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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Character details for "Many Saints of Newark" Supposed to take place between 1968-1975. Tony Soprano is in it (multiple actors for various time periods) Dicki Moltisani is in it (Christopher's father) and probably shows his death, which resulted in Tony taking Chris under his wing. A new character named Aldo Moltisanti is in it. Some reports are that this is Tony's Grandfather but it doesnt make sense. Makes more sense if its Chris' grandfather. The many Moltisanti's makes sense now as the title of the film is a translation of "Moltisanti's of Newark".
  2. President is a transparent blowhard and a disgrace.
  3. Hey let’s talk about Obama. Nothing else to talk about. Oh wait That would sure sting if you have an emotional connection to trump.
  4. You and I are of the same mind. I accept that people disagree but I find it very difficult to understand why someone would support an obvious idiot who is also criminal, racist, misogynistic, a serial harasser etc. If none of those are a red line, then nothing is. And that speaks to the character of those people more than anything.
  5. He's here to post about everything other then the short-comings of Trump. Imagine posting about Bernie Sanders the day after Trump loses the House and is open to congressional investigations. Look, the echo-chamber thing is reasonable but it doesnt change the fact that all these things said about Trump are true. But being so emotionally vested in defending trump that you try and change the tone of a fan forum in Winnipeg is a bit much to me. Just seems weird. But to each their own. Kamala Harris is probably insane too but she's tougher to paint with that brush from the alt right for obvious reasons, right? lol
  6. You came here to do your usual thing where you distract and downplay out of some weird sense of emotional fealty to Trump. Both Obama & Clinton had losses in their first mid-terms which were considered referendums on the President. It was certainly expressed that way by many. Your whataboutism doesnt work here because how Obama did or what people thought is irrelevant to today. Obama isnt President. Why dont you talk about Trump?
  7. GOP is exposing their plan. Any reasonable efforts to investigate the President and hold him accountable will be called harassment. They are campaigning for 2020 already. Dems better be ready.
  8. Well you wouldnt say that about a GOP President. But sure, a first time President lacking in experience is always going to be viewed with scrutiny with a bad mid-term. His place on the "best" or "worst" list wouldn't be judged by one mid term. Thats just absurd. Let's not contort ourselves into pretzels trying to minimize the loss of the House on Trump.
  9. To be fair, when you support Trump its hard to take seriously any criticism of anyone, Dem or otherwise.
  10. Thats false. The mid-terms are always considered a referendum on the President. Heard it repeatedly about Obama and Clinton.
  11. His threat towards Dem Senators was really transparent. He's already trying to threaten the House not to investigate him.
  12. Eventually the idea of universal health care will be accepted as a no brainer in the US and not a "crazy liberal idea". Same goes with gun control. The alt right have hijacked the conservative movement opening a lot of opportunity in the middle-left. But people seem to make up their minds early and are difficult to change.
  13. Its a real shame James Gandolfini died (for many reason). You just know Sopranos would be ripe for the pickings in the new age of content is king & revivals. At least we get a prequel movie.
  14. Bernie is nutty but the insults towards him from the alt right is transparently partisan. There is no one on the "left" that should be subject to any criticism from people who support Trump. lol
  15. Discovery is January. Picard begins filming in April I believe.
  16. Perhaps best remembered as HBK’s trainer who managed him when he beat Bret for the world title.
  17. Senate stays with gop. Dems get house.
  18. The house can impeach him. And the senate won’t Convict unless the gop turns on him. Which they won’t do as long as the gop support is connected to the trump base. But if impeached trump would have to make a decision about fighting it on the senate where he’d have to testify under oath and answer questions truthfully. He may not want to. But Congress is partisan. The real focus is the meuller investigation. Dems winning tonight offers a bit of protection.
  19. Never let facts get in the way of a good insult.
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