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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. TV updates. The Walking Dead had its mid-season finale. This season has been a vast improvement over the last 2-3. I know many people were ready to check out (or did check out because ratings had fallen a lot). But man...the mid-season finale death was a bit rough. And the time jump after Rick's exit was a bit unrealistic. But its back to being character-driven. Can the Connors survive without Roseanne? Its waaaay funnier without Roseanne. Although they seem to have forgotten about the kids this year and the focus is on the adults. A love interest for Darlene, pregnancy for Becky, Dan dealing with his wife's death. But its really good. I think Lecy Goranson (Becky) is highlight this season. Not only does she seem a far better actor than she used to be, her character gets most of the funny lines. Does anyone watch Blue Bloods? Its quietly hit, what, 9 seasons? And its still pretty good. Its actually remarkably consistent in tone and quality. There's a new Star Trek Discovery ad out with Spock speaking...looks all action this season.
  2. Lack of killer instinct. Lack of D. And if Helle is going to be average, there is going to be some issues this season.
  3. he was re-tweeting a right wing troll account. He’s losing it. This after word Manafort’s lawyer briefed trump’s lawyers about what was told to Mueller. Trump is clearly enraged/worried.
  4. Count me as one that likes some grease to my pizza. Tony's Pizza (On Pembina) is greasy and awesome.
  5. The thing Trump has going for him is the complete capitulation of the GOP. Should Trump ever become so poisonous that it means the certain defeat of incumbent senators or loss of the White House to the Dems for several terms, they will wash their hands of him. The House would impeach him tomorrow. If Mueller's report is criminally damning, he's impeached. Its whether the GOP Senate can protect him without losing their own seats, thats the question. As for political consequence to Trump, does anyone care? He's old and probably not even likely to run again. The whole thing is about his brand which has been damaged. His kids have never shown any propensity for being smarter than him so they likely wont prosper. I remember reading that Ivanka had designs on becoming the first female President. The consequences might be that dear old dad is so gross, he takes down her dreams too.
  6. SO this new lander will drill into the surface of mars. Someone made a great point on twitter. Imagine if they found oil. Sure it would confirm life. But the bigger story would be we’d have humans and oil rigs on mars by next summer lol also this:
  7. A pardon seems to be the idea. Same with Corsi. They both have joint defense agreements with Trump. So you can assume there has been a pardon promised. But if Trump did pardon these guys, it would probably blow up in his face. How much, is anyones guess.
  8. When even Geraldo knows, you know worth watching
  9. It was a stuffed crust I ordered so that must be it.
  10. I love this stuff. I so very much want to see a human on Mars in my lifetime.
  11. Ill have Ceasar's occasionally, nice for the ease of pick up but I agree, its not very good. There's a brand and Save On (or maybe other places), I think called Mike's. For frozen pizza, I enjoy it very much.
  12. I dated a manager of a Pizza Hut and she told me they were clean and professional UNLESS a customer complained and was rude. She said you did not want to be a **** and send your pizza back...if you had an issue, get a credit for next time. Personally, I worked for Grapes. That's the extent of my restaurant experience. Fairly clean kitchen and good food (at the Main St location). Pier 7 was pretty gross. I dont know if its true but I heard they closed down to renovate and stopped halfway through when they realized the job was going to too costly to get it up to code. As staff we always thought it was weird that they closed it since it seemed to be the only Grapes making money. I recall working the Main St location where we'd have the manager come up to us on Sunday night and say he got a call from the owner or Director of Ops and told how under they were for the week...and we'd be told to make as much money as possible (in terms of how we handled the line up/capacity/over-serving). Everyone knew it was only a matter of time before they went under. They gutted the bar on Main st and totally ruined the vibe of the place. it never recovered. I moved on to Pier 7 but wasnt there long as the atmosphere sucked. I was 19 and worked at Scandals as well. At Pier 7, I'd work alone doing security when it was packed and there would always be under-age drinkers (I was admonished for ID'ing). It was fun to a degree (everyone from the manager to the bartenders etc were all openly sleeping with each other and patrons). But after a few weeks of fighting alone, I instituted some new processes and was told "this isnt Scandals". I said "yeah, at Scandals we have a team of bouncers, security log books, barring list etc,". At Pier 7 it was me vs the world every Sunday. We mutually agreed to part ways. Scandals was a lot more fun for a 19 year old bouncer (and they had great pizza, bringing this back to the topic)
  13. I agree. 100 years from now, Trump will be taught in schools in a similar, yet opposite way we learn and talk about Lincoln.
  14. How stupid can a person be to enter a plea deal and then lie to the FBI and Special Prosecutor. At his age, does he really want to go to jail for the rest of his life to protect Trump? Or is it Russia he fears....? You've got Trump railing against migrants as "illegal", ordering children be tear gassed and yet attacks Mueller for "ruining lives" of guilty people. No wonder his approval numbers are a disaster. But ECONOMY...yeah right.
  15. Is that what they spray on the pizza after it cooks? Every so often I have a craving for Pizza Hut and I arrived early to pick up last week. Watched the pizza get made, go through the oven and then they spray it with something (I assumed it was what gives it a buttery taste on the crust). Since Panago closed, we tried Pizza Gong (Panago location & owner). Its really good and the gf likes the fact they have Vegan cheese as an option).
  16. Migrants trying to lawfully enter and request asylum get their children tear gassed. Russia attacks Ukraine and....crickets
  17. Claude is being a needless **** in his remark but there is some seriousness in there. Trump looks remarkably unhealthy, especially compared to his TV appearances. Fair game from the media to ask about his fitness when he's wearing a visible patch on one arm and appears to be wearing a very large bandage or patch under his shirt (maybe a shoulder injury and he bandages it to play golf?) I always said he looked good for his age. He looks like he's aged a decade in this photo. Stressed much?
  18. is Costco cool enough for Sage Creek residents? Especially if they're the last area to get one? lol
  19. Anyone see this viral video from a local loser? I dont even want to post the tweet cause it's vile. Local rapper gets denied entry into a Winnipeg bar for using a homophobic slur, proceeds to do a live stream ranting about how much he hates gays and they should all be locked up. He released an awful apology today which includes him saying he respects gay people's "choices". Anyway, in another local connection, he works for BellMTS Place. Probably not for long, although I dont see a statement issued by them.
  20. "I know a guy who works there" is how all myths start. lol
  21. Not sure if its in the above video but I thought this was particularly interesting, from Meyer talking about the Khan homages in STID: Bang on. I actually debated writer/director Bob Orci about this very thing. Debate might be a stretch. More, myself and others gave their opinions, much like Meyer and Orci was a first rate assclown to people. Very very thin skinned and can't take criticism. You can see why everyone dropped him like a bad habit. STID was abysmal and their quest to showboat to Trek fans with hollow homages was part of the problem.
  22. Good news, you can go back to Arby's: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/arbys-liquid-meat/ You can actually watch them slice the meat (I cant recall if its visible at the KP location, but they always had the side of beef visible on the slicing machine at other locations. Very tasty.
  23. Missed this one. I have to say I LOVED Little House as a kid. Read most of the books and really enjoyed the TV show. He was great in Boogie Nights, very natural way about him.
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