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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Racists have every right to free expression (to the point of hate speech I guess). They certainly have the right to vote. That's their voice. I sort of come down hard when people say "who are you to decide who gets a voice". Well, it might not be the same for most people but common sense is a pretty easy thing. When Trump coddled and comforted racists and nazi's, he was very, very wrong. Im pretty liberal on social issues. I think in the US, its about time they seriously embrace the idea of universal health care. Once they embrace it, they will figure out how to make it work. Same with gun control. Thats an easy one. Gay rights. Easy. Abortion is tougher for me because I'm adopted (and grew up in a foster home, though I was not a foster child, my family had hundreds of foster children). I am pro-life. But Im generally not comfortable with over-turning RvW because of what it means to such a large group of citizens. I think too many politicians, and this is especially true of the GOP right now, value winning over doing the right thing. I look at Jeff Flake who looked physically pained when confronted by women at the Senate...he looked like a man under heavy, heavy burden who truly wanted to do the right thing. Sham investigation gave him an out and he took it. Where was his moral convictions? Thats what bothers me.
  2. Yeah...I mean I dont want to be critical. There is science that tells us Climate Change is real. But we also cant take any one year as a sure-fire sign. Im not a scientist so Im not sure how many years we can take to show us legitimate trends in the over-all history of a planet. Especially when we know the planet, devoid of industry, has gone through many heating/cooling periods. And because most of us arent scientists we want to trust the data from scientists. But it also gives those people an edge in manipulating us. Its like going to the doctor...you trust what he says (and sometimes doctors are wrong). In the climate change issue, there have been over zealousness and "exaggerated data" so we have to be careful. Im just not sure what is expected...okay, lets say we're doomed unless we make an impossible global effort. We're not going to. So whats next?
  3. I have to be honest, I think climate change is real. I think its not the calamity the climate change chicken littles think it is (I dont mean that as an insult just conveying the people who are really trying to drive panic). What I saw a lot this year was a particular day with a high temp and lots of social media chatter about climate change. But it would go like this "wow, today is the 4th hottest May 23rd in history. Global Warming is real. We must do something". But the other 3 higher temps were like 1889, 1912, 1956 etc. And I'd say Hmmmm I recall reading that temperatures on Mars were also rising and that this phenomenon was not simply Earth-based. I can recall being very young in school (think very early 80's and being taught that we were on the cusp of a new ice age. I certainly embrace the idea of climate change (as opposed to global warming) as the phenomenon can create crazy weather, not just warming. Very anecdotal, I feel like our own weather seems to be leaning towards earlier springs...almost like the seasons are shifting a bit earlier in the year. I think as a society we should always embrace being kind to the earth. We should work towards getting off fossil fuels. We should stop poisoning ourselves, let alone the planet. But we should be responsible and measured. When it comes out that we're all ******* doomed by 2030 unless we undertake an impossible global effort...I mean, come on. How does that engage people? It doesnt. It creates conflict because most nations where leadership is cyclical and temporary are not going to bankrupt themselves to prevent what seems like certain absurdity over doomsday sayers. And ultimately, we should all screenshot these 2030 headlines so in 2030 when the new doomsday clock is 2050 we can be like yeah right. In closing, be kind to the earth. Climate Change is real. But in the history of the Earth, its been ice-free and ice-covered with no input from humans. And it will again regardless of what we do. Its just the way it is. So lets not go crazy.
  4. We agree on this too. The list of GOP'ers who bashed Trump and now praise him is long. But thats party over country (or their own power & control over country). Personally, I dont like the idea of any extreme element taking control, whether it be right or left. The GOP doesnt have to cooperate with Trump. I think their fear is, if they turned on him it would only help the Dems (in other words, no anti-Trump'er is suddenly going to vote for an anti-Trump GOP candidate). But if they stood up to Trump and the result was a sweep for the Dems, the end result would be an eventual cleaning up of the conservative movement, pushing the racist, nasty extremists back to the dusty corners where they belong. Im more of a social liberal now but as a general conservative, I dont want to see the right win at all costs. I want to see the right cut out the cancer of the white nationalist movement and come back to a more responsible position.
  5. Absolutely. The base would eagerly accept that Kamala Harris is an alien (from Mars, not from another nation) if Trump said it. Its an example of the dirty pool that really is a new turn to the basement than in previous years. All politicians play politics, many dirty. But not nearly to the extent of Trump and his cronies who would make Nixon blush.
  6. You've been proven wrong on this already. Most politicians (and certainly political parties) play politics. But its an alt right game to cover-up the sham of Kavs hearing with "well, the Dems play games too". Its disingenuous and rather disgusting actually and again, you insult the poster who replied to you calling him naive when you have no response for the point he made. Listening to CNN last night, I was struck again by what the alt right does. They are extremists, just as the crazy far left is. But the right take the most extreme example and use it to paint Democrats (and moderate conservatives, by the way) as crazy. The example last night was defending Trump's attacks on Kav protesters as an "angry mob" by suggesting people who chase GOP members out of restaurants makes the catch-all painting of all protesters as mobs accurate. This is why the discourse gets so nasty because the Dems (and moderate conservatives) are speaking about reality and the right are simply distracting and playing games. Its possible the Dems would do the same if they controlled the White House and Congress, but the whataboutism is even more absurd when it's about future things that havent happened yet and we have reality of a Dem White House just two years ago when this didnt happen. Playing the whatabout card is tiresome and moot. Its entirely possible far left, deeply rooted partisan supporters would do or say anything to gain and keep power. But that's not a defense to your position or the acts of the current government. Its just far too easy to say, well whatabout when the Dems are in power and act this way, will people here condemn them? Im pretty sure if the Dems conspire with Russia to steal an election, provide support and comfort to racists and white nationals, call a sexual assault victim evil and ram through a deeply troubled SCOTUS nominee with a fake sham investigation that most people here critical of Trump would absolutely condemn that. But even if they didnt, it still doesnt excuse Trump and the GOP's behavior now....unless you're a deeply rooted partisan alt right supporter.
  7. The Walking Dead season 9 premiere ratings way down. Still good at 6 million (plus DVR numbers etc) but its way way down. The show aggravates me. I want to like it after investing so many years in it. But even with a new show runner, the plots are dictated by the group doing stupid things that gets them into trouble.
  8. Wonder if Pens would look at Steve Mason if Murray is out long term.
  9. You are correct! Coincidentally, PCW returns to Doubles Bar that very night...nudge nudge wink wink
  10. also happy birthday to the late great Eddie Guerrero!
  11. When are all the other times it happened? Im not saying you're wrong. But please prove it. Gorsuch 54-45 (3 Dems voted in favour) Kagan 63-37 (5 Republicans voted to confirm). This was Obama's pick and she had support from the GOP, including Lindsey Graham Sotomeyer 68-31 (another Obama pick who was received by several GOP and was supported by former Pres. H.W.) Alito 58-42 (W. pick. 4 Dems supported the pick). Breyer 87-9 (nominated by Clinton) Ginsburg 96-3 (Clinton pick) Thomas 52-48 (Bush pick - 11 Dems supported Roberts 78-22 (Bush pick - 22 Dems supported). So lets not pretend this is normal. The only time before Kav that it was really close was Thomas. Gee, what did they have in common. Historically, the Senate supports the nominee. Why? Because the President nominates someone that can be confirmed with more than a simple majority. When the GOP screams about this being the new norm, it was they who started over-politicizing this when they refused to confirm Garland. Just like Thomas, there are legitimate issues with Kav. Had Trump nominated someone palpable to the Senate, he'd have been confirmed in a more bi-partisan way. That's the point.
  12. I read one case today online where a male & female student hooked up, didnt have sex but made out. She was more the initiator than he was. She agreed to a friends with benefits relationship, changed her mind and filed a sexual harassment complaint with her school (based solely on the one time they made out. The male student hired a lawyer, spent $12,000 only for the "victim's" statement to actually be a better defense of the perp than his own statement. I've seen it re-tweeted a lot as evidence of the "poor men" scenario. To me, its an obvious break down in common sense at the school. But its hardly the norm. The anti-metoo people like to hold up the much more rare examples of false allegations as proof we cant believe any women. But its a smoke-screen for the large number of old assaults now being brought to light. The Kav incidents a perfect example. I worked for years in an industry with many drunk people, many random hook ups, drug use etc. Trust me, if I heard 1000 stories of men behaving badly, the vast, vast majority were true. And thats not to say there werent women behaving badly. I've been grabbed and touched many times without consent. The difference? At no point was I in fear when a 5'4" girl grabbed my at the bar...or tried to have sex when I have her a ride home. I have no problem with being open-minded. We should be. Facts should be gathered (which is why the GOP did a huge disservice to men everywhere by running a sham investigation and then declaring Kav innocent). But let's not pretend that white men have it rough in our society. Its nonsense.
  13. Some big differences between Garland and Kav. If Garland had several credible sexual assault allegations, the GOP would have been screaming from the rooftops for a full investigation. If Garland had conducted himself in the manner Kav did, the GOP would have been screaming that he was unqualified. But Garland didnt conduct himself that way or have sexual assault allegations. Kav did.
  14. Yes, I agree most people see the Republican's as better managers of the economy. Its one of the reasons I have voted conservative for many many years. As for war on men...thats a right wing driven thing unless you're talking about something else. I assume you dont mean there is an ACTUAL war on men...lol The right have effectively created a fake war on men to chill credible allegations of sexual assault. This is because Trump has done it many times and has no legitimacy in that area. Its to his benefit to create a narrative that all women are lying and the poor white men accused are all innocent.
  15. Trumpologists hate polls (they point at the polls saying Hilary would win) unless they are favorable to the GOP then they like polls. Fact is, Trump lost the popular vote by a wide margin. His victory was one of, if not the most, slim of all time. When you factor in the assist from Russia (not to mention the New York FBI that conspired to hurt Hilary), the polls were correct.
  16. Yeah, and they should thank Obama for the solid economy Trump inherited. Its not right vs left, its just a fact. But you make good point. Most young people tune out of serious issues that require deep thought or deep viewing of the news. They absorb their information differently. They see good economy, low unemployment and it speaks to them. Trump and his minions do a good job of messaging. This whole "war on men" has actually gained a shocking amount of traction. Sad but true. On the other hand, Taylor Swift puts out one message on social media and voter registration jumps dramatically. Now, will those people actually vote, who knows. But it shows the power of celebrity and social media. the dirt-worst pick for SCOTUS doesnt mobilize people but Taylor Swift does. That's something the Dems have to figure out. Because the GOP figured it out (they didnt really, they just go along with trump's winning formula).
  17. In other news, they confirmed the Picard series is intended to be an on-going series (not a mini-series) and they referred to it as "the continuing adventured of Jean-Luc Picard", so thats pretty cool. They're a month into the script process and hope to go into production in April. They teased the villain saying "Would you like me to tell you who the bad guys are?" And then said they couldnt. Hmmmm...Borg?
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