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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I remember "Summer Girls" being a huge song.
  2. Remember when people said they wanted a successful businessman as President and not a "politician"? Well, when you elect someone who has no clue how government works and is used to getting his own way like a big baby, this is what happens.
  3. Although rich people dont get that way being careless with their money. Ted Turner, a huge wrestling fan, explored starting up when his non-compete expired (this is many years ago) and was told $50 million to even have a chance to compete with WWE. He never mentioned it again. Panda Energy lost over $30 million on TNA because it was their daughter's vanity project and even they finally had enough. Drops in the bucket for these people but they dont like to part with the money. But if this is all actually happening and they have WGN involved for TV, they have a chance to at least be a ROH-level company. The issue is getting the larger wrestling community to pay for PPV's and go to live events. If a talent can go to WWE and make $1 million, you're asking him to make less in the new venture (or you're intending to generate a ton of revenue fast).
  4. Some potentially big news. Its been discovered that several trademarks have been filed in Florida for "All Elite Wrestling, AEW, All Out, Double Or Nothing etc". The address they are registered to is the stadium the Jags play out of. The owner of the Jags had been connected to a rumors start up that had Jericho and Jim Ross attached. Both Jericho and Jim Ross blew it off so the rumor didnt get much steam. The idea here would be Cody, Bucks and presumably Kenny, Page etc forgoing WWE, New Japan and ROH and starting up their own promotion in 2019. The rumor previously going around was Jim Ross & Jericho were quietly contacting talent and suggesting they not re-sign with whomever they're currently signed with. EDIT: The owner of the Jags, Shahid Khan is worth close to $7 billion so he has some money and. through the NFL, some connections. Cody & The Bucks are friendly with WGN who aired the All In preview show (WGN wanted to air the entire show). One of the trademarks is "Tuesday Night Dynamite" which sure sounds like a TV show (a bad name, but whatever). If you already know you're running TV on Tuesday Night, it means you're well into negotiations with a TV outlet...With SD moving back to Friday, Tuesday is a good day to run.
  5. I think Trump's strategy as it relates to Whitaker is not to have him fire Mueller. Because if he did, its a constitutional crises since Whitaker is not Senate confirmed. I think it's merely to have a spy in the Special Counsel's office. When Sessions recused himself, he was not privy to what Mueller's team was doing. All requests and indictments etc went to Rod Rosenstein who was, it seems, effectively allowing Mueller to run the show. Whitaker might not stop Mueller, but he's now privy to everything and likely, passing it on to Trump. Additionally, the reason Trump has now provided his written answers and renewed calls to wrap up the investigation, is because Mueller submits his report to the AG and the AG chooses what to do with it. Before Sessions was fired, that meant Rod and he would then decide whether to submit to Congress for impeachment (or even authorize indictments on Trump...which would kick off another round of legal battles). He also decides if the report is made public. Whitaker becomes the gate keeper. It means Trump will get to know whats in the report and it could potentially be kept from the public. I dont expect Congress to let that happen, but it could turn into a legal battle. Since Whitaker can only serve for a period of time, that time is now to try to wrap this up. There is some question as to whether Whitaker is even allowed to be Acting AG since he's never been confirmed by Senate. But certainly, they must have a confirmed AG in there at the end of the temporary acting period (I think its 200 days). Even as partisan as the Senate is, Im not sure they'd confirm someone who is merely a Trump stooge who's intent on screwing with Mueller.
  6. Isn’t the feeling here that Trump is letting Saudi Arabia off the hook, not because the country is an ally of the US but because of personal business between Trump and the royal family?
  7. WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.
  8. The plot thickens. i had read that this past Saturday was the date he was able to execute his out clause which is why nothing was said officially and the jets recalled him. Maybe they couldn’t convince him to stay.
  9. David was in a sitting position, his opponent standing behind him. Opponent broke a light tube over David's head, it slipped and cut his neck. Opponent "stabbed" at David's head with the light tube. DA felt the blood from his neck and apparently, rattled him a bit (Ive heard it was close to his jugular). He countered his opponent and flipped on top of him and appeared angry/stunned and immediately got up and walked out of the ring. He appeared to think about leaving but, still clutching his neck, re-entered the ring to do the finish. He seemed to be pissed and began to shoot a bit bit his opponent flipped him to the mat and they went to the finish. EDIT: I dont believe he suffered any serious injuries. And he was already bleeding from the head which I presume was a blade job as well as on his body from the death match antics. David, by all accounts, is a good guy who loves wrestling but these guys took total advantage of him.
  10. Seth is great. Has a new book out called Proof of Collusion that is supposed to be incredible.
  11. In other wrestling news that is making the rounds:
  12. So all you people who demanded Hilary be locked up, you’ll be demanding the same of Ivanka right? Lol
  13. Didn’t want to start a new thread so I’ll slip this in here. Awesome jerseys
  14. Whew! Thank goodness the invasion force of terrorists slowly making their way via caravan were defeated. congrats Trump! Big victory HUGE!
  15. Thats absurd. If DZ came to town in a prius, had a modest home with solar panels etc etc, you think people would complain about that? That sounds like a great argument for "why should anyone do anything?" and thats making the opposite point that you're trying to make. If my pastor preaches that I should be faithful to my wife while he's banging the nanny, Im not going to really embrace his message am I? Im going to think its okay to bang my nanny too.
  16. Are the Koch brothers advocating for people to cut down their carbon footprint or to pay a carbon tax? We expect the bad guys to do bad things. We expect the good guys to not be hypocrites. It sounds like you're agreeing that DZ is a hypocrite but you're suggesting its okay because other people do it. If we're all allowed to preach a positive message AND ignore the message, what's the point? My point is, if DZ wants to make money to be an environmental preacher, he should practice what he asks us to practice. Again, we can agree its a GOOD message, but it doesnt change the fact he's a hypocrite and you cant fault people for questioning whether he really believes in it.
  17. So David should lie and pollute as much as he wants to...? Because....then its even? That doesnt make any sense.
  18. 1.David Suzuki says that science has shown that mankind is raising the temperature of the planet. 2. But. David Suzuki lives in three houses, and flies in planes. 3. Therefore. David is a hypocrite at best. At worst he knows the message he's preaching is bogus and hence why he doesn't live by it himself. I remember him taking a lot of flak for having several buses running during his speaking tours and there was some technical explanation for why you want the bus to keep running (keeping the power on or something) but it wasnt lost on people that he had several tour buses running while he was inside preaching carbon responsibility. The guy can afford a tour bus. Cool. But he also could have flown in, taken an electric cab to his hotel, did his engagement, cab back to the airport etc. If he really believed what he was preaching.
  19. I think most people envision scientists as average people and average people do average things (have a car, a modest home, computers, vacations etc). But David is pretty preachy and thats when people get annoyed. Same with Al Gore. If you demand people shrink their carbon footprint but you wont do the same...what does that say? Wealthy people have every right to enjoy the money they've worked hard for. But if you become a public person and you preach a cause, you have to expect some scrutiny. I could be wrong but I honestly think David enjoys his wealth and knows he's being hypocritical and probably feels it doesnt matter what he does because he's only one person...but he doesnt want everyone else thinking that. Its the mass amount of average (and below) that carry the burden and he knows that.
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