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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I assume he used her name because the receiver of the package would trust the name and open the package. If they used no name or a fake name, people might be suspicious. Its like if I sent you a package, you'd wonder who I was and what the package was. If your mom sent you a package, you'd enthusiastically open it.
  2. No word yet on ethnicity or political leanings.
  3. I’ll pay real money if they arrest him while he’s wearing a MAGA hat.
  4. Finished Making A Murder. Anyone else finish it yet? It definitely ends a bit anti-climatically because Dassey and Avery are both still in prison. Dassey had his final appeal denied. - One big thing in the finale was an interview with the country coroner. By law, when a body is found, the coroner or medical examiner have to be called. She heard about the body on the news and when her staff began contacting her for a game plan. They knew they were obligated to attend the scene. She was never contacted. She called the lead Detective and asked what was up and he blew her off. He said he didnt have to tell her anything. She said she'd be going to the scene. The next day, the Sheriff calls her in and tells her if she goes near the scene she will be arrested. On the show, she pointed out that as Coroner, she's the highest ranking officer in the county and can actually arrest the Sheriff but she was intimidated. She said she received calls from several people telling her to "leave it alone" and that there was a $36 million law suit by Avery to deal with. So the implication being the cops didnt want the coroner, an independent third party to view the remains at the scene and several people connected this to the fact Avery had a lawsuit (which is the motivation for county officials to frame Avery). The coroner resigned six months later saying she was afraid to keep doing the job. She was called as a defense witness in the trial and they showed video of the DA staring a hole through her as she took the stand. As soon as she began asking a question, the DA objected, they dismissed the jury and the judge ruled her testimony was irrelevant. - Avery's original defense team missed a couple of things. As the new lawyer was going through evidence lists, she saw an evidence numbering system that piqued her interest (Im not sure why) and her team investigated and found reports from the medical examiner of human remains found in other locations. The DA's theory relied on remains being found in Avery's burn pit. Not only was his fire not capable of cremating a body, there were bones found south-west of Avery's property on county land. At the trial, the DA brushed it off claiming no expert on the planet could determine if they were human or not. That was not true. In the report, it clearly says those remains were human. And the new lawyer found additional human remains (bones) found in two additional locations on county land. They had evidence of cut marks, indicating dismemberment. This is important because it destroys the theory that Teresa was killed in the Avery garage and burned in the fire at Avery's home. Her remains were found, mostly, on county property. It supports the defense theory that a few bones were tossed in the Avery fire pit to frame him. - Perhaps most egregiously, Bobby Dassey's (Brendan's brother) computer was searched by cops and found numerous photos of dead girls and a crazy list of search terms (lots of under age girls, dead girls, knife in skin etc). The DA actually deceived the defense on this. During pre-trial, both sides meet to agree on certain facts so they dont have to call witnesses. The DA sent a memo to the Defense saying the cops analyzed the computers of BRENDAN Dassy, not Bobby and that there was "nothing of evidentiary value" found and thus, they didnt need to call the cop who did the analysis. Think about this...if the computer was Brendan's and they found all those photos and search items, the DA would absolutely use it because it totally screws Brendan. But it was BOBBY's computer. The DA told the defense it was Brendan's and nothing was found because they knew the Defense would consider that a good thing and move on. Not only was it NOT Brendan's computer but of course what was found had evidentiary value because it undermined the credibility of Bobby. At the trial Bobby testified that he saw Teresa enter Avery's home. That was undermined by other witnesses. Avery always said that Bobby was home when Teresa arrived but left right after she did. Why would Bobby lie? Well, the new lawyer got the report on Bobbys computer and an evidence trail showing it had been kept by the lead detective, in his possession and kept hush hush. Why would the detective, confronted with evidence that points at Bobby, want to hide that? Because it pointed away from Avery. And now you have a means to convince Bobby to tell a lie on the stand. During the show, they had audio of a phone call between Barb (Brendan & Bobby's mom) and Avery when she found out the lawyer was pointing the finger at Bobby and Scott (her husband and Bobby's step father). She was irate but in her tirade admitted Bobby always said he never saw Teresa walk to Avery's trailer (but he said he did, on the stand). They even had an affidavit from another brother swearing Bobby told him he saw Teresa leave the property. Remember, where the independent witness said he saw Teresa's car off the highway was right where Bobby was going hunting the night she disappeared. And credence to this, Avery didnt throw Bobby under the bus. He always said he didnt see Bobby follow Teresa. He said Bobby's truck was home when Teresa arrived and when she left, Avery walked into his trailer, dropped off a magazine Teresa gave him and walked back out and Bobby's truck was gone. He said he could see Teresa's car near the end of the long road leaving the area. If he wanted to point fingers, he'd say he saw Bobby following her. He didnt. He only said Bobby's truck was gone. Testing showed there was a dip in the road that, if Bobby had followed Teresa, Avery wouldn't have seen his truck on the road. It seems insane to think the cops did all this. But the evidence doesnt lie.
  5. And Trump continues to rip on the media and condemn people who criticize him. And the "right" pushes the narrative that the bombs are a left wing plot. What a time we live in.
  6. I care about William Nylander. But only because I took him late in my pool.
  7. As I said, those of us less inclined to be harassed or attacked should realize that its not the same for women, children and the vulnerable. But anyone suggesting a blanket "downtown is not safe to walk the streets" is playing a Trumpian game of over-selling. I'd walk downtown any night of the week at any time. Does that mean its equally safe for my petite gf? No. But it also means its not blanket statement "unsafe" at all times for everyone. Wake me up when every other city in North America reports zero crime in their downtown.
  8. I think its been discussed in the posts above yours. We discussed people being downtown for many events and the critical mass that living downtown creates. People say "sure, there are tons of people downtown during the week day cause they work there". Yes, explains the idea perfectly as to why you'd build residential which Winnipeg is doing. Thje idea Winnipeg is unique in that no one wants to work or live or play downtown just doesnt hold water. Its similar to the argument that Winnipeg is unique in that we cant have pedestrians cross an intersection without carnage.
  9. Thats totally insane. Those guys need better agents.
  10. I assume the fighters involved were supportive because I doubt you can legally trade a contract between two different companies. lol
  11. Exactly. The idea people arent there just isnt true. If someone wants to argue that during a regular weekday evening with nothing going on, its less populated? Sure, because less people live there. But your examples show that when people have a reason to be there, they are there. And we have more residential buildings being built all the time.
  12. too* Just having some fun with the lowered discourse you brought to the discussion.
  13. Here’s the answer as to why they desperately want to go
  14. "Im downtown Monday to Friday until 4PM and then I get in my car and drive away from downtown as quickly as I possibly can. But trust me, there is no one there after I leave."
  15. He drives through it as fast as he can. I agree with you, I dont go downtown a lot but I often see a lot of people. There just isnt much in the P&M corner after the work day ends. And why would you go there anyway when you can't cross? That could change when 360 Main opens, the Forks residential component opens and more development of Portage east (if it happens now).
  16. It sounds awful but good for them for thinking outside the box.
  17. Oh sorry, I thought you were done discussing this? lol Downtown is dead after 5PM (which isnt always true actually but hey, facts) because lack of people living and working there at that time. Get more people living there and you will have more activity into the evening. I've been downtown at night many times where there were plenty of people. Crime is an issue in Winnipeg that politicians dont want to deal with. Part of dealing with crime is moving in residents. The more condos and apartments that are built, the more change there will be.
  18. WWE released third quarter results today (on pace for record revenue) and had this to say: Word is, they are hoping the State Department tells them not to go so they can back out with an excuse. Earlier today an extra show in Manchester suddenly appeared on some event page sites and then disappeared. Also, they also LOST money on house shows this quarter. Thats a stat that the old Vince would have been going nuts over as he always considered live events to be a key metric to determine how they're connecting with the audience. Might be time to cut back live events.
  19. All the area stakeholders are either currently or have said they;d invest at street level. But you have to expect their desire and investment will diminish if the city wont allow people to utilize it. An over-pass has some of the same issues as the under ground, namely accessibility. This isnt about whether pedestrian should be allowed to cross the grand canyon. Its one intersection. There are many large intersections in Winnipeg and other cities with similar traffic volumes. Its sort of one of those obvious ideas that only become controversial due to opposition. It WAS a "no big deal" thing and became a big deal due to Jenny using it to juice her election chances. Because people CAN cross the street before and after P&M, Im not sure why people think letting them cross AT P&M would cause chaos.
  20. There was overwhelming opposition to an indoor water park with significant private funding slated for the Forks to the extent the city disallowed it.
  21. I guess it depends on your definition of "long list" and how that compares to other cities and their lists of people investing in multi-million dollar downtown projects. Between the Chipman's, Richardson's, Thomson's, ARTIS, Sutton Group, Hydro, Hilton, Pollard, Rogers and Im sure many others, Winnipeg is doing pretty good in terms of downtown investment.
  22. Its funny how so many discussions are reasonable and varied and along comes Brandon to inject insults and childish rhetoric. Also funny how you use the comparison to a child getting in trouble and immediately announce you'll stop, which is what children usually do when they think they're going to get in trouble. Go sit on the time out chair! lol
  23. Watched up the second last episode. Its ridiculous. The coverage of Dassey's appeal is infuriating. And it shows that even Judge's who who expect to be highly intelligent, logical people can dig in their heels and not care about facts. The key thing being, Dassey's "confession" was clearly completely false. Not a single thing he said was supported by any other evidence. And in fact, it was so clearly nonsense, the DA didnt even use it against Avery. They literally tried to different guys for the same murder with two different theories. Ridiculous. One of the appellate judges pointed out that in the confession, Dassey said they shot the victim in the garage and asked "where were the shells found?, the garage?" as if to say, see how could he know that. Except he could have said anything. He could have said the victim was an alien. The whole point was not that they wrongfully forced Dassey to confess to a real crime, it's that the confession was completely fictional. A huge AHA moment for me in the first season was the officer who called dispatch BEFORE the victim's car was found and "called in" the lic plate. They played the recording and it was SO obvious that he was looking at the vehicle when he called it in. But it wasnt clear how that all tied to the rest of it or how that officer came upon the car. In season 2, they have a credible witness with no reason to lie who swears he saw the victim's car off the highway and right after seeing it, walked into a gas station where there was a "missing" poster of the victim and car. In side was also that VERY SAME officer and the witness told the officer he saw the car just up the highway. It was right after that, that the call to dispatch came in. Voila, the missing pieces. There was then suddenly multiple cell phone calls to the victim's ex bf, every couple of minutes, from a "No ID" number which the phone company said they believed was likely a law enforcement phone and the reason it was every two minutes is because in the area, cell phone calls often dropped. Why would they be calling the ex bf? Well, let's assume the killer tossed the keys. The ex bf, who was best friends with the victim's room mater and visited often, could get the "valet key"...the same key the victim never used but which was found in Avery's bedroom in PLAIN SITE after 7 previous searches. That valet key had NO prints or DNA other than from Avery but it was MASSIVE DNA levels. Also, Avery's brother reported strange headlights down one of the roads on their property the same night the witness told the cop about the car and the headlights were seen about the same time the repeated cell phone calls from "No ID" ceased. The brother's story is very credible because both he and Steve told the cops about it immediately and the cops even tried to trip the brother up and when he saw them and he corrected them. For me...Im a law & order guy. You want to believe the police dont do this and when crooks claim conspiracy, its all BS. The hard part is accepting the cops could do ONE nefarious thing. Once you accept they could do that ONE thing...its really easy to accept they did the rest. Oh and by the way, the location the witness saw the victim's car abandoned? Right by the location Brendan's brother was going hunting the very day Teresa disappeared and right beside property his step-father owned. That brother....it was HIS testimony that badly hurt Steve because he claimed he saw Teresa walking into Steve's home...that statement is refuted by other witnesses. Steve's story is that the brother left immediately after Teresa did. It all fits together.
  24. jcon is not a public figure. If you want to continue to sink to the position of calling people losers and other insults, thats up to the mods to deal with but its your usual MO and its tiresome. But I am glad to hear you'll be moving on. The rest of us can continue to discuss the issue as we please.
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