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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. If the Leafs want value Trouba.... Jets get a top 4 D or a very good D prospect, Leafs get the stud #1 D man right now. They value that more. I dont know. Wont happen. I half expected the Pens to trade for Nylander today lol
  2. This is going to be very difficult for some people to wrap their heads around
  3. Yeah, not so much the Jets would flip him but a three way deal where Toronto gets the stud D, Jets get a top 4 D, prospect/pick and the third team gets Nylander. Too complicated to actually happen. I think if the Jets knew 100% that Trouba wanted to leave, no matter what, they'd still keep him as long as they could. Win now. That's their goal. They'd let Trouba go to arbitration again, get a one year deal and probably not even trade him til the following summer. All about icing the best team today. Buff will retire a Jet.
  4. I think if you asked 1000 hockey experts, the vast majority would say Toby is better than Chiarot and Morrow, both of whom played a lot less pro games then Toby. The argument that no NHL team wanted Toby when the argument is him vs those guys doest hold a lot of water since the only team that wanted them seems to be the Jets. I like both guys, but we're missing Toby's skill set more than we're benefiting from Chairot's and Morrow. Im not even criticizing the decision to walk away from Toby...there is age, money, injuries etc that play a part. But we're missing his skillset right now. Perhaps Niku comes in and provides that same skill set in a younger, cheaper, faster package. Then it's moot. I recall reading Toby had interest from other teams but chose to go home. Who knows.
  5. I dont know how it compares historically, but on its face, he's one of the least busy Presidents with all his "executive" time and days off. Even if you hate Hilary, can you imagine her working less than Trump? Not a chance.
  6. Haha, I already posted the response where you were wrong. Period. If there was video of Trump clubbing a baby you'd find some way to blame the baby and call it self defense. You're a naked Trump lover but dont have the courage to admit it. You're perfectly entitled to embrace the alt right, white nationalist agenda and everything that goes a long with it but its telling that you wont admit it.
  7. Isn’t it weird that the caravan invasion of terrorists that required a massive military response isn’t worth talking about since the elections?
  8. I heard some stories that SHAW offered the package and was surprised by the over-whelming response and it put them in a bit of a pickle. But as I recall, the packages were quite generous.
  9. The West Wing would be a timely revival. I've read its being talked about and the idea was the current President calling upon Bartlet for advice. I read they were having trouble making sense of using many of the other actors though. It would be interesting if they made it a commentary on Trump with an alt right President in the White House. Perhaps Sam Seaborn could be a Senator trying to keep the GOP President in check. Multi-season arc with Seaborn running for President (maybe ends up as VP Candidate), the Dems win and they have a "new world" to try to fix. I loved West Wing, even as a conservative. Great show.
  10. I guess doctored video won’t stand up in court so they have to come up with a new story.
  11. If Whitaker recuses himself I’d love to be a fly on the wall when trump finds out.
  12. Imagine being THAT White House and accusing someone else of grandstanding. Rumours abound Sanders is looking for the exit.
  13. Nope, they had it starting at 5PM and went to it live in progress. It seems pretty obvious to me. If TSN shows a game on TSN1 they should stick with it til the end (unless its a monumental blow out). The incoming game can be plugged as airing over on a different channel until the first game is over. In this case, it was weird. Im not sure why I didnt just record TSN 1 other then being lambasted about "always" recording TSN 3 because it's the "Manitoba station". I asked the gf to record a game a few weeks ago too and told her TSN 3 and she said it was showing a Jets game. So I guess the moral of the story is, no TSN 3 is not "always" the go-to channel for Bombers coverage.
  14. It depends. If you told me it was an either/or situation, you have to consider it. But Im not convinced Trouba wants to be here unless its a significant over-payment. Jets are also in the position of winning now...their window just opened. So can you trade Buff with an eye towards taking a step back? I dont think so...not with Wheeler playing the way he is and his contract. Of course, the X factor is what you get in return. Do you get a young stuff top 4 D man and a high draft pick? I think the Jets' plan is to re-sign Trouba long term and its going to be up to him as to whether he wants to be here or not. I dont think Buff impacts the decision one way or the other and even if the jets had $7 million extra floating around, they wont over-pay Trouba.
  15. Ohhhh I forgot about that one! Thanks for reminding me @FrostyWinnipeg
  16. Wrong again https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/12/us/politics/fact-check-trump-california-fire-tweet.html
  17. hahahaha remember when the Trumpologists here were tripping over themselves to get in line to fellate Trump over that?? hahahaha Thats what happens when you let blind adulation get in the way of logic and common sense.
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