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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Well....Frasier is being looked at for a revival.
  2. He's letting in some goals he never did last season. Team D is part of it but he's not making saves he made last year. My concern is, the previous year when he struggled, he wasnt able to adjust until the off-season. Hopefully he can get back in his groove or its going to be a fight all season.
  3. Buff on IR with a concussion. It cannot be overstated how badly the NHL bungled Buff's injury. How much more damage was done to his brain by letting him return to the game. Absolutely ridiculous. Any player that is hit in the head and either cannot get up or is on rubber legs, should be out of that game. Thats a *ahem* no-brainer.
  4. One only need to look at the 200 or so times Trump spent at a Trump resort during the Presidency to show how he's personally profiting. What must it cost to have him and his detail/staff there so often.
  5. yeesh $16.99 a month. Well, people will pay it I guess. It might be an effort to preemptively manipulate people into not trying out other streaming services. We pay for Netflix and Prime. If, say, Crave looked interesting, I might be willing to have 3 or 4 services at $6-$10 per month. But if Im already spending $25-30, Im less likely to add new ones. On the flip side, if you're on the verge of cable cutting, you have all that extra money to target the programming you want. Plus, we're all going to subscribe to Disney, right?
  6. It seemed really unusual from day one. Why would a stranger attack, kill and transport her away? It would have had to be totally random since she was just out for a walk. Even a mugging gone wrong, when does the victim get transported away?
  7. What a clown show. So Cohen is an honorable person who would never lie. And then when he tells the truth to which Trump doesnt like, he's a liar. I like Trump saying Cohen made up a story to get a lesser statement and then admitted Cohen was telling the truth. These guys are brutal. Seems like Trump has surrounded himself with a lot of "honorable" and honest people....who turn into liars and weak people. Why are you working with so many liars? And why does Trump continue to defend Manafort? Because Manafort, more than anyone, can destroy him.
  8. The kids are going to be indicted. Trump will pardon all of them unless Mueller gets to him before he has a chance. The AG will never allow Trump to be indicted as President. A fight to do so will end up before the Supreme Court which will side with Trump. Trump will issue a pardon to himself. Again, something that might end up before the Supreme Court and he likely wins. Or Pence will agree to Pardon him in a deal for Trump to resign. If Congress forces Whitaker out (or if Whitaker himself faces criminal scrutiny) and Rod Rosenstein or another respected person is elevated to AG, could they approve indictment for Trump? Maybe. Maybe Trump's already under sealed indictment waiting for the day he's no longer president...
  9. Its really becoming clear (and just think about the info we DON'T know, thats not in public yet). Trump had long done business with Russia. Whether organized crime did or did not actively conspire with Trump to launder money...who knows (probably Mueller). But it seems to be a long relationship there of Russians dumping money into Trump properties above and beyond fair market value. You have the guy running for President. He's actively seeking a deal to build a hotel in Moscow that involves Putin. Meanwhile Putin hates Clinton and is actively running a cyber campaign to influence the election so 1) she loses and 2) Trump wins....Trump, who Putin controls either due to compromising video, entangled laundering crimes, cult of personality manipulation or all of the above. Trump knows damn well the Russians have hacked emails. Wikileaks was a front for foreign agents. Didnt Assange seek asylum in Russia? Trump, during a debate, implored Russia to hack Hilary (that's a treasonous statement). We know Trump Jr took a meeting with Russian contacts on the pretense of getting dirt on Hilary. The big question is if Trump knew in advance. He probably did. A layman can see conspiracy here. Firing Comey was obstruction. Trump admitted it. He previously denied the Trump Moscow project until forced to admit it. Of course, he denied payments to former gf's too...until forced to admit it (he never admitted it, just quietly stopped opposing it). At best, Trump was an unwitting co-conspirator. At worst, he openly conspired with Russia and their agents, Wiki Leaks and whomever else. He expected to lose the election and was setting up business opportunities. We know he changed his platform to include plans favorable to Russia (I believe that was around the Junior Trump Tower meeting). We know Putin ignored Obama's sanctions because he knew things would be different with Trump in the White House. This is all campaign related. If they go back further to Trump's complicated business dealings with organized crime and Russians it will only get worse. Look at Kushner's family being bailed out by foreign powers. For Trump, this might all seem like "just business" because its the way he operated for years as a private citizen. But as President, its treason. Mueller will get him for conspiracy and obstruction. Maybe money laundering. A RICO case? How does life in prison sound? Indict Junior, Eric, Ivanka and Jared and see if Trump will take the fall (prison and forfeiture of assets) to save them. Its all pretty obvious and logical. And we dont know a fraction of what Mueller knows. Hence Trump's panicked, desperate statements.
  10. Not good about buff if this is a concussion. Also makes a joke of the nhl letting him back into the game
  11. Schilling-Niku is the third pairing at practice today.
  12. Important enough to quote: The president has repeatedly insisted that he’s had no business dealing with Russia, but that’s never been altogether true. As regular readers may recall, a member of Trump’s inner circle tried to complete a major real-estate deal in Moscow during the Republican’s presidential campaign. What’s more, as Rachel has explained on the show, the financing for the proposed deal was coming by way of a bank owned and controlled by Putin’s government in Russia. This isn’t a situation in which a Trump lieutenant tackled a business venture on his own: as the Washington Post reported last year, Cohen “said that he discussed the deal three times with Trump and that Trump signed a letter of intent with the company on Oct. 28, 2015.” That’s several months after Trump launched his campaign. (He even participated in a Republican primary debate that evening.) This is the same business deal in which Felix Sater, a Russian-born real estate developer and Trump associate, said in an email that completing the agreement would help put Trump in the White House. “Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Sater wrote in an email obtained by the New York Times. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.” And now we know that Michael Cohen, while under Trump’s employ, found it necessary to lie to Congress about the deal. In fact, NBC News’ report emphasized the fact that Cohen said in his new plea that Trump’s Russian business interests “were not severed and in fact continued into Trump’s presidency in 2017.” Note, Cohen had already pleaded guilty over the summer to campaign finance and bank fraud charges. It was at that point that Cohen said he committed a felony “in coordination with and at the direction of” Donald Trump. This morning’s guilty plea is separate – and for Trump World, it’s a development that may be even more serious. This is showing the Quid Pro Quo and the relationship with Russia. These deals went all the way up the chain on both sides, Trump & Putin. Imagine a scenario where Trump's empire is ensnared in a money laundering scheme and the feds can confiscate all assets... lol
  13. Trump is so transparently terrified. There isnt a single person of any note, minus Trump, who thinks Mueller or the investigation is anything but above board. If Trump was innocent, he'd be praising the investigation because the assumption would be, it would clear him. Imagine trying to destroy the credibility of the people investigating you while knowing you did nothing wrong? How would that even look, if they cleared you? He KNOWS he's going to be screwed. Its slightly surprising he's so obvious because it IS so obvious. He's panicking.
  14. We use it a lot less due to poor customer service. Seems to be ever since the big buy out. And I agree, they DO put the heat on the restaurant and their usual response is to offer you freebies, which I assume the restaurant has to eat. We've watched drivers drive around a parking lot repeatedly unable to find the restaurant...once had a driver end up on the other side of the river from where we live...I mean, they ARE using GPS, no? If you open a chat, they basically act like nothing is wrong and we just dont understand. I also agree, their drivers seem to lack basic knowledge about parking laws (or ignore them). Ive seen parked the wrong way on pretty major streets. I've had it a couple of times and liked it. I think if they had a larger one, I'd go more often. I enjoy having leftovers.
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