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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Im sure the counter report will be tremendous if its Rudy G writing at Trump's direction.
  2. Why is he assuming the report will find him guilty? If mueller concludes trump was innocent will trump still release a counter report claiming he’s guilty? these tweets show consciousness of guilt!
  3. It would really be something. Think back to how many people said Winnipeg couldnt support pro hockey and we might be days away from two pro teams and a top junior league. All in the same city. Remarkable.
  4. Which version is most famous? Dean Martin maybe? (Im a sucker for Zooey Dechanel singing it too).
  5. I was following this late last night on CNN (after their bomb scare). Really interesting because it raises questions of redemption and if a person should be punished forever. Hart's basic point is that he has evolved and grown as a person and he's repeatedly apologized and he just can't keep doing it. Its also a good example of being careful before you say something homophobic, racist etc, cause it can be really really hard to move on from it.
  6. Sorry that was a little tongue in cheek. I would say, I dont know anything. And if I did know everything, an NDA would probably prevent me from discussing it 😉
  7. I have a macbook so...Final Cut is Apple's sofware. Does Premiere work on Mac's?
  8. I asked this on a pretty active board and no one replies so either Im just a simpleton or no one really knows. Anyone use Final Cut Pro? Im an avid Imovie user but I want more out of my video editing software. Ease of use? Will i love it? Thoughts?
  9. I guess it’s true unfortunately. I vaguely remember an angle in AWA (I think) where the Freebirds were feuding with someone...and the someone's teased a special weapon to combat Terry Gordy and it was Larry Hennig and the Freebirds went ballistic! Great angle.
  10. I heard a version that reverses the roles (is it the Gaga one?) and it was great too. Its a fun song.
  11. I thought it was funny when I heard about the backlash but the fact people are taking it seriously is hilarious for all the wrong reasons. And its not even about lightening up on PC.... you literally can't censor creative works without a really, really, really good reason. Whats next, burning books? Banning films that deal with rape or assault? And quite literally the song isnt what the people wanting it banned think its about. And even if it was, its actually a light hearted example of the type of legitimate flirtation that exists every single day between men and women (and goes both ways). My gf and I joked for years that the song was going to get banned...I bet next year, its back and no one cares. Is it public domain now? Cause whomever owns the publishing rights is probably reaping the rewards with all this nonsense. Its a GREAT song.
  12. Havent seen it confirmed but online chatter that Larry "The Ax" Hennig has died. Well known to old school Winnipeg wrestling fans from his AWA days (and father of Mr Perfect).
  13. I dont think the trademark of British Bulldog will matter between Davey and Dynamite now since they're both dead. Unless Dynamite's kids hold a grudge (but the HOF can generate some money so sometimes that heals wounds). Warrior had some very very nasty remarks that WWE is incredibly lucky the mainstream doesnt care about. His Warrior Award would disappear pretty damn fast if a major publication covered his homophobic rants. Dynamite was a pretty big star. Not in WWE *that* long due to the terrible injury he suffered so young and getting paid more in Japan but as far as worldwide star, he was pretty big. His influence on other wrestlers warrants a HOF induction alone (but WWE's HOF is more a popularity contest for Vince then legitimate). But any HOF that has Koke B Ware should have Dynamite. You could be right that Davey was big enough that they'd induct him by himself but I would think they'd do the tag team. But Davey was much friendlier with WWE much longer so its entirely possible they'd do him alone. They generally have a limit on dead inductions every year. By the way, the big rumor is Rock this year.
  14. canon error! In TNG episode "Tapestry" Q transported a critically injured Picard back to his academy days and he had hair!
  15. HTM is tremendous. We had him in several times and he was always game to do any media. He also is awesome with sponsors. During one tour, we had an off night in Winnipeg (it happened to be my birthday). The idea was to go out for my birthday and take HTM out. So I chose Cowboys (since Im not much of a bar guy but I like Cowboys). HTM had been on a CWE show several months before at Cowboys and had ingratiated himself to staff at management. About two weeks before my birthday, CWE had gone back to Cowboys without HTM (I dont think they had a name...maybe it was Demolition?). So we're there and as soon as we walk in the staff are all coming up to Honky and saying how much they missed him being at the last show. HTM introduced all of them to me and said "I only work for PCW in Winnipeg now so if you want to see the Honky Tonk Man, you have to talk to this guy". He was super. We ended the night at Teasers where he was also a big star (he knew the manager from back in the WWE days). Ended up on stage with several nude dancers singing and dancing to his theme song.
  16. Crazy! From Metlzer (didnt see this anywhere else)
  17. I hadnt seen that. That surprises me. Although Tony Condello told me he called Beefcake at home and believed his side of the story lol Oh yeah, Benoit is never going in. But its really about whether the public at large sees a person as good or bad and if bad, how bad. Benoit is obvious. But they celebrated Snuka's life when he died shortly after an old murder incident resurfaced, because the public at large ignored it. They treated Moolah like a saint when she was anything but until one of their sponsors intervened and told them to stop (one of the reasons the use Johnnie Mae Young as their women's legend now). They wouldnt put Chyna in the HOF while she was alive (Hunter once used the excuse that his daughters could google Chyna and see porn). Of course, they also declined to put a dying Vader in the HOF. It can be very petty. But the Hart's are wrestling royalty. I think Dynamite goes in with Davey as the Bulldogs and they can crow about their collective talent with Tyson Kidd, Harry Smith, Bret etc putting them over. Assuming Dynamite's family is on board (they'd get some money for it so unless they are morally opposed like Owen's widow, so I assume they'd be all for it).
  18. He did participate in matches but the disagreement is Beefcake thought it was just an autograph signing/book tour at wrestling events and Danny felt he should strut & cut every show. I definitely agree with Danny that you want him doing the hair cut. I imagine there are emails or texts somewhere indicating which one is correct on that agreement. In Winnipeg it was pretty glaring that Beefcake did nothing. He was outside the ring enforcer. But one of the heels had long hair and ended up alone in the ring after the match and it appeared obvious he was there for a haircut and Beefcake just wouldnt do it. The other thing is Danny said Beefcake didnt care about making an entrance. That might seem like a small thing but when you're producing a show, its pretty important for the feel of the show. In Winnipeg, we were shocked to see Beefcake lingering around right before his segment and didnt come through the curtain. I assume in Beefcake's mind he was minimizing the idea that he'd be involved. But it hurts the show. Funny story (cant remember if I told it in this thread, I told it on a different forum). I was at the Winnipeg show with a buddy and as we're leaving he says he has a Beefcake doll and asked if it was too "markish" to get it signed. I said whatever, you're allowed to be a fan and I doubt you'll ever see him again. So I left and it turns out the buddy went back inside with the doll and asked Beekcake to sign it. Beefcake first blew him off because he had to go to the bathroom and then finally came back and said "you know I get $20 to do this, right?". My friend thought that was unreasonable and offered $10. Beefcake then cut a promo on him about how this is his livelihood...and concluded with "$10 is enough for a couple drinks" and took it. So he didnt seem overly happy. lol
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