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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I think they’re playing it straight. If they go right back to mirror twist it becomes a bit of a parody. They already have mirror Phillipa running around. Plus he’d have to have been mirror on the enterprise since we know the enterprise, Pike & Number One are all in this season. I think it’s just that he’s been out of civilization for awhile so his hair and beard grew. Probably to make for a visual contrast from when we first see him (sort of disguised behind the beard and hair) and when he cleans up and we see him for the first time in uniform looking like classic Spock.
  2. I think it just means he was away from a razor for awhile. I could be wrong but I suspect it’s just meant to convey a journey or situation where he becomes unkempt.
  3. I don’t think so. Spock is on a personal journey or so they say. It’s more akin to this look in TMP although he didn’t have a beard. He did have the longer straggly hair though.
  4. Disgraceful. But will lead to a big rematch.
  5. Yeah. I love how the GOP angrily says oh it’s going to be a fight every time now? Oh it’s goinf to be 51-49 every time now? well when you nominate someone like that what do you expect? If the Dems nominated someone totally unpalatable to GOP would they just go along with it? the whole point is to nominate someone who isn’t the farthest right or left. He should be acceptable to a large majority of senators. They should make it a 60 vote majority needed.
  6. Yes. They should absolutely stop standing up for victims of sexual assault. They should definitely stop doing their duty in the senate to do due diligence on a Supreme Court nominee who lied under oath and is extremely partisan. They should just stop standing up for their own principles and morals. I mean really. I’m a conservative but I wouldn’t say something that stupid about either side. Good grief. The white nationalists seem to be forgetting what democracy is.
  7. Looked pretty good. Some room for improvement for sure. That Roslo line was ok but will take some time. Unfortunately that means Ehlers time is reduced. Seemed he pissed off maurice d is an adventure. Helle was amazing.
  8. so it seems the fbi were not allowed to actually conduct an investigation. It leaves the senate in the same place as last week with powerful testimony from Dr Ford, a bizarre and concerning performance from Kavanaugh, several allegations and statements from witnesses made publicly but not heard by senate or fbi. What changed? Just the ability for the White House to say to the base that doesn’t hear anything else “we did it and he’s exonerated”.
  9. Unfortunately, I think you're right. I thought he'd have more courage and perhaps try to live up to McCain a bit. His friendship with Coons seemed to influence him but what struck me was how easily it seemed the GOP embraced this idea. Its clear the plan was to create the appearance of investigation without changing anything. It gives Flake an out..."look I forced them to do an FBI investigation, what more do you want?"
  10. The game plan is obvious. Privately, the GOP told Trump Kav was a bad pick, had sexual harassment issues in his past and that Trump should go with someone else. Trump's a legacy guy...he wants his name on buildings because it makes him look special and rich and powerful even if he's none of those things. He wants a hard, hard, hard right turn on the SCOTUS because its like having his name on the court for decades. SO he pushes ahead. Those same GOP Senators that told him Kav had issues, line up behind Trump even though they, as Senators represent the most powerful group in government and are meant to be a check on the President. They knew Kav's past and they pretended it didnt exist. They do a sham hearing. When one or two of them are rightfully shamed into re-considering, the new plan was clear. We all thought the Senate had agreed to a week long FBI investigation after which, the Senate would have a fuller picture of Kav and then vote. Instead, all the Senate agreed to do was have a sham FBI background check and a vote (they said "we'd pause for a week and vote, we never said we'd change our vote". Literally, if didnt matter if Kav was video taped committing a crime). The White House directed the FBI to do a narrow probe. When pressed, Trump publicly says no, they can a a full investigation. Privately, it never changed. When called on it, they pass the buck to the Senate. "FBI is complying with Senate request". When the Senate is pressed "The White House directs the FBI". Its all a game and disappears into nothingness. The GOP love this though. Especially the Senators in no risk of losing their seat. Im mystified by Flake though.
  11. They absolutely want a no vote. It’s a manipulation now. No other way to explain it. They don’t want him but they won’t pull him.
  12. Dems want Kav to lose the vote because they genuinely believe he’s unfit. But Kav being confirmed is actually good for the Dems in the mid terms. It’s bad for the best 30+ years though. GOP....they see a win win. Either he is confirmed and they control the court. Or he’s not and they have their election rallying cry. Some republicans probably want him to lose for that reason. They know he’s unfit. They want to rush the vote and force him to be voted no. Thats why the new strategy is to go back to presenting him as a choir boy. Because they dont care if he loses and if he does they want the base to accept he’s a choir boy and was screwed.
  13. Seems like a good topic (not climate change)
  14. The moment they decided to re-enter, that crew was doomed. Their only hope was for mission control to accept the heat shield was damaged and work on a rescue mission. They didnt have a back up shuttle ready though so it would have been very difficult. As I recall, they could have got to the space station and received a re-supply ship to provide additional needs. But they would have been up there a long time waiting for NASA to prepare a rescue shuttle. Although, thats better than burning to death on re-entry.
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