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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Her debate with Cuomo was one of the most uncomfortable displays I've ever seen. It didnt help that there was a half second delay between them but Conway was flat awful. And she is REALLY good at her job. When you get to the point where your best spindoctor has nothing, you're in trouble.
  2. A former staffer on The Apprentice claims Trump crushed adderall and snorted it. He said it’s because trump can’t read very well and gets nervous reading cue cards. Good grief
  3. How would he even do the job without too secret clearance? Well I guess with Kelly gone, trump would just give Jared a pass and increase his clearance.
  4. Kelly Anne is usually pretty good at spin. She’s on Cuomo right now and is stuttering, tripping over her words and has nothing remotely relevant to say
  5. If Jets want a center at the deadline, they could do worse but I wouldnt give much. I'd much rather get Duchene for the playoffs if he doesnt sign in Ottawa
  6. Excellent news. its really good. And I must say, I have a thing for Becky.
  7. I will demand Butina's face added to Rushmore if her testimony brings down the NRA. Imagine if Butina and Trump hooked up. hahaha
  8. I think its far more likely that in Nemesis they made the clone bald and the images of Picard in the academy bald to make the clone seem more like Picard. But ofcourse, he could have chosen to just shave his head. You're certainly correct its possible. When I made the cannon error reference, it was more tongue in cheek.
  9. we can all do better to remember we're interacting with real people. It gets lost in the fact we're typing. But I do think this forum is one of the best I've posted at in terms of mutual respect and when it steps outside that, in the moderators reminding people. But your post is a good reminder that we should always be cognizant that we're all human beings.
  10. Guys I think he’s losing his mind
  11. Fantastic new poster and new trailer. looks really good. I still think the whole season is a backdoor pilot to an Enterprise spin off.
  12. True. In 2018, it would be rated R and Rudolph would have replied with gun fire probably. If my child came to me and asked why Rudolph would help Santa and the others after they were so mean, I'd say because he's the bigger person, selfless etc. Its still a good story in that regard, no? If Santa was dropping N bombs, I could understand it not airing today. But if the change in perspective means parents have to engage their kids to help them understand the positive messages of old tv shows, so be it. Little kids shouldn't be in charge of the remote anyway.
  13. Its sort of an idea they are doing now with the offices in different regions. NXT UK. They just did a try out in Mexico and India I believe and want to open an office in Saudi Arabia. Ofcourse, their purpose is to control all wrestling in the world so the point wont be that NXT Middle East is a different style than NXT UK (there would likely be *some* differences because youre catering to different fans but generally the point is to teach the WWE way of working and the WWE way of writing and production to every one). This was actually a Shane McMahon idea years ago before he quit. Incidentally, he also wanted to do more internet based stuff and have an internet-based promotion/show. Sort of like NXT or 205live is now. Probably a coincidence how all Shane's "bad ideas" are now Hunter's "good ideas" lol
  14. Its been awhile since I've seen Rudolph but isnt it about a deer who is different and thus bullied and yet what makes him special and different turns out to be his strength and he saves Christmas and leads all the other deer? Isnt showing the bullying part of that story? Im not sure what negative impact it would have on kids today to see it when it didnt seem to be a problem for decades previous.
  15. We can discuss the finer points of the Jets and how they arent perfect but you arent the, what 5th best team in the league (with games in hand on those above you) after 30 games by accident. It means you're good. Undeniably good players + a top 5 record = you're a good team. We can debate whether they are a cup calibre team right now. But no one can debate they arent very good.
  16. I had this debate with my gf who believes the song is not appropriate today. I think we have to be really careful about censoring creative works. And especially in the PC era (and I dont mean that in a bad way because I dont rail against common decency/respect as an attack of the PC police). But, this happened with Money For Nothing a few years ago because ONE person complained and didnt understand the point of the offending word in the song. Im 99.9% on the side of women (or more accurately 100% on the side of women in 99.9% of things). But many historians have said the song is not about coercion, but about the fact the woman wants to spend the night but is afraid of judgement. The perspective as judged by "the time" isnt that it was okay for men to coerce women, its that women had to play a role lest they be judged or "**** shamed". On its face, its playful. I would wager most adults have experienced playful moments of banter in romantic situations (both ways, not just man towards woman). If you read the lyrics its pretty clear what its about. But people pop out lines out of context. So, out of contest the offending lines are: "Say what's in this drink?" - but that follows her asking for another drink. The male replies that she should put on a record while he pours. The clear indication is not that he's slipping her a date rape drug but that he made her an extra strong drink. Next offending line: "I ought to say no, no, no". Her repeating the word "no" is not for emphasis. Its to keep the melody of the song. It follows her lamenting that she wished she could "break this spell". In other words, she wants to stay, she's enamored. She wishes she didnt want to. The line is immediately followed by "At least I can say that I tried". This isnt an example of a victim shrugging off an attack. Its her going through in her mind how she'll respond to people shaming her the next day. She repeats "no" in the next offending line: "The answer is no". This follows "I really must go." The male's response to both is "Baby, it's cold outside." Almost as if the writer purposely has a mundane, generic male statement that she is responding to. Why? Because she's not responding to him. She's talking to herself. She's trying to convince herself she should go. Have any of us been in that position? Heck yes. She immediately follows that line by complimenting the man. She is now back to addressing him (rather then internalizing). She tells him his "welcome has been so nice and warm". The man's response to this is to say he's lucky she dropped in (which tells us that she initially went to his home). It also tells us he's complimenting her, not forcing her to stay. His next line is "Look out the window at this dawn". This implied they've already spent most of the night together. That's a key line because it gives us context to the song. Its not a two minute conversation. It's a narrative of the evening. Its possible this narrative tells us her internalizing was her final thought process on whether to stay or not, clearly her choice. And the next lines referring to it being nice and warm and look at this dawn could be the AFTER of their coupling. The next lines are her being worried about what her family will think about her coming home so late (or the next day). She refers to her sister being suspicious, her brother waiting at the door and her Aunt having a "vicious mind". This is all about other people's reactions to her decision to spend the night. It could be read, again, as AFTER they've spent the night together and now she's laying there thinking about the consequences...the shaming and judgement. The male's response is to refer to her lips as "delicious" (this is 1) a compliment 2) confirming they have been intimate 3) a flirtation). She immediately responds by making another excuse to STAY (he never asked her to at this point...). She says a half a cigarette more. Again, giving herself an excuse to stay. She then goes back to saying she had to get home. If we accept the narrative that they have spent the night together, his next lines make sense "But baby, you'd freeze out there", "Its up to your knees out there". The weather is now worse than it was when she came over. She asks him to lend her a coat, implying again that the weather is now much worse than when she went to his home (and confirming some time has passed). She gives him a compliment that suggests she is getting ready to leave "you've really been grand". Her opinion of him is he's been great, its was a great night. Her next lines wrap up the narrative: "But dont you see, there's bound to be talk tomorrow, at least it will be implied". That tells us this whole routine is about her wanting to stay but fearing judgement and that she DID stay and is now fearful of that judgement. We could read it further as expressing the dichotomy between men and women where he simply has no understanding of how she will be judged because he's a man and she's a woman. That's the victimization in this song. Her last line is "I really cant stay" and he replies "get over that old out". She's reiterating that she cant stay because of the judgement and he's saying it doesnt matter, the judgement doesnt matter, he doesnt care what people think. I cant believe I just analyzed that song haha
  17. I wouldnt worry about Scheif. At his age and commitment to fitness, I dont see a problem. Wheeler...I'd not want to burn out. lol Did the 4th line get less ice because Chicago made that comeback?
  18. Which location is that? The old Papa George's?
  19. So Trump is making his defense. Cohen may have broken the law and he might even have done things at Trump's direction but Trump didnt direct him to break the law because he was ignorant of the law and relied on Cohen's expertise. Its....something. Im not sure ignorance of the law will work. My feeling is, Trump is essentially willing to admit he was in on it because of the tapes. So he cant lie on that. He known Cohen can testify that he was well aware of the legalities but he's betting there arent tapes. Lie lie lie until they've got you. Speaking of transparent and honest, I cant wait for Sanders to be re-asked that question she was asked some time ago "Were you lying to us or was Trump lying to you." I want to see her wiggle her way out of that one.
  20. At the time yes he was worried. He was playing to the racist base but sexual impropriety was still a no-no. Remener when the ***** tape came out? The only trump ever apologized for anything. They all thought he was finished. His problem now isn’t people knowing he cheats on his wife. He probably likes that. It’s that they were crimes and he’s lied repeatedly.
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