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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. An example of the mainstream media not knowing WWE and thus, sort of bending over for them is JBL making the rounds to talk Saudi Arabia and pushing the agenda that WWE is going there to bring about change. Yeah right.
  2. I agree. It likely damages their reputation but for the most part wwe flies under the radar. They are also exceptionally good and doing PR work for themselves and often use their TV time to pat themselves on the back. Stephanie even admitted that the best marketing is charity (she took some flak for that because it made it seem like the charity work was disingenuous). Bad rep means nothing if your sponsors dont pull out and your stock price is high. They'll be fine. The bigger risk to me, is assuming this story doesnt escalate between now and the show. If something were to happen like 4-5 days beforehand that forced them to cancel, it really messes things up. But they do have back up plans.
  3. Zero mention of Saudi Arabia on RAW last night. Last word is that WWE is bound and determined to go and unless the government tells them not to or sponsors threaten to pull out, they are going. Majority of people working for WWE do not want to go. Playing devil's advocate, WWE's perspective is, they can take a moral stand but will lose the entire ten year deal and $450 million. They probably feel like the heat is on right now but 1 month or 6 months from now, it will blow over and other companies will be doing business so why risk half a billion dollars? Both Senators from WWE's home state have said they should not go. And Linda McMahon sits in Trump's cabinet, which I think works both ways. She's close to Trump so can provide political cover but also WWE's ownership is mixed up with the admin and can come under more scrutiny as a result. It will be very interesting. UFC's parent company cancelling a $400 million deal is really interesting because the guy that owns it is tight with WWE (represents them in TV contracts) and WWE often follows his lead.
  4. Hope the mods don’t mind the plug. Some of you expressed an interest: Tickets onsale online at https://pcwtheone.eventbrite.ca and in person at the Travelodge hotel, 20 Alpine Ave. $20 Advance. $25 at the door (pending availability). Doors open 8pm. Bell time: 9pm. Food & liquor service! 18+.
  5. People want a winner. Same thing happened last year. We were all ready to fire Maurice after the first game. I just hope people remember, this is a discussion forum. Ill quote The Walking Dead "You're a good person. Good people can disagree." We've seen people actually bullied into not posting here. People are free to think the sky is falling while others are free to plan the parade.
  6. Incorrect. I made a post and you, fresh off of eating a bowl of piss-laden cornflakes apparently, went nuts. I dont know why. But here's some free advice, this is a hockey forum and part of the fun of hockey forums is people make crazy trade suggestions all the time. You can tell the difference between a very serious suggestion and a crazy one, in this case, by the preceding words "crazy trade suggestion". You might have a point if trade discussions were wildly unusual at this point in the season. But they arent. So chill out. You're under no obligation to reply or exchange messages if you dislike the content and dont want to discuss. Just ignore. Its easy. I might be less patient today because I've seen it far too many times with certain people jumping all over posters (some posters have been really beat up). This is a fan forum. Chill out. Cause if you want to go nuts over a hockey post, Ill give as good as I get. And we can throw it around all day until Rich has to come in and clean it up and chastise us both. How 'bout we save him the effort? Im pretty sure the moderators will agree my post did not deserve a "ripping". If you want to rip, dont be sensitive when you get it back.
  7. I think my post went over your head. I was revering to options the Jets had if they wanted to lose no roster members. For not bringing it up, its odd you made three additional posts about it 😉
  8. What’s really troubling about this is Trump exaggerating his expression of the victim as a saudi, as if to say it doesn’t matter and to downplay the fact he was a US resident. His floating of “rogue killers” is sure intriguing if the reports are true that that’s what Saudi will say. Question is, who came up with that idea, the Saudi’s or the White House?
  9. Maurice's explanation sort of told the story. He said the only thing that matters is the Jets, not the Moose so making the Moose better was a non factor. They could have sent Lemieux or Vesa down but didnt. Because they value them on the Jets. We can debate that but thats why they did it. We can also assume Dano was not fetching a return or else the Jets would have made a trade (or the return was so low, they valued the opportunity to send him to the Moose more than a late pick). Moves like this always get fans squawking but team management knows a lot more than we do. So we have to trust in the plan I guess. I agree, losing Dano isnt a big deal.
  10. 1) you're still being an unnecessary you-know-what. I dont recall seeing the rumor mentioned by Eklund. I've seen it repeated all over. I seem to recall Friedman might have mentioned it too. Does it matter or are we not to discuss rumors here? Let me know whats allowed 2) You can search my posts, I defended Kulikov. But this "its his first game" is a bit of a red herring since he was a healthy scratch and couldn't beat out Chiarot or Morrow to crack the roster until someone got hurt. I believe my first remark was "small sample size" to rip on me for giving my thoughts when I clearly acknowledged the short sample size is really just whining for the sake of whining 3) Irrelevant 4) That must explain it.
  11. Warren gets DNA test and it turns out she’s Native American Trump:
  12. Major news story where Trump is an idiot = Trump supporters makes post to change the narrative. Its actually something you can set a watch to around here. lol
  13. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/endeavor-pulling-400-million-saudi-arabia-deal-1152404
  14. How many games in are we allowed to talk about the Jets? No one is panicking. Some people are talking about the team based on the games we've observed. If some people dont want to engage in or see discussion, dont read. Its super easy lol
  15. Im not familar with your posting history so Im not sure if you're having a bad day or if this is par for the course. But I generally find it hilarious when people discuss hockey in a hockey forum and someone comes along with their best grump old man impression and posts nothing of substance other than to be critical of people discussing hockey on a hockey forum. But since you're doubling down: 1) Troubs for Nylander has been a much-discussed rumour all over the place. 2) Kulikov has been much discussed around these parts for ages. 3) Yes we are missing Toby because we're missing that smart first pass out of the D zone. Since you agree Niku might work witb Buff, you're actually agreeing with me. 4) Its unseasonably cold but its going to warm up this week so take solace in that.
  16. Yeah. Trump is doing a full and complete investigation: "I asked him and he denied it. Case closed."
  17. When I told her she said "so we're cousins?" I said yeah basically, what do you think about that? She said "thats kinda hot actually". French girl!
  18. You're right. Lets lock down the Jets forum until the All Star Break or until Floyd feels its appropriate.
  19. Bring up an interesting point. They must think Vesa is leaving the country if sent down or why not send him down. Or the sample size is too small. Seems like he needs some Moose time to me. Not a difficult decision but Im just a fan. Send Vesa down, you can keep Dano and dress Lemieux or Petan. Oh well.
  20. Jets dont really need anyone. It would be a really strategic thing for a player to hit waivers that made the Jets better. In season 1, we needed any warm body we could find so the waiver wire was used more. If a player is good enough the Jets feel they make us better every shift, he's likely not on waivers. Dano is sort of borderline the type of player Jets would need to be better than to select. He contributes, he has upside but is he better than three other guys we have? No.
  21. Talent is talent. Someone that get the puck out and work with Buff. We're missing Toby in that regard. I honestly thought the D would be a lot better and its still early but it seems like everyone is taking turns playing lousy. Their attempt to get Myers to play 2LHD shows that was a position of concern. And Myers doesnt seem that much better playing 3RHD. Ideally, Trouba & Morrissey settle down and become that elite shut down pair. Buff & whomever (Niku might be a solid bet) take up plenty of minutes moving the puck around and then you're bottom pairing arent counted on to deliver much more than steady minutes. We're giving up a ton of shots right now and while other teams score at a blazing clip, we dont seem to be doing that either.
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