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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Where and when did I say that? (And how is that relevant to what I posted?)
  2. Gee how did I know you'd say that. (And an ageist remark at that). Most people want an unbiased, non-partisan supreme court that upholds the constitution and the rights and freedoms of the citizenry. The alt right wants an alt right supreme court that upholds the white nationalist agenda and co-opts the constitution for their cause. sheesh I have a feeling that if you and your kind want RBG's seat, you're going to have to pry it from her cold dead hands.
  3. Hahaha even fox thinks he’s an idiot
  4. Here’s an image that does him no favours. Too bad it won’t matter to so many
  5. Interesting how the gender and ethnicity of his targets often comes into play.... But I bet if we looked really hard we can find an example of Obama being terse with someone. lol
  6. Makes sense. Even if the DOJ won’t put a sitting president on trial, why can’t he be indicted? Then the congress can decide what they want to do and the day he leaves office he can be arrested by the fbi. He’s clearly indictable.
  7. I love conspiracy theories. In 2002, my ex-partner (business) and I had an in-depth discussion about it and while we agreed it was a shoot, the idea of it being a work was so intriguing we considered writing a book about it - The Montreal Hoax.
  8. Well, it worked for W. vs Gore. I saw a tweet talking about the Supreme Court ruling in that case where the Justices made a point of saying their decision should NOT be considered a precedent. The implication being they werent very comfortable with their decision. Im glad W. won but even the most basic look at the goofy ballet had the 3rd party candidate mistakenly receiving enough ballots meant for Gore to decide the Presidency.
  9. McMahon’s getting closer to the political elite.
  10. Americans (or at least the pro gun nuts) are so self absorbed. If the idea that unarmed people are easy pickings then in nations with gun control, there should be tons of murders. There isnt. They need to wake up.
  11. Apparently the White House wasn’t aware of Whitaker’s numerous comments about the special counsel investigation and have been caught off guard. Which is weird since the obvious plot is a slow motion Saturday night massacre. The legality of appointing Whitaker acting AG is open to debate. It’s suppoaed to be someone who had senate confirmation (the obvious choice being Rosenstein). To do an end run around Rosenstein they went with Whitaker who has never been confirmed. Growing demand for him to recuse himself as well.
  12. I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say sanders should resign over this.
  13. I think you and I were both tooting this guys' horn early on. Saw lots of chatter that he was a super prospect.
  14. If his alt right cant have America, no one can!
  15. Seeing all these TV series announcements, I went looking for an update on the Greatest American Hero reboot and was saddened to learn ABC declined after the pilot. Its too bad as it seems timely and the lead, Hannah Simone, was great on New Girl. The original series is one of my earliest TV memories.
  16. I agree. Trump has already gone on record, numerous times, with his opinion that the AG serves HIM, not the US and that he would not have appointed Sessions if he knew he'd recuse himself and appoint a Special Counsel. He will appoint someone who will serve his interests and hamstring or fire Mueller. The good news is, it sounds like Mueller is nearing the end game and working on his final report. Trump might listen to his advisers who will say that firing Mueller now will be worse then letting him finish. The problem is, that report goes to the AG and the AG decides what to do with it. If its damning of Trump, it wont be released. Im not sure if the House can demand it (or release it). I would think so, but I dont know.
  17. There is much to like about him, but he endorsed Trump which makes you have to consider his judgement. The bridgegate incident was not good. Plus, he vetoed a law on gay marriage so he's way behind the times (though oddly he admitted that people are born gay which sort of makes his opposition more offensive). He's wishy washy on gun laws. But tough on corruption (which should make him supportive of an independent special counsel).
  18. Yes, that happens in no small part to a President who is an openly hostile, has numerous credible allegations of sexual assault & harassment, is a racist and misogynist and who seeks comfort from American's enemies while praising dictators and abusing his power. Why anyone would support that administration is absurd. And how people can defend it and defend the GOP while also lamenting the decline in America is laughable.
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