DOJ perspective is that Trump stole the election so him quitting at least mitigates his crime. But it doesnt really because if thats the case, Clinton should be President, not Pence. On the other hand, if trump quits or loses in 2020, he's immediately indicted for campaign finance violations. He might be okay with that if its the *worst* thing he's charged with (it probably wont be) and go the John Edwards route. But Edwards narrowly escaped prison (acquitted on one charge and Hung on the others). Trump cant plead ignorance because he's on record as saying his lawyers explained to him all about Edwards' situation, plus on record directing the payments and his co-conspirators admit it was to avoid hurting him in the election. So Trump *has* to try to win 2020 to avoid those charged. But it removes his only real leverage to negotiate with prosecutors, that he'd leave office. But if Mueller has Don Jr dead to rights, its probably moot because they'll use that to get Don Sr to plead. Will he sacrifice his own son?
  16. Trump and Flynn are playing twitter footsie over a pardon but the federal judge is having none of it
  17. Yup. And admitted he knew it was wrong to lie to the fbi. And yet there are still people arguing he didn’t know he was being interviewed so his lies shouldn’t be a crime. How about every time the fbi asks you a ******* question, you tell the truth. Oh and more good news for the Don
  18. Jets have about $6 million in cap space this year. Talk of the Cap going up to $83 or $84 million next year. So they could have around $10-$11 million without any moves. Myers, Tanev & Chiarot come off giving them another $8 million. So without doing anything, Jets have $18-$19 million in cap space next season. Morrow is an RFA but thats another potential $1 million. Same with Copp. And Kulikov will have one year left. He's playing decent and if he can stay healthy I suspect Jets keep him. Trouba is an RFA so technically his money comes off and thats another $5.5 million, giving the jets around $25 million in cap space. They need to sign Connor, Laine, Trouba and Brossoit. The following year your only big ticket item is Morrissey and potentially Roslovic. And the following year, Buff, Perreault, Lowry all come off the books (or are up for re-signing). I think the Jets can keep everyone they want.
  19. The character yes. The actress looks great. I think she's mid 40's. (Although I suppose Lecy Goranson could also be an alcoholic, I dont know lol).
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