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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Didn’t someone post this already? Did I miss it? Anyway, guy passed on the trip because he couldn’t afford the taxes. Lame. Prizes should be tax free.
  2. Man...Trump must be seething today. Cohen promises to reveal all about Trump which confirms he he told a lot more to the SDNY and Mueller than just about paying off women. AMI and David Pecker are cooperating. That confirms Cohen's allegations against Trump so you have multiple witnesses pointing the finger at Trump in the campaign finance violations (felonies). And whatever else AMI knows (and we know they know a lot because we heard the tape of Cohen and Trump talking about securing the info in case something happened to Pecker), they are passing on. So the strategy here is, a little bit new, a little tightening of the noose every week (or day) coming out, building momentum of misconduct against Trump. This is happening a time the Dems are about to take control of the House and all the power that comes with it. You've got the Prosecutor in NY openly saying they're going after Trump. Its almost like this was planned. Will Trump even be President six months from now?
  3. I wonder if it gives them access to the whole vault of trunk secrets.
  4. Grandson of Robert. Son of Joe Kennedy II.
  5. What about Joseph Kennedy? Only 38 and a first term Congressman but...who doesnt love a good Kennedy!
  6. One wild theory is that Trump knows he's going to jail the second he's no longer President and will do everything he can to avoid that happening. which means running again and doing anything to win. If he lost a close election, would he accept the results? Would he be as gracious in defeat as Clinton and Obama were? Would he announce the results are invalidated and he's launching an investigation and suspending all elections until further notice? Would he demand his supporters rise up in revolution (as some right wing nuts call this presidency) to prevent him from being removed? I mean...I asked this before but honestly, imagine a close loss for Trump with lots of reports of screwy ballots and interference. Forget that those things likely happened in support of Trump...but they happen and he loses a close one...and he says, this election is not valid. We must investigate. And then does nothing. How do you make him leave? Will the Congress and Military turn on him and have the Secret Service remove him from the White House? Its insane...or is it?
  7. Maybe Beto but the experience factor. They have to have a plan. It could be Beto or someone else "fresh" and choose an experienced VP. I dont mind Biden as much as I thought I would. He seems like a genuinely nice guy and obviously very experienced. But I'd prefer people like him and Bernie settle into their roles as elder statesmen of the party and support the future while endorsing them. Bernie has a lot of followers but Bernie is never going to be President. Dont keep those followers from supporting the right person. They should decide early on the front runners, run a clean primary race and vow complete support for whomever is nominated.
  8. Its true, it IS mostly an echo chamber. But I look at it like this, if there was a thread about the KKK it would surely be an echo chamber. Not many people would post "Come on guys, they contribute to the cotton industry, stop being haters". I was a W. fan so I engaged in my fair share of disagreements and thats cool. Most people that pop in here and complain about it are Trump supporters and the idea of a racist, incompetence criminal who conspired to steal the election is perfectly okay with them. So what discussion can you really have when they dont believe those things are wrong? I recently asked the question about impeachment and if the paying off of women rises to that level. To me you can have a nuanced discussion about that. Sure, some will say YES LOCK HIM UP over jaywalking but if we have a real discussion about the sanctity of the office of President and the very serious nature of impeachment, it wont be an echo chamber, I dont think. People who agree Trump is awful might not agree with impeachment on the available evidence. I think Bernie needs to stop being critical of Dems. In fact, all Dems need to stop criticizing each other. They need a plan and they need to make sacrifices to that end. Attacking Nancy Pelosi is a good example. You dont have to like her. But she makes Trump shake in his boots. She's a great Speaker of the House. For 2020...some of these "young" candidates...you have to be able to win the general election, not just the primaries. You cant be a cool young future face of the Dems, you have to be able to beat a very committed GOP that will play very dirty (and over come Russian interference). My friend think Elizabeth Warren will be Dems candidate. I dont know... I like Kimala Harris personally but havent given much thought to it to be honest. Im usually right leaning so to cheer for Dems is a different experience lol
  9. 3 years seems fairly long to be in prison for a non violent crime. And he could have got less if he hadnt lied to prosecutors. It brings it home though. Cohen gets 3 years for crimes he committed at the direction of his boss Trump. Trump's fully implicated. Wait for the usual suspects to come here and try to defend trump now. He's an implicated co-conspirator in crimes for which others are serving real prison sentences. If Trump were not President, he'd be indicted for this exact same crime Cohen is going away for. And he'd be convicted and he'd be going to prison to. He's going to prison eventually.
  10. I think they made Picard a bit too old originally. For example, he took command of the Enterprise in 2364 at age 59. So was well into his 70's during the films. Another item the series might have to deal with is the future from All Good Things which showed Picard in 2395, or almost the same period, and suffering from Inumodic Syndrome, a degenerative neurological disease. At the conclusion of the episode, Crusher tells Picard that not everyone who has the genes for Inumodic Syndrome would develop it but that he had a very minor defect that could lead to it. She said it was so minor and difficult to find she had to use an advanced scanner setting to find it. I always took this as the writers' out. Q always had a way of helping Picard even when hurting him and one could accept that, had the events of the film not occurred, Picard would never have learned he had that specific defect. Whether the intent was for Q to inspire Picard to live a full life or to try and cure or treat it early, who knows. Many elements of that episode's future didnt come to pass (the Enterprise D was destroyed rather than becoming Riker's ship, Troi didnt die, Data DID die etc.). Other things did come true (future star fleet emblem, Picard as an ambassador (happened in the comics)). In other words, they can probably ignore All Good Things' future...lol
  11. So much to unpack lately. Trump said he thought they were would be a revolt if he were impeached. This is what he does. He inflames and encourages the worst of his base. He's now publicly called for a violent response if he's legally held responsible under the constitution he swore to protect and uphold. In Flynn's court filing he mentions his initial questioning was by FBI agent Strzok at the direction of McCabe. Both were fired by Trump (most agree, unreasonably). So here is the speculation: Why would Mueller allow Flynn to bring up Strzok and McCabe in his filings? Those are key lightening rods for the GOP Trump defenders? How about, Flynn gets questioned by Strzok at McCabe's behest and runs to Trump or Pence to tell them that the FBI is onto them or at the very least nosing around about the Russia conspiracy. Trump (or Pence) responds by ordering investigations into both men, uncovering Strzok's affair etc. Looking for a pretense to fire them in an effort to scuttle the investigation in its earliest stages. Thats obstruction.
  12. Pelosi is one smart cookie. And cool under pressure. What a visual, of Trump repeatedly cutting her off, talking over her, talking down to her. I read that Trump was furious after the cameras stopped rolling, throwing things around. Whereas Pelosi was crowing about getting Trump to embrace the shut down. Pence was likely hoping it would end so he could leave. Chuck looked bemused the entire time, like he was embarrassed for Trump and clearly didnt want this exchange in public (although it was to his benefit).
  13. Vince definitely despised Ted. It stemmed from Ted screwing Vince on a TBS deal years before. The old way of wrestling was a promotion would tape TV and send that tape to TV stations around their territory with cut ins or scrolls announcing their impending house show. Wrestling was gate driven. The TV station would air your tape for free (they didnt pay you and you didnt pay them) but it was like free advertising. Vince began paying TV stations to air his TV which upset the whole apple cart. Regional promotions began faltering and shutting down. Vince would take the top guys in each region and bring them to WWE (which was attractive because WWE's territory included New York and surrounding area which meant bigger pay offs) In Atlanta, the local promotion was Georgia Championship Wrestling owned by Ole Anderson, the Briscoes, Jim Barnett. The Briscoes and Barnett sold their majority stake in GCW to Vince. Ole hated Vince and refused to sell but it effectively ended GCW. Its referred to as Black Saturday, the day fans tuned in to watch GCW and got WWE instead. In fact, the show was called World Championship Wrestling and was then branded as WWF World Championship Wrestling. Turner was mad because his deal with GCW was that matches were taped in the TBS studio locally whereas Vince sent in a tape. Fans hated it. They were used to the southern style, competitive matches and the talent of the area (Flair, Road Warriors etc). Ratings plummeted. Ole set up a rival, Championship Wrestling from Georgia and Turner agreed to air it on TBS as well, which angered Vince. So Vince sold the time slot to Jim Crockett for $1 million (the idea being Vince used that million to finance the first WrestleMania). Turner loved wrestling as a fan though he didnt really go to shows. He mostly loved that it was popular, cheap programming which built TBS. So when Crockett was about to go under (after buying Bill Watt's UWF, which was the best wrestling TV show in the country, and screwing up the NWA/UWF invasion angle and living too large), Turner bought it to keep the programming. The famous story is, after completing the sale, he called Vince and said "hey Vince, Im in the rasslin business" and Vince replied "That's great Ted. We're in the sports entertainment business". The irony is that when WCW was kicking WWE's ass, Vince painted himself as the victim of a huge conglomerate intent on putting them oput of business, which is exactly what he did to many of the smaller regional promotions. Vince is the great promoter of all time. But as a booker...not so much. He always had brilliant bookers around him, be it George Scott, Pat Patterson, Jim Cornette, Paul Heyman, Chris Kreski and even Russo to an extent (Russo sucked but his vision to change WWE to a more adult product was basically based on ECW and pushed hard by Shane McMahon). The more Vince meddles, the worse it gets and once he promoted Steph to head booker over Chris Kreski (who was booker during the highest rated period in WWE history), it was all downhill. She ushered in the hollywood era of creative writers and they decided they were a hollywood entertainment company. The writers today write for one person - Vince.
  14. Last week's RAW set a new historic low rating. It only held the record for one week as this week's RAW came in even lower. Without that TV money, the comparisons between WWE and WCW near the end would be more obvious. WWE is an absolute trainwreck. Its not even a free-fall...its been a slow decline that they've refused to accept or do anything about. Vince is becoming a serious detriment. Yearly average ratings: 1992 (last year of Prime Time): 2.151993: 2.051994: 1.991995: 2.431996: 2.571997: 2.641998: 4.441999: 6.09 2000: 5.882001: 4.642002: 4.012003: 3.762004: 3.672005: 3.812006: 3.902007: 3.612008: 3.272009: 3.572010: 3.282011: 3.212012: 3.002013: 3.012014: 2.952015: 2.642016: 2.262017: 2.17 And it's about a 1.5 so far this year.
  15. Connor...was that TWO empty nets he missed plus the ridiculous safe by Ward. KC was on fire all game.
  16. Picard was born in 2305. And the new series takes place in 2399. So he will be 94 years old. The actor is 78. Given the advances in medical science and life expectancy, it seems like a reasonable thing, to have a near 80 year old depict a near 100 year old in the future. One trademark CBS registered was Star Trek: Reliant. Some speculate this could a reference to the Picard series as one of his first assignments was serving aboard the USS Reliant. If so, it would indicate the series is a flashback series of some kind (unless he, as part of the plot, ends up using his old ship...but if he needs an old ship, I'd think it makes more sense to get an old Galaxy Class for the audience familiarity). As for old-aged Captains, Captain Archer was born in 2112 and died 2245 (one day after witnessing the launch of the original Enterprise). All the JJ films had him as still serving as an Admiral at 145 years old (he had previously been Federation President). That seems a bit of a stretch.
  17. AAF already had a network. What UFC and WWE TV deals show us is that there is value in live sports programming even if it draws low ratings. SD is barely 2 million per week. And they got a massive deal. Thats 52 weeks per year of course. But its not just networks, its streaming platforms. Everyone from Amazon to Facebook is looking for content. They're chasing the golden goose for sure. But its all about that rights money.
  18. I could the Pens wanting a young cheap player, someone who can play in the top six and be elevated by Crosby/Malkin. Say...a Petan.
  19. In Nemesis, young Picard was shown to be bald (as depicted by his clone and a photo of Picard in the academy). It was kinda silly to make young Picard bald just to fans would see the clone as a clone.
  20. Putting aside the debate for a moment, that’s rough company to be in for any subject.
  21. There are rumors the Moose would move to this new arena as well. I dont see it. Not sure why TN would pay rent somewhere else unless they are partners in the WHL deal and its been kept hush hush. The Jets could move the Moose if the revenue and convenience is not as valuable as what they could do with the available dates.
  22. When will trump learn. He picked the next guy, announced Kelly was out and then lost his pick. And went nuts on media saying it was fake news that his pick has declined. now kelly has to stay on longer precisely because trumps pick declined and no one wants the job
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