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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Exactly. The only reason to try and make the argument that there were more in the 90s is to dissuade the argument that the US needs gun control. But every link i went to indicated that gun violence is getting deadlier. There are various reports that have different parameters for "mass shooting" so you get different outcomes from the various studies. Its also true that the news covers them differently than in the 90's. We can have a nuanced discussion about gun violence (and we've talked about it in other threads). But man, if you want to minimize shootings because your favorite politician is in bed with the NRA...I mean, it just doesnt get more transparent. In the big picture, it doesnt matter. It wont change. It would take a titanic shift to the left in the US across the White House, Congress, States and the Supreme Court. The NRA and their Russian puppet masters will never let that happen.
  2. haha dude, this is a message board in Winnipeg. Your deep pain over criticism of your boy is laughable. And your efforts to distract and interrupt that criticism is very transparent. You went cherry picking and in the time it took me to reply, I had counter points coming out of your ass. If you want links, go look for them. As I clearly stated, the issue is more complex than you tried to make it seem. Because you dont want the trump Admin's policy on guns to reflect on your boy. God forbid people make the connection between Russia, The NRA and your boy.....
  3. Nah, you can try to convince me all you want to, but I wont accept racism and bigotry. That some people are willing to do that because they'd rather their "side" not "lose", is very sad to me. In many cases, its not even holding their nose, it's an acceptance of the message. If you think people should step outside their own box, I'd simply suggest you do the same. You can't defend the indefensible. The whole "liberal lefties are so closed minded" is just nonsense. Being closed minded to racism isnt a bad thing. And Im a conservative. Racism is not a conservative ideal.
  4. Amusing but if thats the hill he wants to die on, he's missing the point. His comparison to gender just doesnt hold water. But if he'd rather be told he looks like **** for his age as opposed to how good he looks for his age, who really cares. But he cant change the fact of his birth.
  5. "Unite" is the latest buzz words from the dividers. Personally, I have no desire to understand the racists and bigots. I dont need to find common ground with people like that. There is no compromising with those that have hate in their heart. Seeing seemingly intelligent people so obsessed with Trump and their conservative-ness that they'd ignore all those things is frustrating but it separates those with character from those without. So at least it serves one useful purpose.
  6. Whackjobs encouraged and supported by the words and deeds of your guy.
  7. No and you could actually do the research but your point was merely to interject to distract from the criticism levied at your boy Trump. Thats why you did it. Many mass-shootings = assault rifle ban = mass shootings decline = assault rifle ban expires (thanks NRA) = mass shootings rise again (a bit more complicated than your silly point) But wait, there's more:
  8. The vile right came up with a way to ignore it. Of course, it was vile and gross and transparent but it was enough for the gun nuts and the racists to cling to and ignore dead children. They decided it just wasnt real. They are experts at this, they send thoughts & prayers while their lightening rod lunatic losers start planting the cover story and switching the narrative from gun control to "look how stupid we are, engage with us and ignore the real debate". It works every time.
  9. You routinely post with the intended purpose of minimizing or distracting from the main point most people are discussing. To come here on the day of another mass shooting and link to a site that claims mass shootings are on the decline is just tone-deafness at best and malicious ignorance at worst. At least stand by your message....say you support the NRA and see no issue with extended mags, assault rifles etc. Its so easy to personally attack your main man Trump but not every criticism is a personal attack. Dont be so personally and emotionally offended when people are critical of him and his admin. Its transparent and undermines those times when you make solid contributions to the discussion.
  10. Done! And by the way, I am an avid Apple user but man am I angry. We have an older macbook pro and in August the HD died. I dont use the cloud but I do keep most things on an external hard drive so it wasnt the end of the world (lost a handful of things I just recently saved to the HD). Go to Apple...where you really have to plan a whole day. Was willing to buy a new macbook or large desktop (I like video editing) but they talked me into replacing the HD because it would be such a huge upgrade over what we had. So we do that. Last month, it crashes again and needs a complete re-install. Last week, same thing. Seems to be related to one of the updates for the OS. I was so angry, I almost bought a PC. GF talked me down. What the heck??
  11. I think legislation is a huge part but changing the culture is as well. And that change is hampered by the gun nuts, the NRA and the politicians who hold up the 2nd amendment as sacrosanct. If you create common sense legislation that restricts assault rifles, extended mags and bump stocks, you're targeting areas that are heavily exploited in these mass killings. You should also hold people criminally responsible when their weapon is used by someone else in a crime (that will make people who are lackadaisical about storing their weapon a lot more strict and likely make someone who just has a gun laying around reconsider. People will say, but that wont stop the nuts. But thats part of changing the culture. When cops respond to a domestic or mental health issue and a guy has these things today, what do they do? Not much it seems. But if they respond and these things are illegal or restricted, they can do more. When it stops being the norm that everyone has guns, then when people DO have guns are suspicious or sick, it will be easier to catch that before it becomes a tragedy.
  12. Should have been wearing army gear, full swat outfit and armed with an assault weapon, of course. I've had a few comments thrown my way over the years here, sort of making fun of being a bouncer. But this hits home. When someone enters a bar with mayhem in mind, those unarmed, usually under-trained bouncers are very often heroes you never hear about.
  13. The NRA loves this. The only answer to mass shootings is armed security patrolling every public place and private business. Whats Blackwater up to? They can get a federal contract to police the public. Trump can have his own militia, maybe call them them the Security Service (SS for short).
  14. Working in nightcubs for years, this was always my worst fear...I had flashbacks reading this, to the "cover charge girls" I worked with over that time. Whats Trump's answer, armed bouncers?
  15. And the White House is busy warring with cnn and doctoring videos. Disgusting.
  16. Apparently made by a white supremacist and sent out by the White (supremacist) House Can people not see how dangerous this is?
  17. This video. Sped up and/or skipped a frame clearly doctored. The admin is openly using a fake video. That’s incredible. Why not suspend all press passes? Sanders is a horrible person. Now, had Acosta just grabbed her by the *****, no problem, right?
  18. Trump, who glorifies assault, has many instances of sexual assault and harassment...suddenly this is an outrage? People need to wake up. He does not want a free press covering him. And sanders is just a disgusting person. Soulless.
  19. With all this re-boot and revival stuff happening, hopefully the Sopranos prequel turns into a series and not just a film. HBO cancelled The Deuce which they had high hopes for (it gets a third and final season to wrap everything up). A Sopranos Prequel series would surely do big business on HBO and not be overly expensive since you're re-casting everyone. If they really want more Sopranos you could do a sequel without Tony (having him die when the series went dark) but I dont really see the point given how gutted it was when it ended. Deadwood is being revived. I actually liked Vinyl a lot more than The Deuce. I wonder if Terry Winters has any more ideas...(Boardwalk Empire was really good too).
  20. Mueller kept quiet during the election out of loyalty to DOJ policy. So we can assume there were plenty of things going on behind closed doors. There are rumors Don Jr has either been indicted or will soon be. Trump could order Whitaker to fire Meuller right now. That would set up a constitutional crises. But the Dems cant act until January. So I wonder...would Trump order the DOJ to fire Mueller now and go about destroying his files to make it difficult for the House in January? Hopefully Mueller has sealed indictments for everyone warranted. Referring whatever he can to the Southern District would help to since its out of Trump's reach,.
  21. It was well known Trump was just waiting for mid-terms to be over to "fire" Sessions. The plan is likely to either fire or hamstring Mueller. It will be interesting if Whitaker also recuses himself. As Sessions Chief of Staff, I'd think he'd want to but Trump was steamed over the recusal and wants an AG he can control. The only reason Rod Rosenstein handles the Mueller case is because Sessions recused himself. If the new AG has no conflict, he'd be in charge. Will also be interesting to see if Rod is fired or resigns. And what fail safes Mueller has in place in the event of his dismissal. Knowing the House is gunning for him Trump may simply look to his new AG to "control" Mueller and demand it wrap up. On the other hand, he might figure if the Dems are coming for him, to fire Meuller now. Dems dont take over til January.
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