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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. A complete sham. Question is, do those fence sitting senators have the balls to do the right thing?
  2. You can google **** Cheney...or read his wiki page. He was a very powerful VP and many people "credit" him with the push for war in the middle east, enhanced interrogation etc. Some people feel he was pulling Bush's strings. He served many roles in his many years in government.
  3. looks terrific (and yes, that's Christian Bale as **** Cheney).
  4. NASA was super secretive at the time but it seems the official line is that yeah, they almost assuredly were alive and conscious after the explosion and it wouldnt even have been that bad (a hard jolt). So the question is whether they fell unconscious immediately due to lack of oxygen. Since at least 3 air packs were activated, we know very likely 3 were conscious the entire trip down. I also read that the explosion would have caused their oxygen feed to their suits to stop (hence need for emergency air pack) but if the capsule was not punctured at all, they'd need only life their masks off to breath the oxygen contained in the capsule.
  5. Thats been the big debate. Snopes debunks the audio tape story saying the systems went offline (the last thing heard was "oh no" by the pilot. 3 or 4 of the emergency air packs were turned on so we know for certain, they survived. The official story is that they cant be certain what caused death but its likely they all survived the explosion, but the question is whether they lost consciousness. Apparently 3 of the air packs were never found (after smashing when they hit the water). I believe it was 3 were activated (has to be done manually) and one was intact but not activated. That points to a loss of consciousness by some of the crew or else that 4th air pack would have been activated. The rumoured "tape" doesnt ring true to me. It sounds far too panicked to me. I mean, sure they knew they were finished and it was a long nearly 3 minutes, but professional military/pilots etc would be working the problem and relaying information...in my opinion. But who knows.
  6. Im super intrigued by the Challenger film. I was 10 years old and watched it live early that morning. I wonder if they will include events within the shuttle after the explosion (apparently they lived until hitting the water).
  7. More examples of how he lied to the senate. When asked if he was the “BART” in Mike Judge’s book he said, with a smirk, “you’d have to ask him”. BART was his nickname. He knew it. And more of the FFFF....why lie about this stuff? Very guilty conscience
  8. Funny how they like to have it both ways. "This isnt a criminal investigation." "The evidence isnt nearly enough to convict him." Its a job interview. What business anywhere would hire a guy like this based on this background check? And I agree, lets assume all the sexual assault allegations are untrue. He's still a liar. He's still angry and bitter. He's still a striking partisan. And then there are his views. There is literally no reason to elevate him to the Supreme Court. The GOP acts like its him or no one. Its not. They get a pick. So pick a better one.
  9. What a despicable human being. How can anyone defend this. Gross indency. Soulless. He just not like the way the investigation is going.
  10. The Times has been working on the story for over a year apparently. Major work done on it. Kudos to them.
  11. This is what I meant earlier. Who cares if he was a drunken frat boy in school? But he cared and he lied. He was worried about his conduct (hmmmm) and lied. It’s the lies that are the problem
  12. Huge story (as in very long, very detailed). Tough to say if here are criminal elements (statute and such) but apparently fines have no statute of limitations. If the GOP loses the House, trump is screwed. They will be able to subpoena everything.
  13. Wow if true, every senator should vote no.
  14. Dont recall this teaser being posted yet (speaking of the Connors). Sounds like Johnny Galecki might be in it more. They cast Juliette Lewis as his girlfriend which is an awkward reunion of the Griswold siblings from Christmas Vacation...lol
  15. Ive seen guys like him a million times while working at the bar. The arrogant drunk with a chip on his shoulder who turns any minor disagreement into a full fledged brawl cause he knows he's protected (either by his friends, his status, or his parents). To be honest, from what we know, my take on this guy is, he's got a drinking problem (or did)...not an alcoholic per se, but his problem seems to be that when he drank, he drank a lot and he was an angry, mean, chip-on-his-shoulder drunk. Probably the result of low self-esteem...possibly from trying to live up to the standards of his family and classmates. Explains why he was supposedly a virgin until well into his 20's but would grope and assault women when drunk, primarily women who were younger than him or in a state of intoxication where they could not stand up to him. Some time in his 20's, he changed. Or rather, he stopped drinking as much. His social circle changed to where he was surrounded by more responsible and mature people. He probably began to realize the potential he had and was cognizant to avoid screwing it up. He became more self-righteous and entitled ans he began embracing the idea he was destined for greatness. There are likely more stories of him being a belligerent drunk in his 20's and 30's but we havent heard many...likely because of the people who would witness this (people more in his political and social elite class). His performance in the Senate show him to still be belligerent, entitled, easy to anger. Lying is okay for him because he's special and if his past behaviors costs him a Supreme Court seat, its the denial of destiny. So lying is justified. When he was an investigator for Ken Starr looking into Bill Clinton, his arrogance and self-righteousness was on full display as he wanted to uncover every single last indiscretion or dishonest statement. Because to him, Clinton didnt deserve his position. Kav probably thought it was his destiny to be there at that time to bring Clinton down. Years later, its still his destiny. When he says what goes around comes around, its both a defense (ie. Clinton's seeking revenge) and a threat (Ill get my revenge). When he openly admits liking beer, he repeatedly said "beer" because its rather mundane. He's hitting you over the head with the idea that he just drinks beer like every other red blooded American. Sounds a lot better than "I like hard booze and I like pouring that hard booze into the drinks of unsuspecting teenage girls". In his mind, "its just a few beers" is a catch-all for everything he drank and every time he got wasted. And here's the thing, *most* of what I wrote, I dont see as disqualifying. In a perfect world, a super-partisan hard right (or left) Judge should not be agreeable to the Senate. But whatever...to the victor goes the spoils. being a drunken frat boy in High School and College? Meh, who cares. Sexual assault in high school? I do think that disqualifies someone from being on the SCOTUS. But in a he said/she said, its tough. But here's the problem...HE thinks being a drunk frat boy is a problem, hence his lies. HE thinks sexual assault/harassment etc is a problem, hence his lies. And its those lies, not 36 years ago, but TODAY that disqualify him. Its his temperament and partisanship TODAY that disqualifies him. He didnt want an FBI probe because he knew he lied about mundane things, things he should not have lied about. And now he's caught. And he's FULLY in the pockets of the White House and GOP Senators who are his only hope of being confirmed. He made the bed he's lying in. And it has very little to do with events 36 years ago.
  16. Bar fight in 85. What’s great is Kavanaugh is accused of initiating the fight by throwing ice at another patron. When questioned by police he declined to admit whether he threw the ice or not. Hahahaha doesn’t that sound like him? A different version has Kavanaugh throwing his beer in a guys face.
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