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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. To be honest, I've never been convinced there will be a gotcha moment for Trump. I think Mueller is respected enough that he will go after whatever wrong-doing he can prove but if he doesnt have it, he doesnt have it. And he wont nickel & dime Trump. Its possible Trump will be insulated enough or the worst things will be "we know it happened but we cant reasonably prove it beyond doubt". But...we shall see.
  2. Whats that expression, a rising tide floats all boats? If the AAFL is successful as far as TV goes, it will make the XFL more valuable as a TV property and thats basically the whole show. TV deal = XFL works. No TV deal = No XFL. In the original XFL, Vince was willing to give it a second season (it was WWE money back then, not Vince's personal fortune) but NBC pulled the plug and that was that.
  3. There has been some talk of the economy slowing and the markets have lost some of the gains. If the US slides into a recession by the next election is pretty much screws the one thing Trump can crow about. But he'll find a way to blame others.
  4. He had some questionable demands in his riders didnt he, something about wanting young female co-eds as his assistants?
  5. Yeah, I'd say if they are successful that is better for the XFL. It all comes down to a TV partner. If Vince cant find one, there is no XFL. He's banking on the rights fees for sports programming continuing to be hot and the demand for content continuing to be high.
  6. I'd say more than 50% only because Vine is nuts and has tons of cash laying around.
  7. We cant say for sure what would have happened had Perot not run...perhaps he gained votes from people who otherwise wouldnt have. But I agree its quite clear that the simplest explanation is the right was split. Its also a fact that Bush was in free fall. His popularity was immense after the Gulf War...to tumble so far and fast, yikes. And Clinton was the right guy at the right time. A baby boomer President who looked young and cool and invoked JFK. Playing Sax on Arsenio Hall...even the talks of his women made him look desirable. And Bill was one of the best public speakers of the century. Bush got a raw deal.
  8. I read an article about House of Cards where they said the joy in watching it when it debuted was how absurd it was. And the despair in watching the last couple seasons is how it seemed all to real.
  9. Buff could have felt fine in the moment. Supposedly they did the impact protocol and presumably he passed. I think it's a no brainer that if a player is knocked unconscious, he doesnt return. And I think its a no brainer if a player takes a head shot, cant stand, is confused, rubber legged, he doesnt return regardless of how good he feels a few minutes later. Symptoms can present themselves later. But you're more susceptibleto further damage after the initial impact. I wasnt watching the game so I dont know how many hits Buff delivered or received after he returned, but any minor hit could have caused further damage.
  10. In theory I agree. I was being tongue in cheek. But with injuries and poor play, Toby is an upgrade over what we have now. But hindsight is 20/20. Jets will have to upgrade their D. Im not sure how. If Myers is perceived as having value, perhaps you can move him out for a younger player. Is there a well touted young D that is looming RFA and might not re-sign with their team? That player might be a target. Or if Trouba is gone, and you can get TWO d in return, do it. But it seems unlikely (why would a team who values Trouba trade good D). Niku has to get up to speed fast. And Kulikov being long term injured hasnt helped matters. If this was still the summer, a solid free agent D would be top of the list.
  11. Incredible. “He should have shown me all the evidence so I knew what I could lie about and what I couldn’t lie about” this is exactly why his lawyers wouldn’t let him do a sit down. Cause mueller would have him under oath or have an FBI agent do the questioning lying to the fbi is a felony and trump have committed an indictable offence right there. Which would have guaranteed his impeachment.
  12. Trumps two best friends. They are so happy because they have the president of the USA in their back pocket
  13. As I recall reading, he was on board exploring the idea of reviving it. It would see Fraiser move somewhere else. Grammer said he wants a pitch that hits it out of the park or he'd be reluctant to do it. Timing might be right as the actor who played his father died so you have a storyline reason for Fraiser to move on. As I recall, they never did an episode at Cheers, did they? I think he went back to Boston and met some of the supporting actors from Cheers in a different bar but I cant remember why. And Sam and Diane appeared on Fraiser, visiting him in Seattle. I'd love to see a revival begin with Fraiser returning to Boston, perhaps in the wake of his father's death, before realizing in some Fraiser-esk way that he was reverting to a happier time...and decides on a fresh start somewhere else. Then we can visit Cheers, catch up with the old gang and still have a fresh start.
  14. His messaging is totally on point to the base that would belief anything he says. Collusion is not the legal expression. Conspiracy is. Let him declare conspiracy is not a crime and see how far he gets. If Don Jr's meeting was perfectly legal, why did they lie about it? Even if that meeting could be considered "bad form" but not criminally liable, the cover-up could be. The lies will sink them all. One day, Trump will hit his limit and fire everyone and pardon everyone and he'll sit back and basically say "I did it. So what. Come and get me." and he will dare the DOJ, Congress and the Supreme court to try.
  15. If Buff is out for any length of time, they're going to have to look at a trade but bringing in another borderline bottom NHL'er wont really help. And they likely cant afford a top 4 guy.
  16. The promoter posted a detailed explanation of his side of the story. Very similar to what I heard. We booked Brutus way back in 2002 and he was fine. That was only 5 days and he was much younger and had Honky Tonk Man with him. I remember Brutus was introduced to a friend of a friend right away who was an avid gym user. He took Brutus to work out every day and our mutual friend asked me why I didnt have more things planned for the guys when they were in town (to keep them busy and so they werent bored). I said, look we're pretty busy with the shows and these guys are adults...if they want to explore Winnipeg, they are free to do so...and free to ask us for anything they want. As it is we did take them out for several dinners and to a few after parties. But I guess Beefcake had complained to the mutual friend. The one annoying thing was, we had a local radio station contact us and ask for a morning show interview. The station wanted them at about 5 am and this message came through the previous night during an after party. The talent agreed to do it if we were able to procure them some "assistance" with waking up alert. Weirdest work meeting of my life as we discussed this for about 10 minutes and since I also worked in a bar, I was assigned the task of "you know people, right, can you get some stuff?" Ummmm yes...however, I decline. On the way back from Brandon late one night, its me driving the big names and they want to grab a 24. So we're tailed out of Brandon by the police as these guys are drinking beers in the Jeep. Finally, we're clear and Brutus decides he needs to relief himself. I learned that night of the way you do so on the road...into bottles and toss them out the window. No stopping! Anyway, too bad it didnt work out. 34 days is a long time for a 60-something wrestler but it sounds like he made a lot of money.
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