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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. GOP good at messaging even if it’s a racist fake message. Trump is most unpopular president ever at mid terms but still has 40% support (scary commentary on America isn’t it?). Large turn out favours Dems. Common sense does too. But mobilizing voters works both ways. Losing House & Senate to Dems is game over for Trump. Won’t happen. Losing House empowers Dems but could eventually be a drag on voters. Rumors of mueller having some big news this week.
  2. Fill us in! I think the news coming out of the cruise is that it was a lot more fun then many people expected. Seems like it was an awesone time.
  3. Studied Trump’s presidency and concluded there was no intelligent life on earth and moved along
  4. I saw this...but its January/Feb. Might be nice if the Jets played (or to catch a Vegas game) but its not pool weather. Plus, packages to Vegas are pretty cheap, once you add hotel to this its not much better. If you get comped rooms though, go for it.
  5. Powers Booth. True. But the vast majority and all the key characters.
  6. So its not a spoiler to say that this past episode of The Walking Dead was Rick Grimes' last (it was AMC's marketing tag all season). But... I think the episode description for next week gives it away as well, but... TWD has been very good this season. I had all but given up on it but its been solid. They have also revealed a "TWD Universe" development - 3 big budget movies to air on AMC featuring
  7. Looking forward to the Deadwood film especially with the entire cast back.
  8. Cormier calling out Brock and telling him to bring the WWE Championship. lol
  9. It’s crazy to think that the public has to pin its hopes on the military ignoring an order from the President. But it’s not without precedent its believed Nixon’s Sec. of defense told the Joint Chiefs to ignore any military order from Nixon that didn’t also include the Sec. signature. This was near the end as Nixon because desperate, paranoid and railed against his enemies. Sound familiar? They call it patriotic treason.
  10. Hunter tore a pec and needs surgery. That main event looked really old.
  11. This was back in 2002. We’d have been way ahead of the curve. I’m not a huge fan so it was just business to me. But we had connections to some people in that world and I think we could have done some cool things.
  12. So....anyone watching Crown Jewel?
  13. Yes, I know some people will pooh-pooh all this and say its just anti-Trump people going insane. But I think there is a real fear. I mean, you have a mad bomber indoctrinated into the Trump cult who tries to assassinate his political enemies, people he stated were enemies by name. Trump has never tried to douse the flames, he fans them. Its not like there will be a civil war because the majority of these racist right wing nuts seem very cowardly. But many have stockpiles of weapons and they're going to do bad things fighting an imaginary war for their "dear leader".
  14. The business was shut down in Winnipeg, though I believe the Montreal office continued. There were two legit businesses operating under NIC (or owned by the same guy) - an IT firm and us (PCW). The IT firm was spun off under a new name and new ownership. And we, ofcourse, were effectively shut down by the owner and continued to operate under our own ownership. One year after the arrests, the owner (John) died in another newsworthy event. He "fell" out of a window at....cant remember the name, that shitty hotel across from HSC. He survived the fall, landing on an over-hang where he froze to death. The WPG Sun helpfully included a photo where his body was visible (I think it ran on the front page). With John gone, charges were dropped against everyone else. There is talk the police were more interested in some other connections John had and just wanted the scam business shut down due to the complaints. He did briefly run an internet pharmacy as well, in the same location, but it didnt last long I think wrestling attracts shady people because it both operates under most mainstream radar and because there is a glamour aspect. Jeff Dyck, for example, running an office job might have been his primary occupation, but it's not very "fun"...if you're a wrestling fan, its not nearly as fun as doing glitzy PPV tapings with an assortment of big name stars you grew up watching. Its the "cool" factor. Whereas most legitimate businessmen who arent just "marks" are less likely to invest in wrestling because it's generally a lousy investment. John was a wrestling fan but not a big fan. He was more a UFC fan. But two of our wrestlers worked for his company and they were young, good looking, popular...so for John, he was attracted to that element. He wanted to be the guy throwing money around to rub elbows with cool people. He lost interest almost immediately (Our first big show was March 2002 and he was effectively out by April....kept letting us use his office and keep up the facade that he was "in" and actually locked us out of the office by late summer). I actually was going to pitch him on an MMA promotion that summer but was over-ruled. I wish I had. PCW was always legit though as the money John seeded in us at the start was proceeds from a lawsuit he had won (I think it was over a company stealing his "swish" logo). Where it fell off the rails is John fell of the wagon and began using funds from our account for his own purposes to hide his extra curricular activity from his wife who was the corporate accountant. Once he had exhausted our account, he was done with us. We ended up getting very little investment from him outside of the equipment and use of his legitimate businesses (like web design, graphics etc) Its actually kind of crazy we survived because we kept up the illusion we were backed by an aggressive millionaire who'd go after anyone who screwed with us. When the truth was, we were run by two guys in their 20's with no money (and what little we had, we'd put back into wrestling just to keep it going), scrambling to keep the illusion going and stave off competitors. To run a wrestling promotion, you have to love it because you're not doing it for the money.
  15. Its all a smokescreen for their inherent racism. Watching the woman get so angry with Cuomo was both hilarious and chilling. Trump and his puppet masters are preparing the base for a domestic war. Right now, the idea is of immigrant invaders. But maybe in 2020 it will be "Dems who stole the White House". People will die and the blood will be on the hands of Trump and his GOP supporters.
  16. I've been gathering some of my memories of that time for a podcast project and our exchange here made me to some online research. I found an article I dont think I'd read before that delves into the whole business (and scam nature of it): https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/business/2002/12/25/hounded-harassed-harangued/a14d9699-2630-4f5a-9c88-11f64fcc4ff6/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.8ade24f6f2b1
  17. Cuomo on CNN had a couple of Republicans on last night. I only caught part of it. One of them, representing "Women for Trump" argued that Trump was totally right to say he wants soldiers to shoot people throwing rocks because "David threw rocks at Goliath".
  18. The good news is the military commanders will just ignore this buffoon. Can you imagine if he ordered the military to shoot into a crowd of people throwing rocks? He’s insane.
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