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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I’ve heard that name somewhere before...:)
  2. Jeff Flake has said if Kavanaugh committed perjury on any issue he’s done. We’ll see if he sticks to that. You know no matter what the White House will declare him exonerated
  3. Kavanaugh told the Senate the first time he heard of the second allegation was reading about it in the New Yorker. That was a lie. Is that enough to cause supporters to turn away from him? Or does a lying SCOTUS not matter?
  4. I agree. The trailer looks better than that image. I guess these cheap-to-produce TV shows make DC money. But to me it just adds to to over-all lack of success with the DC universe. But I stopped watching the Marvel TV shows too...its just not the same. Hard to do superheroes on a TV budget. But it does speak to DC screwing up the film universe in that there was a lot to mine. Batman solo...Batman with Robin...the break up...the Jason Todd story/death...Nightwing on his own...Titans....Deathstroke. And thats just the Batman characters (a portion of them). They tried to be Marvel when they should have gone back to the original Iron Man and started from scratch.
  5. DC's Titans will air internationally on Netflix (I assume that means Canada also). New TV Season Review: Manifest. Finally watched the premiere. I liked it, despite some ridiculousness. Honestly, since it borrowed so heavily from the missing MH flight, it was hard not to think about the circumstances around that real life event and want a series (or movie) that was more closely related to that drama. Im not sure how it would work, but a series set on the plane would be interesting. As it is, with Manifest, the flight was only a few seconds of minor background to the over-all plot. It comes across like previous "mystery" shows such as The Event and Flash Forward, all of them trying to capture a little of what Lost was...with Manifest echoing Lost even closer due to the airplane. But it struggles when its not sure what its supposed to be. A mysterious character drama? An FBI procedural? A cop procedural? Since its not sure what it is, we only get minor elements of each of those so it never lives up to its promise...or premise really. I sort of thought, "what could this show be if someone like JJ Abrams was making it"...it has the foundation of something, but every aspect of the show is just a weaker version of what its going for. It seemed to lack the budget to pay off its premise. For example, if a flight that had disappeared suddenly re-appeared five years later...or at least, was an unknown aircraft entering New York airspace and claiming to be the missing flight, as if it wouldn't have fighter jets scrambled immediately. In the show, it was asked to land at a smaller airport. As if the FBI agent on scene would have the passengers deplaned and standing around and then, when challenged, immediately reveal the issue. Just rang hollow. Like, the writers had a goal with the first episode, something something, kidnapped kids something something...whereas the show could have benefited greatly from slowing down the plot, amping up the drama. Think of the premiere of Lost and that huge crash scene with virtually no dialogue...but just an incredible first episode that essentially the crash and the moments surrounding it. The passengers refer to being sent home so quickly by the authorities and it probably wont be that easy (ie. they could still be watching, listening, investigating etc). But the show didnt show us any of that when the premise begged for a high level FBI, CIA, NSA, White House perspective. Having said that, Im intrigued (but Im a sucker for airplane mysteries). I like the cast. So, its still on the PVR.
  6. Talk about waiting til the last minute. There are four Shorts, to air monthly until the premiere.
  7. I think its smoke & mirrors with criminal probe vs background check. if it was Criminal, the FBI would do whatever it thought was best. In a back ground check, they are essentially operating at the pleasure of the feds. Trump claims the FBI has free reign but NBC came out and said AFTER Trump said that, the FBI was still conducting their investigation as per White House directive (limited). As of this morning they still hadnt reached out to Avanatti's client which is pretty crazy considering her credentials. But you can certainly expect if Trump had certain conditions, one would be to not cooperate with Avanatti. What should happen is, Flake and the other fence sitters should announce they wont confirm Kav because of this limited scope investigation and interferrence by the White House. What will happen is, FBI will say they have witness statements that are uncorroborated, perhaps warrant further review...White House then says Kavg has been 100% exonerated and Flake etc say "well, they did the FBI investigation so Ill confirm him". Its even possible they dont release the FBI's report publicly. The White House will just say "its all good."
  8. Oh by the way, Mr “I made it to Yale on my own with no connections” is legacy as his grandfather went there.
  9. Huh? so much for understanding lol
  10. It was like one kid every year would get it. And it’s the one we all wanted. Many prized transformer was...I think it’s called Six Shot. Transformed into six things. Also had Headmaster Optimus but never had original Optimus. by the way original Transformers animated film is playing tomorrow at McGill theatres.
  11. See. It’s all a sham. Let’s hope the FBI ignores this directive. This should be a national scandal if true. And should end Kavanaugh (and help end trump). If true the Senate should cancel Kavanaugh’s confirmation and refuse to continue with it. You can’t claim he’s a great man who never did anything while pretending you want an investigation while blocking that investigation. I hope those Senators that insisted on this will vote no on principal.
  12. I wonder if he’d consider withdrawing rather then face complete disgrace. If he’s guilty....
  13. Yup. They are so **** scared of the fbi
  14. Now watch them try to control, define and direct the FBI investigation.
  15. Well thats more what I meant. You're right. Moderate was the wrong word. Kav is clearly VERY biased. He's a political operative.
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