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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Trumps America. Feeds his base that the media is the enemy of the people. Celebrated attacks on the media. Fear mongers about Dems. Insults and disrespects his opponents. No surprise this happened. Trump just spoke and barely said anything. Didn’t mention the targets by name. Didn’t mention CNN or the media at all. Totally ridiculous.
  2. Switch to this thread since it now appears a Trump admin official lied to cnn about the White House also being targeted in an attempt to make the acts look bipartisan. Shameful if true Yes
  3. We're not talking about taxing oil companies. We're talking about taxing average Canadians. For something the PM admits wont make a difference. So, we all agree we should be kind to the planet and move away from fossil fuels. Clearly, we're in no rush. Why tax us?
  4. You missed the part where he said it wont make a difference. So he's rich and he's forcing yet another tax on Canadians to fix a problem he admits cant be fixed, at least not this way. Totally irresponsible. If you want to pay higher taxes, be my guest. Maybe they can make the carbon tax voluntary. Since it's so right and so scientifically sound, Im sure an enormous amount of people will be happy to select "pay carbon tax" when making purchases.
  5. My feeling is summed up by a Surprising person, the PM:
  6. You raise a great idea. These people should cancel plans to bring the WHL and invest in PCW! Ill make some calls 😉 As far as downtown goes, I think some men forget that its very different for women. Saying that, I've been downtown with my 2.5 year old niece on a weekend and didnt give it a second thought. My gf used to work downtown (someone was murdered right outside her office). But plenty of families go downtown, especially to the arena and I dont think an arena in the South end would result in one extra person going strictly due to safety. Convenience, maybe. But again, we men have to remember its different for us (I'm 6'2" and very rarely have I been "bothered" but I have no issue with telling a person bothering me to go F themselves without fear of consequence). There are many women who avoid parts of downtown. Which is P&M should be opened! 😉
  7. In cases like this, they need a better way to take a second look. In the Dassey case, it was the Wisconsin AG who decides to appeal to overturning of the conviction, but even though he's not the same AG, he is somewhat biased. If he lets Dassey go, he's throwing his cops and DA under the bus and opening them up to a lawsuit. It also begins to crack the foundation of the Avery case and if that happened, Avery would have a massive lawsuit against everyone.
  8. Yeah I think in the first season, there was some sense that this was a balanced Doc...which i clearly wasnt because the DA wouldnt cooperate. In Season 2, you never get that sense...its about these two innocent people who were framed. Personally, I was never 100% convinced Avery didnt do it but felt once the cops planted evidence (which seems pretty clear), there is no way to convince him beyond a reasonable doubt. In the case of Brendan, its utterly ridiculous. There wasn't one shred of evidence that he did anything.
  9. Im halfway through. Its very different than the first in terms of being slower paced. It doesnt have the "gotcha" of every episode like the first one did. Its a bit dryer. But still very interesting. They sort of methodically work through certain pieces of evidence and how they believe it was planted or fabricated. Plus it follows Brendan's appeal and the ups and downs of that. It actually has interviews with the original lawyers even as they are thrown under the bus for an "ineffective assistance of council" charge (they graciously say that any good lawyer would look for mistakes). One thing it does for me, and Im only half way through...it sort of takes a fresh look at things, so whereas I felt the cops were involved in specific ways, the new lawyer has different theories. But we're not done yet. I wont spoil anything but for example, I was convinced the cops planted the victim's Rav4 (one cop who was a disaster on the stand had called in the lic plate BEFORE the vehicle had been found) but thats not this lawyer's theory. So she works through a different theory including a different suspect and at the end of the episode I just finished she says "well, maybe the cops did plant the Rav4" lol It also included evidence that was not included in the original. Remember the original defense believed the blood had been planted from a vial of Avery's blood that had been taken from his earlier wrongful rape conviction (the vial had a pin prick in it)? They got beat up in the trial because the blood in the vial had a chemical for testing which the blood in the Rav4 did not have. Well, Avery all along discounted that theory and very specifically said how the blood planting happened....and they go into that, complete with testing. The new lawyer is a bit odd but obviously quite brilliant. She flat out says if her clients are guilty, she's their worst nightmare because she WILL prove it. If they're innocent, she will prove that too.
  10. I enjoyed Party of Five and the premise sounds interesting but it aggravates me when they slap on a name from an older TV show that has nothing to do with the new one. And in this case, given this premise, I think it does the new show a disservice too. Re-boots generally suck. Revivals have a chance...
  11. Saw some rumors that Disney will have 2-4 Marvel TV series on their streaming platform including Loki and Scarlet Witch (with the original actors) and they're being produced by Marvel Films and not the TV side.
  12. That’s too bad. Something was up as he missed all the house shows over the weekend. He can beat it and come back.
  13. The one thing that has changed a lot is investment by business. In the 90's we saw a ghost town. We can debate government subsidies and tax breaks etc but businesses just werent doing this before and they are doing it now because they see it as a good investment.
  14. I've turned the corner on cycling. I dont cycle. If I had children, I'd tell them to use the sidewalk. But in South Winnipeg where I live, we've seen a lot of AT paths installed over the past few years and they are well used.
  15. I think what is happening now proves the opposite. There are more people working downtown which is great, its hustling and bustling monday-friday during work hours. Its bustling when there are major evens at the arena. The key is to make it like that all the time. TNS and 360 main are going to put a lot of people downtown 24/7. Two new buildings on Assiniboine as well. Glasshouse is fairly new. Skycity wont happen, but a lot of people put down deposits who will still be looking to move to the area. And these aren't arent low rent, low cost buildings either. Rumors of the lot at P&M having interest as well. The Forks rail side, again, its going to attract a lot of people living in the community.
  16. When this debate came up a few years ago before the Jets moved the moose back here, the chatter seemed to be that people would be more supportive of a WHL franchise than AHL.
  17. Anyway....this wouldn’t be good if true
  18. Looks like Vesa should do well on the moose.
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