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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Got Red Dead. Barely scratched the surface (Took awhile just to download it). Games like this always take some time getting into because the first few chapters you're mostly watching the game play out...and learning how to play. But the graphics, voice acting, sound editing...superb.
  2. Same can be said for having a hot worker. When AJ Styles signed with WWE, it was more to keep him away from TNA. Vince had zero plans for him. Suddenly, his house show attendance shot up and Vince was convinced he was a draw and pushed him on TV. I think its part of the desire to sign Kenny Omega. His house show numbers will go up, no doubt. Of course, the first time everyone can see him, pushes that number up, but I guarantee Kenny would work a house show style different than others. His matches will be must-see. If he goes...I mean. WWE will try a million different things to raise attendance before accepting the fact their creative and the way they produce TV is boring, formulaic and passe.
  3. On the earnings call, Vince said he knew what was wrong with house shows and how to fix it. I think declining house show numbers are a direct result of poor creative in general. When the product is hot, people go to the live shows. When its not, they dont. You're probably right as they are considering a revival of Saturday Night's Main Event as a Network show which would be an enhanced weekly house show.
  4. A House loss means Dem-led investigative committees with subpoena power. Can you say Trump Tax Returns? It also means if Trump moves to fire Meuller, the House could launch their own investigation and simply hire Mueller to run it. For most people, it will simply mean more fighting and nothing getting done.
  5. POP TV moved Impact to 10PM time slot (Fight Network also did which is curious since they own the promotion) and they drew 98,000 viewers, a very dismal number. Its disappointing because Don Callis & Scott D'amore have largely turned the company around since they've been running it. The creative is better, quality of talent is tremendous and no embarrassing news coming out. But the fans just arent watching.
  6. I love drones though I dont currently have one. I had a cheap "starter" drone but its now hanging from a tree in my yard. This clown ruins it for everyone else. Sounds like the police were very lenient with him, providing him with several warnings. Realistically, if you dont act like a jerk with your drone, you're unlikely to draw much attention, even if you're not following the letter of the law.
  7. Not even subtle about it. "Please make this story go away". wow.
  8. I think Trump is smart enough not to be seen defending this guy directly. But the narrative will be something like "look at what the constant attacks from the left have driven people to do."
  9. His newly embraced era of unity and harmony didn’t last long
  10. Entitled “everything we know”, Fox downplay the van, never mentions the suspect is a republican or avid trump supporter.
  11. Apparently a twitter account of the suspect. Threatened cnn in August
  12. Boy the Dems were sure playing the long game with this left wing plot.
  13. The new narrative I see forming among the alt right is "he's just a crazy person. Has nothing to do with Trump or right wing politics".
  14. Assuming its not sold out, I will be purchasing this today.
  15. Look at the rifle targets on specific faces including Hilary Clinton. Trump should be ashamed of himself. Where are his apologists now???
  16. Someone tweeted that they actually have prior photos of the van because they were beside it one day at a stop light and thought it was so bizarre. I bet they got this guy so fast because his friends or neighbors turned him in.
  17. The suspect will be getting a call from the President thanking him for his support.
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