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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. If Niku and Poolman can replace Myers & Kulikov, then yes, thats a great situation. We still need depth in the sense of guys that can step up.
  2. Yes good for Dano. Really we couldnt get *anything* for him?
  3. That makes them an expensive bottom 2. I dont mind Morrow. But with Buff hurt, we're exposed as lacking depth. Our bottom D cant step up to fill in.
  4. I lean more towards Wales on my father's side. Predominant names seem to be North, Palmer, Littler, Shallcross. I've played around on ancestry.com quite a bit. What's great is seeing images of the actual ship passenger lists of relatives coming to Canada for the first time. Im adopted and when I found out my birth name, I plugged that into ancestry as well and the most interesting thing was learning Im related to a girl I used to date (by marriage so is not as weird lol).
  5. Chevy NEEDS to be working the phones for some D help. Who's available? Nurse?
  6. Yeah, Im no expert but Im surprised anyone would point to arm strength. I also think its absurd to suggest he's better than Nichols. He might have more physical tools but I suspect if one of our QB's went down in the last game, the fanbase would breath easier if it were Streve rather than Nichols. But I really want the story here to be that Streveler is the heir apparent and we can watch him develop into a dominant starting QB for us in a couple years.
  7. ****! Are we related?? lol Im related to him (Im sure a ton of people are) through the North's. In the...60/70's a relative did a comprehensive family tree using one of the North's as the starting point. He couldn't trade us back definitively but in the summary indicated that the first North appeared in the records when he married William's daughter on the way to England.
  8. Small sample size but here's what we think we know: The D is awful. We're one key injury away from a lost season. We can't assume the goalies will steal every game. Chevy better be working those phones. If Myers & Kulikov play like this all season, we have no cap issues because they will both be gone. I was a Myers guy but honestly, trade him now before the rest of the league realizes he's finished. And if someone will take Kulikov's salary, send them a pick too. Turn around and get someone that can play top 4 D. Laine & Ehlers are wastes with Little and/or together. And it opens up the potential trading of Ehlers. I dont think Cup winners are the team that assembles the top 12 players. Its about chemistry. You have Roslo languishing and that second line doing nothing. Littler is important to us (face offs etc) but its not working. Brosoit looks like a steal. Crazy trade suggestion IF (big if) Trouba wont sign here and they know it. Trouba to TO for Nylander. Trade Ehlers for a top D. Get Myers and Kulikov out for another 3/4 D.
  9. On another forum, a guy was arguing pretty strongly in support of the Saudi's and had a lot of interesting things to say. But the basis for his willingness to shrug at this was his position that other nations should mind their own business. And if you stick your nose into the religious, culturalal differences, you get what you deserve. It brought up an interesting debate about the "rights" of nations to impose their will on people in the name of religion or culture. Saudi doubling down on their stupidity by preemptively threatening everyone.
  10. I dont get the impression they mean to close it. They mean removing everything from above ground to work on the "roof" of WPG Square. Assuming the city is obligated to repair their part (the street level), just wait til P&M is closed to traffic to do these repairs. The "no" people will be losing their minds. This aspect, I think the city did a really poor job explaining. Had they explained long ago that there are millions of dollars in REQUIRED repairs (seriously, some of the stairways are disintegrating and would be shut down by city inspectors if it were a private business) and they need to remove all the concrete anyway, it would end any argument about the money involved. Since they have to do this work and since you have private land-owners who are committed to investing money in the work AND in re-jigging the area to be more pedestrian friendly, then it becomes and opportunity for the city to re-think P&M. I think a lot of the 'no' voters are "dont spend any money, I have a pot hole" types. Money will be spent. Period.
  11. Im related to William the Conquerer. Im not sure where that puts me in succession, but fingers crossed.
  12. A bit surprised they’d that rather then just send Lemieux down. Risk losing dano for nothing. And it’s not like they have big plans for petan.
  13. And put back on. Assumption being wwe did some behind the scenes updates to prepare for possible cancellation. There is talk they might do it in the UK on the Sunday as they were heading to UL right after Saudi for a tour (raw & SD and house shows). But it’s not ideal. Survivor series seems more likely. But brick and Michaels are doing it because of the massive pay day that isn’t there without the saudi money
  14. WWE has removed the Saudi Show from their calendar of events. The event page is still up but they removed references to Saudi. No statement though.
  15. Much appreciated. There will be filming taking place for a special project. Going to be a lot of fun!
  16. That’s awesome. Before my time. I first watched AWA on CKND Winnipeg. Rick Martel world champion!
  17. They’ll have to do more than that I think. But yeah it’s probably why bowman want to dissuaded by the vote. He knew it didn’t really matter
  18. The cost of repairing the area hasn’t been well covered. A lot of no votes are over supposed cost to open. But a lot of people never understood that the whole area is badly in need of repair.
  19. Ummm no thats literally what I said as being reported. lol And you forgot to mention Trump's comments about the $40-$50 million he personally gets too...
  20. POP TV is moving Impact to 10PM start time, essentially out of prime time. Not a good sign.
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