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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Good news, Jesse Ventura says he's seriously considering running for President in 2020. I think it was the Green Party that he said had reached out to him. He has zero chance but I'd love to see him do the debates.
  2. Some rasslin news (From Melzer and others): - As of January 1st, WWE contracted wrestlers in the UK will not be allowed to work for any unapproved promotions. WWE had signed several UK workers for $20,000-$25,000 per year but they could pretty much work anywhere they wanted. The plan had been for WWE to eventually get NXT UK set up. They began adding conditions...for example, their guys could not wrestle anyone who worked for a major rival promotion on an indy show (Pete Dunne for example, couldn't work a New Japan guy), couldn't work anywhere within one week of a WWE event, events couldnt be filmed or streamed etc There are handful of approved indy promotions in Europe who entered into an agreement with WWE that gives WWE first option to purchase them for an agreed upon price and shut them down. A big signing is Walter, who was the PWG Champion and is based in Germany's WXW. WWE has been after him for awhile but he was dead set against relocating to the US and doing the WWE tours. He will now become a focal point of NXT UK (and potentially NXT Germany if it gets off the ground). WWE's goal is to have offices in regions around the world (originally a Shane McMahon idea many years ago, now a Hunter project). The lower end UK talent look to be able to continue under the original agreement. Upper talent (and key talent) are being restricted but will receive raises. Apparently the labor laws are different in the UK and it might be harder for WWE to make the wrestlers work as independent contractors rather then employees (which they should be) - Larry Matysik passed away at 72. He was known as the voice of "Wrestling at the Chase" (a famous wrestling show from St Louis) - Jim Duggan was in ICU, since released but no word on what happened. - Hurricane Helms is going to NXT as an agent and a coach at the performance center - James Elsworth denied he sent anything inappropriate to anyone and claims the social media accounts purported to be his were fakes (uh huh) - In a story with some local spin, Brutus Beefcake left a 30+ day tour early and went home with the promotion, CWE, telling people Beefcake got paid up front for his remaining dates and left without telling anyone. Beefcake claims he was actually owed money and left due to a family emergency. I heard a version of the truth which paints Beefcake as less of a villain but he still left in the middle of the night without telling anyone...(he also did nothing in his Winnipeg appearance and was a bit of a **** when my friend asked for an autograph).
  3. We just had Gong last night. The gf got some Skip bucks for taking part in some app review group. Funny thing is, she let Skip know the biggest problem is bad drivers (and then Skip customer service tries to gaslight you over it). The response was surprise. Well, we ordered and saw it bounce around...a Skip driver got the order and was on his way, then everything went blank. It wasnt a big deal because we expected a delay due to weather. When the Skip driver arrived he told us at least two other drivers got the order then dropped it and thats why it was delayed. Gong wrote on an included menu to order directly for "no delay". lol
  4. They havent seemed to focus much on him either and he's a pretty darned adorable kid. I guess playing it safe by focusing on the stars. Looks like next week is a Harris episode though.
  5. Can you imagine if Trump loses or decides not to run again...his last day in office? That list of pardons would probably be a whos who of political criminals.
  6. To a degree I understand a time jump to show us beyond the struggle and show us an Alexandria that is thriving (since it was all but destroyed in the Negan war). But it would have made more sense over the hiatus and a smaller jump (say 2 years). But I guess they wanted Judith aged up.
  7. https://creativeonion.me/the-metoo-story-no-one-is-talking-about-ea1d23f63384
  8. Wow, you really dont get it. As 17 said, you're using the "Im not racist, I have a black friend" argument. You're so behind reality on this one. Time to take off the blinders.
  9. You're totally right. I knew of the case but didnt realise it stemmed from Epstein. The victim tells the same story as all of Epstein's victims, that she was recruited inder the guise of modelling. She claims Trump raped her and threatened her. There was a second person who swore to the validity of her account as a witness. And there was a third girl who the original victim says Trump referenced as having disappeared after an assault by Trump ("Katie Johnson" witnessed her being abused by Trump).
  10. Calling them "very fine people" is actually praise. That's a positive statement. For a guy who occasionally tries to pretend he's not a Trump supporter, you sure do defend him a lot and seem to be personally offended when he's criticized.
  11. You're not even making sense now. 17to85's point was that Trump was a racist and you counter with stats on people who voted for him. You do know the difference between Trump the person and Trump supporters, right? I mean...you know how individuals as a concept work, right?
  12. What utter nonsense. And such a weak counter. But honestly, I'd rather be accused of disagreeing with racists than embracing them. Im exactly what I've always said I am and I dont feel embarrassed and have to pretend to be something else. I've voted Conservative federally every election since Cretien's first. What are you pretending to be? (I think we know).
  13. Nah, Im right on point with you as usual. Try to keep up, if you're going to keep playing this absurd game.
  14. Praising white supremacists/nazi's and blaming the protesters. How he openly treats people of colour (for example reporters). Declaring himself a "nationalist" when he knows exactly what that means. How about how he initially refused to reject David Duke's endorsement (the grand wizard of the KKK). Guy's a racist.
  15. Its never come out, as far as I can tell, that Trump or Clinton slept with any of the girls but they were both friends with Epstein and visited him and flew on his private jet. One of the girls, has said she slept with Prince Andrew and Dershowitz though.
  16. So your questioned was answered and your response is to try to cloud it with something else that you try to present as a defense of Trump. Its always whataboutism. Like literally, the vast majority of Trump fans simply make whataboutism arguments. Thats why people dont often take seriously when trump defenders post here...its never really anything but nonsense.
  17. You mean like calling a racist a racist? Thats not really name-calling. Its describing a factual scenario. Trump's own words and deeds are what brand him. You can't expect much love from people when you routinely defend that or try to make excuses. I understand that this seems like an echo chamber. But its sort of akin to a thread about any horrible person being called an echo chamber...
  18. I think Clinton was a close friend of Epstein's. Its clear Epstein got an absurdly sweet deal that might actually have been illegal. The question is why? It doesnt appear he provided anything of substance (he testified against some other financial guys but that appears unconnected). The suspcion is, everyone wanted the case to go away because of who his "clients" were....If Trump, Clinton and Andrew were all charged with raping a child...thats bad. But if true, it should obviously happen.
  19. Oh so your position is, Trump just embraces racists because he wants to win, but he isnt actually a racist? Is that how you justify your support? Disgusting.
  20. Just stop. You're far too transparent and its very unbecoming. When someone embraces and courts white supremacists, nazi's and KKK members, when they routinely scold and berate minorities, when they desperately try to create immigration policies or rules to keep them out, he's a racist. If you condone that, you're one too.
  21. Every so often you come here and try to cover your tracks as an unabashed Trump supporter. I think when someone loves something but is embarrassed to admit it, it speaks volumes. But here you fully expose yourself. To suggest Trump doesnt share their ideals is laughable. Laughable. If you embrace a racist, you're a racist. Period.
  22. Good story on Tyson Kidd who suffered a career ending (almost worst) injury. Interestingly, he failed Kindergarten... https://www.thewhig.com/entertainment/television/tj-wilson-wrestlings-comeback-kidd
  23. Whomever was responsible for the Republican's strategy last election was very smart and deserves a lot of credit. They didnt try to win the whole thing, they target specific areas where winning would get them the electoral college. Ofcourse, with a big assist from Russia. I was surprised this week to learn a friend is a Trump supporter and mentioned the economy and "stop watching fake news CNN". I was like dude...come on. He has many friends in the US and I assume they are Trump-ites and feeding him this nonsense. If the economy ever sunk, which some people believe will happen, Trump is toast even with his base. He'll never lose the "core base" which is, ofcourse, the racists, crazy religious nuts etc. Because they support him precisely because he shares their ideals. I always assume, even if you're a diehard Republican, that fact (that he plays to the racist alt right) would be enough to turn you against him...but seemingly, people can turn a blind eye to the worst things if they think it means they "win".
  24. Panago is good. My gf is Vegan so our choices (or rather, HER choices) are limited. Mr Bones had a vegan option so we'd often drive all the way to McPhillips for pizza night. Panago delivered to our area and was pretty darn good (had better side dishes than Mr Bones too). The Panago here on St Mary's is Pizza Gong and is a bit different than Panago but arguably better. I recommend it. The way I hear it, Panago HQ shut down Winnipeg to focus on expansion out East. And the local owners were caught off guard and not happy.
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