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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Jets are good enough to win a lot of games but if they dont improve their D play, it wont matter when it matters.
  2. hahaha these poor bastards. Apparently, their "accuser" chickened out at the last minute. Also, they hosted the presser with their flies down the entire time. hahaha Oh and odd, FOX News didnt cover it.
  3. Are you all ready for this incredible right wing scheme to discredit the Special Counsel? I bet Robert Mueller is shaking in his boots.
  4. If you take one sick day, you might as well take 3!
  5. Yeah, I dont think it ushers in a new era like the nWo did. But I cant think of any talent moves since that would be as big or impact business as much. The timing might work out perfectly as SD on FOX will attract more eyeballs so ratings *should* go up no matter what they do. If they can present a fresher, more interesting product with new talent that has cross-over appeal, its the best chance of someone catching fire. Even really big stars like Hunter and Cena were just "really big wrestling" stars, not mainstream like Austin & Rock. I think Kenny could be somewhere in the middle. The business would have to be way hotter to allow anyone to be the next Rock or Austin, no matter how big of a star they were. The reports that WWE has an angle already planned tells me they would be committed to it. The Elite guys being savvy enough to break away from the Bullet Club (a gimmick owned by WWE which WWE previously tried to get and brazenly rips off) into their own brand is tailor made for WWE as well. Especially with House Show and merch sales declining. A hot merch brand would quickly turn that around and the Elite touring would juice House Show numbers all around the world, at least on the first run in every market. Omega at Wrestlemania would be big.
  6. Well Evolution was good but yeah, its kinda lost in the Saudi Arabia stuff. They had huge profits this quarter but again, lots of declines in key metrics. Getting the Elite guys would be huge for WWE, especially with the new TV deals beginning in 2019. I could see Kenny being on SD on FOX as a cross-over appeal guy.
  7. And some interesting news coming out of the Jericho Cruise. Really, the biggest news in wrestling is where will Kenny Omega go, and that really becomes a "where does the Bullet Club go". Cody Rhodes' contract is now expired so he's a free agent. The Bucks expire at the end of the year and Kenny's expires end of January. WWE wants them all. ROH wants them all. New Japan wants them all. On the Cruise, Cody said he "swore to God he wasnt going to WWE" but later said his wife and the other guys gave him **** for saying that. They also announced that they were all no longer part of the Bullet Club and that they were "The Elite". They had previously announced their Bullet Club merch was ending at the end of the year and only their individual merch and Elite merch would be sold moving forward. The Elite group (Kenny, Cody, Bucks, Hangman Page) have said they are very serious about wanting to stay together as a group and make a group decision on where they go next. Hangman Page declined both WWE and ROH recently to remain a free agent while waiting for everyone's contracts to expire. There are rumors of a "billionaire" wanting to invest with Jericho and Jim Ross involved. Supposedly ROH's parent company Sinclair (which is a huge media company, owns the largest TV station group in the US and is far richer than WWE) was looking to invest more heavily in ROH but it seems that has changed as ROH's offers to guys have not been enough to secure them. Conflicting reports on guys being upset with New Japan management. And its being reported WWE has made offers to everyone including developed an initial angle for them to debut. WWE is cognizant of tampering (as they got in trouble when offering ROH guys deals before they were free agents). But with key guys being free already, those talks can happen (and I know one key guy who has an agent when he never did before so he can receive offers). It really cant be over-stated how critical all this is. If the Elite guys do stay together, they will have an impact on the wrestling landscape in a way Im not sure we've seen since Hall & Nash jumped to WCW. If they all go to WWE, you always risk WWE screwing it up but I strongly suspect that they'd have certain contractual assurances and freedoms. Plus, its Hunter driving this bus, not Vince. Vince calls the final shots though but I really think this would be a Hunter thing in a way it hasnt been before. It would give WWE an injection of fresh blood, especially with Kenny who is the best chance to be a major game changer since Cena (and I think if done right, he can be the next cross-over mega star in the vein of Austin or Rock....not saying he'd be THAT big, just that vein of mega star). It would drastically help House Shows which lost money for the first time in forever and especially with Roman out, Kenny as the new face is something pretty obvious (and Cody could be an upper card star and I like Page a lot too). If they all stay with some combination of ROH/New Japan, especially New Japan, it allows them to continue investing in a US/Global expansion that becomes a lot harder without those guys. It likely allows them to do an All In 2 that Cody really wants to do. It allows them to keep doing the Being The Elite steaming show (which does very well). Word is WWE is fine with them continuing the show (and I could see it becoming a Network show actually). Anyone want to make predictions on what happens? I had an interesting conversation with Kenny two weeks ago...I have never asked him point blank what his plans are because I dont want him to either have to lie to me or divulge info to me that he feels uncomfortable divulging. But when we've discussed his future in the past, he's always been pretty frank (when the first "will he or wont" debate raged a few years ago, he emailed me to say he was staying in New Japan before anyone knew, for example). He told me he legitimately doesnt know what they're going to do. I said, well let me give you my hypothesis...and he said sure. I told him what I thought and he had a big smile and said I was "very hot" (when asked if I was cold or warm).
  8. I like when they talk about diseases that have been eradicated. Colbert did a hilarious bit about it. Im surprised Trump hasnt accused them all of having AIDS yet.
  9. He's creating a narrative for the election that potential immigrants through the Mexican border are so violent and such a risk, it requires a armed response reserved for wars. Its absolutely ridiculous. But also very transparent. It will make his racist, ignorant base stand up and cheer but Im not so sure it moves the fence sitters. But I think the idea is not to gain votes, its to mobilize the base to actually vote. The Dems have the same issue in convincing people to actually vote. Whomever gets their supporters out the best will win.
  10. To follow up, Meltzer reported in his latest newsletter that Bryan didnt want to go, partially because of the treatment of women but also because of how homosexuals are treated and the fact Sammy Zayn was banned, which he felt was racism. He knew nothing about Saudi Arabia before going for the GRR earlier this year and none of the talent knew it was going to be a government-paid propaganda exercise.
  11. Well that lines up with many of the rumors that circulated around Winnipeg when he was here. I guess its really none of our business and he has that F U money now. They will likely settle so he doesnt have to answer any embarrassing questions publicly.
  12. I imagine she’d have medical records to prove the pregnancy and abortion. If they were dating surely she has photos, emails, texts and witness statements. Kane better hope their agreement was only “verbal”. Wasnt there a time when his gf suddenly dumped him and he took out a billboard or something to get her back? I wonder if the time lines up. Was this his gf or a side girl?
  13. Bryan just signed a new deal and I wonder if it included the ability to decline certain dates. WWE previously screwed with Bryan by initiated a terrible clause in all contracts whereby if a talent is hurt, they can tack the missed dates to the end of the deal. In Bryan's case, WWE refused to clear him from concussion and thus, claimed his contract would never end since he was permanently hurt. Bryan basically said he'd leave WWE as soon as his contract expired and was considering legal action. WWE ended up bringing him back as a character so his contract started ticking down again. A few months before it expired, they "suddenly" cleared him to wrestle. When they were negotiating an extension, WWE claimed his contract didnt end until next year. Bryan claimed it ended this year (Sept 1, I believe). Bryan ended up signing a new deal so it didnt matter. But I suspect WWE made some concessions. They wont fire him and I doubt they punish him because he's pretty vocal and it would look awful to punish a guy for not wanting to go to Saudi Arabia. Although, its been a while since a top face tapped out clean. (which Bryan did to AJ).
  14. One fact most people don’t know. Our PCW offices were in the same building. When the Mounties raided everyone was kicked out but we got in because they didn’t realize that fact. We shared office space with the IT arm of NIC and they were not allowed in. Mounties wanted to seize the company servers but someone (executives or lawyers) argued that it would cripple our business and while we shared an owner we weren’t named in the warrant. So they downloaded what they wanted and let the servers stay. I left before the second raid happened.
  15. You are correct sir. (You know me too well lol). Other name was IBI (international business index).
  16. They're keeping the story pretty quiet but thats the word. He refused to go.
  17. i worked for a local call centre scam many years ago. I initially worked for the owner under one of his legit businesses and then moved to the illegitimate side. I lasted about three hours before I quit. They were raided by the RCMP twice before they were finally shut down.
  18. The feds really need to engage their American counterparts and deal with this. The law didnt change in the US so the increased scrutiny is a bit ridiculous. They're essentially asking people if they ever broke the law but were never caught. I know people who have a burner cell phone for going to the US for this very reason.
  19. Interesting in the discussion of whether a president can be indicted
  20. Bryan off. Hogan on. And just for fun, Renee Young is on too. Wonder how they react when they see her Canadian passport!
  21. Cant even get a smear campaign right.
  22. I was a nintendo guy myself. I remember a friend had....Im sure it was Genesis. He got it because it had a home version of an arcade game that escapes my memory, but something about turning into a wolf. We thought it was cool. I remember my parents bought us the original NES on a vacation to Mount Rushmore. To think how awesome we thought those gaming systems were...and compare them to Red Dead today.
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