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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Mueller is in a self-imposed black out period before the election (DOJ policy, which of course was ignored during the presidential election when Comey announced the re-opening of the Clinton probe). It does seem odd Trump would bring it back to the forefront. But if the scheme works, you've mobilized your base that this is a bad guy and you have to vote. Maybe it cools off the Dems. I dont know. I think Trump is so desperate, he'd do just about anything. Dems win the house, Trump is fully investigated and the Mueller investigation has some protection. He can be impeached. Even with conviction in the Senate unlikely, Trump would probably pull a Nixon and quit before undergoing sworn testimony to the Senate and risk real jail time. He's got the Supreme Court to back him but its not going to save him from a Dem-controlled House poking around. This scheme has the hallmarks of an alt right nut (sounds like its linked to one of those podcasting conspiracy junkies) but I bet if you dig deep enough you get to someone in Trump's orbit who is involved. The worst part is, we can actually believe thats possible. What a world.
  2. So back to the real news (rather then get sucked into the Trump-ites scheme). Lots of chatter on this Mueller story. Its either a GOP plot to pay women to make up stories about Mueller (including sworn affidavits) or its a plot to make up stories about making up stores...designed to....maybe try to discredit the media? Looks like a Trump lobbyist involved in either case. The only thing that makes sense is to try and discredit Mueller before the mid-terms or find something to get the alt right base buzzing. Can only imagine this gets ramped up severely between now and the election. If the Dems take control, Trump is in big trouble.
  3. Give it a rest. No one is buying what you’re selling.
  4. Trump can’t even get his mud slinging efforts straight. So beyond Nixon it’s absurd.
  5. You're parroting Trump's nonsense and dislike being called on it. You'd rather pop in with your one sentence posts implying the bombs were a false flag or that CNN is to blame for being critical of Trump. Doesnt hold up. Subscribing to the belief the mainstream media should not be critical of elected officials or hold them accountable is nonsense. Trying to couch that in "dont fall into their trap" is just another way or spreading the same nonsense. Trump wants the media to stop being critical of him when he deserves it. Period. I mean, you're clearly a Trump supporter. lol
  6. Oh, Steve Bannon said so. Oh okay. Anyway, there are 2-3 people that post here that are curiously emotionally vested in Trump's image and their usual MO is to come post about something thats around 43rd on the hot news list to interrupt the discussion about the most pressing headlines. The narrative that the MEDIA is the enemy is absurd. But if you really believe that, you could always start by spreading the truth about FOX News, which openly admits its not actually news, where people like Tucker Carlson openly push for a "whiter" society. But yeah, CNN is the problem. The President is a bigot and spreads hateful rhetoric.. Its not the media's fault he is and does. And its not their fault the cult members who embrace that ideology get offended when news media point it out. It wasn't CNN that publicly listed all the people that were "problems" or "enemies" for the Trump fan to send bombs too. If you really had the courage of your convictions, you'd just admit what you believe in. Trying to walk the line between what you feel and how you express it isnt working.
  7. As noted, Cena is off Crown Jewel. Im guess its less his own moral issue and more his agent/publicist/studio advising against it. They had been hoping to change his mind. Rumor is Bryan is off as well. Evolution was actually really good. Nikki rose to the occasion against Ronda. Becky/Charlotte was tremendous.
  8. You're actually saying that media rightfully being critical of elected officials fuels hate and should stop? The news should stop reporting on elected officials critically? I thought maybe you were just a dug in Trump fan. But you actually believe this stuff dont you? Sorry I triggered the usual response: whataboutism. lol
  9. what would he say if someone said the exact same thing about gun rights? They are now trying to convince the public that birthright is a policy and not a constitutional right.
  10. How about some sort of credit to off-set the cost in building the line that feeds SK? Its good to see this at least. Im curious that no financials have been released and concerned because we've seen Hydro under-charge in other deals. If this brings money, money, money to Manitoba, thats good. If they're giving their power away and raising our rates/taxes to pay for it...not so good.
  11. Trump's talking point on this is that America is the only country in the world that has birthright citizenship. That is completely false. Its a lie he's telling to fan his base that they have to vote so they can rid the country of the dirty immigrants. Its so brazenly racist. But hey, CNN made the Trump guy send them a bomb right? And how about that economy which isnt as hot anymore?
  12. I believe this right is part of the 14th amendment so it will be interesting to see how Trump intends to get around it. Ofcourse, he has the Supreme Court in his pocket now. Interestingly, I thought the GOP considered the constitution sacrosanct (or is it only for guns?)
  13. Lol right. Cause media reporting on Trump’s bigoted rants is stirring the pot. What a gross suggestion. You feign disgust at he violence and then parrot trumps talking points that if only the media would stop criticizing him and get in line that everything would be ok. The violence we’ve seen is fanned by trump and Fox News. You can’t bring yourself to criticize your guy.
  14. I can’t say for sure. Speculation. But I think raw would be largely the same barring Vince stepping aside. But I think SD will be different. FOX wants to promote it via their sports programming and its being produced by Fox Sports not the tv side. So they want Ronda. Brock. Etc.
  15. Yes. Hunter would be running RAW & SD with his team of creative people. Who knows how quickly he would transition. And there are some guys that might be considered Hunter guys in creative now (Road Dogg, Ryan ward)). It’s long been said that Vince’s long-time executive producer & director Kevin Dunn is not liked by Hunter & Steph so he’d likely be on the outside looking in. NXT has been around long enough that you can get a sense for how hunter would book. But there are some thoughts that hunter may gain more power with SD when it moves to FOX. It’s really important to fox and Vince hardly goes to SD now (and even misses some RAWs). Fox wants a more sports reality presentation with SD. rumors of Daniel Cormier being considered for a commentary spot.
  16. She is souless. Bought and paid for. Its one thing to help with messaging but she out and out lies. She said today that Trump was elected by a majority of American's which is not true. He lost the popular vote. She said Trump condemned the bombings. No, he inferred it was a fake plot cooked up by Democrats and continues to blame the media, who were targeted, for creating division. He continues to spread the message that the media and the dems are the enemies and you should attack them.
  17. I think we are seeing that a lot of nasty racist idiots existed in greater numbers than we expected but at least they were kept in the dark. What Trump and the normalization of the alt right has done is made these people comfortable, perhaps even proud, to come out into the light. And they're doing a better job of messaging than the left. And people like me, long time conservatives, are caught in the middle because we literally have no political home. If the GOP had the balls to prevent this alt right take over and embrace a center-right philosophy, thats where many of us would gravitate to. But they know it would be a disaster for a few years. The GOP know they have to embrace Trump and his nasty base because there isnt enough of the center left and the left sure wont vote for them. Its why I've said, any conservative who is fed up with this needs to vote straight Dem in the next election and probably 2020 as well. You have to kill the beast before it can be replaced with something better. We've seen the worst of the right and what it can do..and it can sure get worse. We read in history books about how Hitler did what we did but we're living history right now. And people will rail against it (Trump himself whined about being compared to Hitler) but the shoe fits. Vote left to send a message. Whats the worst that can happen? Health care for all? Gun Control? Women's rights? Oh no, the horror.
  18. I had a similar issue so deleted a couple of games. Im not a big gamer so it wasnt a big deal (I basically play one at a time, maybe 2 if I have NHL going). But their next console is really going to have to have a massive hard drive if gamers want to keep multiple games active.
  19. Nice to see the Jets bringing their full contingent of Finnish players.
  20. You can't pick and choose what you get with Trump. You can't like his economic policies etc and let his hate-filled rhetoric, racist rants and idiocy go unnoticed. Reading the Pittsburgh shooter write things like "its not enough to elect Trump"....while the alt right try and frame this like an attack on Trump's policies and then it comes out his own daughter (a Jew) had to convince him to denounce it. Of course this was going to happen. And it's going to get worse. If the Dems impeach Trump, he and his zealots will be calling for an armed uprising against "the enemy". If I'm a high profile news anchor, Im making sure I am very careful. These pipe bombs werent for fun...they were an assassination attempt on two former Presidents. It's disgusting. Something even worse is going to happen. There are supporters of this cowardly shooter calling for similar attacks on " a weekly basis". Its bad. And they feel they have approval from the President.
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