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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Do the rumor roundup and I see reports of Jets/Pens scouting each other. Speculation is Jets still looking at Brassard (not sure they'd really have to scout him that hard) and/or Maatta. Ive always been intrigued by Maatta as a Jet. 3 more years at $4 million. LHD. What say you?
  2. Trump should announce he's hired the best Chief of Staff of all time, himself!
  3. If you're in business, you probably dont want the added scrutiny of associating with someone who is under multiple investigations. Trump is becoming toxic.
  4. Dont forget Voyager VI is eventually discovered by a machine race and sent back to earth. Along the way it assimilates everything it can until becoming sentient and demanding to speak to its creator and inadvertently threatening the world. It is only satisfied when a selfless astronaut gives his life to merge with the machine. This hero is listed as missing in action but time would reveal the awful truth - that this merging of man and machine would create a new race of evil single-minded beings known only as The Borg.
  5. I think a lot of people are afraid of getting drawn into investigations. And then when you consider it a temporary job, how will it play in the private sector that you were a gate keeper for Trump? I mean, I'd take the job and record everything and write a book and screenplay. But thats me.
  6. Oh I agree. I just want to be fair, to be honest. And sort of look at this through the eyes of justice. We can despise Trump but would we really convict him for paying off mistresses? I think we need more (and I think its coming and if somehow Trump was smart enough to insulate himself from direct exposure, his kids are toast).
  7. As we get closer to January and the new Congress taking over, you'll hear more and more people say that investigating Trump will hurt the Dems. The will try to make that narrative stick. I saw a tweet today with one of these guys who in 2015 said the Benghazi committee was a hit on Hilary but not saying, no you dont want to investigate Trump. The GOP preys on the fairness of the left and the lack of killer instinct of the left. The right wants to play dirty but only against an opponent who isnt playing dirty.
  8. In theory I agree with you. But you have to have hard evidence. Being an ******* isnt impeachable. Even being a racist and an idiot and incompetent arent reasons for impeachment. Those would be reasons for the electorate to vote for someone else (and for the party to choose not to nominate him). As I recall reading, Nixon had wide support from the GOP during his Watergate scandal...but they soon turned with public opinion. He resigned because he knew the Senate would convict him so he avoided the whole impeachment process. He first switched VP's though as his original VP Spiro Agnew was involved in a kick back scheme and risked being impeached himself. Even when he resigned, and Nixon had no VP, with the threat of Watergate looming, there was the chance of impeachment elevating a Democrat, Speaker of the House Carl Albert to the Presidency. Albert could have thwarted Nixon's attempts to confirm a successful VP long enough to allow himself to be elevated. But to his credit said not only would he not do that, he did not think a Democrat should be elevated to the office when the people had voted for a Republican. Had he become President, he'd have resigned as soon as a Republican VP had been confirmed and sworn in. Somehow I dont think Nancy Polosi would do the same! The point being, if Pence is roped into this thing (and he might be), you might see a scenario where both are impeached. If both are successfully removed from office, Polosi would become President. Unlikely but it almost happened once before.
  9. The argument against that is, its actually a shirking of duty by Congress to decline to impeach. Especially if the mood of the nation is one of weariness over this whole matter and the Dems see a political cost to taking Trump down. Its almost a certainty that the majority would approve of Trump losing but it gets more complicated when it comes down whats seen as a political take down as opposed to an election take down. If there is reasonable evidence that Trump committed crimes, would it not be the duty of Congress to impeach? I get the argument though. The Republican's wanted Clinton booted from office for lying to Congress over an affair. If Trump's crime was lying about having affairs, honestly, I wouldn't support impeachment for that. Its complicated because you can make the case that the importance of holding a President accountable even for things like lying about an affair is because of the potential for extortion. We hear that when talking about Russia and Trump and if he they have something on him.....the same could be said for Clinton if his enemies learned of the affair with Lewinski and he was lying under oath to hide it, he becomes a liability and open to blackmail. So its important. But you have to carefully consider the act of impeachment is to disregard the will of the people who elected him. And it has to be so egregious that you can't simply allow the people to decide during the next election. Action must be taken now. And the steps to censure or criminally convict him. That's, to me, the issue here. What trump did is, in some ways, akin to what Clinton did. He paid off women to hide an affair. The difference is, Trump did it to avoid it coming out immediately before the election. It still seems a bit willy nilly to me to remove him from office. And the fact that we know he's everything that he is...so on one hand we can say, sure its willy nilly but he deserves to be turfed anyway. That's dangerous. With Clinton, I suppose we could agree what happened was perfectly acceptable. He was impeached (because, afterall, he DID lie to Congress) but was not convicted in the Senate and thus, not removed from office. Trump probably does deserve the stain of impeachment. Removing him and potentially criminally convicting him? I think that will take concrete evidence of collusion or support of collusion with Russia.
  10. Trump is so determined to try to own the narrative he happily confessed two two felonies in that tweet. The difficult discussion for many is, should he be impeached for those two campaign finance violations? On their face, the idea of a campaign finance violation sounds like a minor issue. But they're felonies. And in this case, the intent was clear - to influence the election. The sheer horror and panic that must have swept through Trump and his inner circle when they realized two women might go public with stories of affairs right before the election.... So sure, impeach him. I cant see the Senate convicting him for campaign finance violations.
  11. A bit creepy and invasive to film the guy but it’s out there now
  12. Remember when he repeatedly denied this even happened? Now his story is sure it happened but it was totally fine. That will be his response to every accusation Never xompaored with Russia will end up side we conspired with Russia but so what!
  13. He’s been interviewed by Mueller already and repeatedly he and trump are not on speaking terms.
  14. What an embarrassment. Did he forget about his bone spurs
  15. They just had a trump guy on CNN arguing that the manafort filing likely implicates the Clintons. Lol so here is a serious question. Trump is now implicated on court filings with committing so felonies (campaign finance violations) with the intent of influencing the election outcome. The DOJ policy is a sitting president cannot be indicted. But there is no law. It’s never been tested. If he were anyone else they’d indict him right now. Question: should they?
  16. This would mean that Mueller has proof Trump knew about that meeting. because he tore up the agreement with Manafort and he has to proof to a judge Manafort was lying. Someone pointed out that Comey could be the proof but Mueller knows Comey is a lousy witness cause he's a liar so in all likelyhood, Mueller has more than just a "he said" that Trump knew about it. Most likely multiple witnesses. Although you wonder...Comey liked to record his phone calls... Almost certainly Trump lied about this on his written answers to Mueller. I've seen people call that a felony (lying to FBI)...Im not aware that written answers are the same as verbal but I guess it makes sense. And the fact this is all happening after Trump submitted those answers? Could be coincidence, could be telling. What would be interesting is if after all this, they have no concrete evidence that Trump was directly involved in "collusion" but have him dead to rights on obstruction because he tried to lie and cover it up. That gets him impeached. And it probably gets him jailed. And remember, Don Jr lied to Congress about this issue, right? If he has Trump lying, he has Don Jr lying. Now who flips on who?
  17. So, Survivor this week. Another good episode. It was like watching a car accident in slow motion as the one voted out made a bad play and we all knew it was a bad play.
  18. wow. Maybe Ill record my own version. And Ill sing both parts. Badly.
  19. I scroll past it a few times. Maybe now Ill check it out!
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