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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Well, all shapes and sizes and skill level in wrestling. He made it to WWE because he's sort of odd looking (looks like a jobber) as it was a comedy gimmick. But he was really good at it. He was one of the local jobbers hired to get killed by Braun but they liked him so brought him back for the angle with Carmella. They used to use local talent in the job rolls all the time but very rarely now. When they have a spot for "security" thats what they use the local talent for.
  2. I didnt bring up his marriage. I compared him to hypocritical evangelicals who are working a gimmick (faking) a moral high standing while demanding you be moral, send in money and all the while, they live in luxury and cheat on their wives. To be clear, I dont care if David cheats on his wife. I wasnt accusing him of that (although didnt he have some creepy requirements for his public speaking engagements) Im saying he's a hypocrite because he knows he asking you to make sacrifices he isnt willing to make. Its basically a racket. And my point was also to say its okay to like the message. If you dont believe in God, its okay to feel that way but I always object to people like Bill Maher who are fanatically atheist (as someone called him on twitter)...the message is still good, as long as you're not a hypocrite. David is though. And what that tells me is, he doesnt really believe it. If the people desperate for you to make sacrifices and pay taxes really believed this was of critical importance to the survival of humanity, wouldn't they be making those sacrifices even more so? if they're not, it tells you what they really believe...
  3. What does his marriage have to do with anything I said? And no where in there did I see a reasonable defence of his hypocrisy? Or is it okay for the wealthy to demand the rest of us do as we're told, pay extra taxes while they continue to live large simply because it's a good message? If so, then I hereby demand the rest of you save the damn world so I can keep living large! lol
  4. he also left his replica Cena belt (made to look like a custom Enzo belt) behind. Oops! And in other news, Ellsworth is in trouble for sending **** pics to a 16 year old. She went public and it opened the flood gates of "anonymous" women saying they too have been on the receiving end of Ellsworth's creepy behavior. Ellsworth lawyer is named Bates, as in Master Bates. Cant make this up.
  5. I agree with this. The most popular player is always the back up. And then who backs him up? I think most people just dont want the coach to be stubborn and refuse to give Strev a shot because Nichols looks like a decent QB who can play very well sometimes but cant win when it counts. So time to see what the kid can do. If he cant do it, you still have Nichols and you know you need a new plan.
  6. Man is he stupid. That female security is awesome though. I heard she's the same one that tried to tackle Gronk when he was supposed to run in and she wasnt clued in. Looked like she was ready to fight Enzo (and where was the rest of security). For his sake, they better have taken him outside the arena and not to the locker room area lol Heard everyone backstage was pissed. Saw his former gf, Liv Morgan tweet a shot at him today too.
  7. I only saw the one of the female security grabbing him and the wide shot where you couldnt see much. Just rumor that one of the security popped him good. If he thinks thats the way to get back into WWE, he's nuts.
  8. Anyone catch Survivor Series last night? It was good. Notable for Nia being boo'ed to high hell (and playing up that she injured Becky). Ronda getting boo'ed (and she's from Cali) and looking very pissed off about it. Charlotte doing a hot heel turn where she decimates Ronda and gets cheered like mad (of course). RAW beating SD in every match (other then the pre-show and supposedly Vince ordered a clean sweep and someone screwed up and had SD win the pre-show lol). Enzo Amore showing up in a disguise in the second row and revealed himself, cut a promo and was tackled by security (apparently security tuned him up pretty good too). Brock and Bryan had a really good match. Gotta go all the way with Drew Mac. He's way better than Stroman.
  9. Steveler doesnt seem ready yet. But Bombers better see if he can be. What are the contract situations like, both under contract for next season? I wouldnt cut Nichols without knowing if Streveler was the real deal.
  10. The earth has gone through several warming and cooling trends. The earth will continue to go through warming and cooling trends regardless of human intervention. The earth has been completely frozen and ice-free. Through no intervention from human beings. I think it's important to remember that. If humans caused a warming trend to happen earlier, the earth wont die. If humans are influencing the weather negatively, then sure, we should be look for ways to prevent that. We should want to get off fossil fuels even if they had no negative impact. But taxing people today (especially when corporations get left out) is absurd. Imagine if the government taxed people 1000 years ago for climate change to help us in 2100. We'd be laughing about that in history class. EDIT: Since the topic is DZ....I sort of liken him to a religious nut. I know some people hate religon but realistically, when common sense is applied, you can disagree with it and you can choose not to believe, but the message is good and its the basis of our morality. Its when those nuts take advantage of people who believe to line their own pockets that its an outrage. DZ knows he's full of crap. And he's a hypocrite. And he's created a rock star image for himself which he loves. He's like an evangelist preaching morality while he spends donations of jets, vacations, mansions, 3 wives and 5 gf's. The MESSAGE is fine...the ACTIONS are a joke.
  11. And he answered them all by himself even though his lawyers did. And even though they refused to answer some of them. He thinks he’s being set up for a perjury trap by being asked about the weather. So already we know he doesn’t know what perjury is.
  12. It does seem very ho-hum. Like for $100 million or whatever Vince estimates the start up costs, it really seems like a huge risk. But he's counting on TV rights fees for sports continuing to be valuable. XFL is slated to start a year after the other one (AAFL?). So...I dont know how successful it will be.
  13. Rather then cluttering the TV Thread with talk about the Avery case.... His new lawyer (from Making A Murder Season 2) did a twitter thread yesterday revealing new information (and Q&A). Pretty interesting:
  14. Hasnt it been common knowledge for a long time that David Z is bogus? I thought that was accepted by most. Some of his message is great. But its just his job.
  15. Not really a video but hilarious. This guys Jesse impression is amazing. Listen for the Winnipeg reference around 1:58
  16. Unfortunately very unlikely. Because its not just a matter of the VP and cabinet executing the order. President can issue a declaration in opposition and it goes to Congress who must uphold the declaration of unfitness by 2/3's in both Houses. So it requires a ton of Republicans to go along with it. It would probably be easier for those people to privately convince Trump to resign then to remove him forcibly.
  17. He’s going to look awfully bad if he’s lying. The fact “Surefire” was trying to take credit is....interesting.
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