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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. What a crazy situation. So if anyone doubts the voices of women, Flake was a "yes", gets confronted by two brave women with stories of their own sexual assault and he was clearly affected by it. Funny how, earlier today the FBI wasnt able to investigate, didnt do that, couldnt do it...yadda yadda and now "well, sure, we can have them do that." Shows the lying evasive games. I love Graham playing mr nice guy now. What a crock. And Trump deferring to the Senate. Cowards all of them.
  2. Seems reasonable. Personally I think Kavanaugh’s behaviour yesterday showed him to be unqualified. But let the fbi do a full investigation, interview witnesses, gather evidence and release their findings to the public. If it comes down to one woman’s word vs one mans word then you can see him confirmed and people can reasonably accept it.
  3. I thought they might keep Niku for some regular season games.
  4. Which sucks. The court should be moderate. If it has to lean one way, it should always be towards the rights of the people over the will of the government. Its funny, so many claim the Constitution is written in stone and yet by the way they push for their perspectives on the SCOTUS, its obvious they see it as very open to interpretation.
  5. Finally, they get it. Make the live action look and sound and feel like the awesome cartoon that started the transformers craze in the first place. make the transformers recognizable. Make the action scenes actually visible. Make the voices coherent. I think I saw Shockwave too. The jet that looks like Starscream apparently isnt Starscream. But he'd have been an excellent villain (lead up to re-introducing a recognizable Megatron). The actor that played Starscream died, but find a sound alike. Excellent character.
  6. They keep downplaying the FBI with inaccurate statements, saying the FBI doesnt want to do it, cant do it, wouldnt be any different from a Senate investigation etc. The FBI investigated this exact same scenario in the past and have said they will investigate when/if asked to do so by the federal government. Any effort by the GOP to eliminate the FBI as an option is inaccurate at best and a blatant lie at worst. The anger and insults directed at the people who have come forward is by design. Its meant to chill anyone else from coming forward and then they can say "see there isnt anyone" or "we've talked to everyone." I can guarantee, if the FBI investigated, there would suddenly be a lot more witnesses. Plus, you'd have people on the record....the GOP says the 4 people Dr Ford said were there have said it never happened. That is untrue. They said they dont remember. And why would they? If you attended numerous parties 30+ years ago where you were unaware of anything out of the ordinary happening, why would you remember something you weren't aware of? If the FBI questioned them, its entirely possible the statements would be more akin to "I went to many parties, I remember being at parties with these people, I dont remember a sexual assault but I have no knowledge that it didnt happen either." Thats a lot different from "I never happened." Very disappointing. I like W. But this is awful. He is quite friendly with the Clinton's and Obama's and a man of faith and I expected him to be moderate on this. He has two daughters. Oh well, party before country.
  7. Is Grassley Kavanaugh’s personal attorney? And why does he keep lying about the FBI?
  8. Yup that shouldn’t be overlooked. No way of knowing of July 1 was the date this Happened without an actual investigation but it lined up with everything said so far. Kavanaugh’s performance regardless of the allegations should disqualify him. Period. Listening to these senators this morning, they continue to lie and twist the evidence. They are deathly afraid of s real investigation. Clearly some of them have serious issues with women and believe that “boys will be boys” is perfectly reasonable. Her problem is she was attacked. And when she reported that attack she was attacked again. And destroying Kavanaugh’s life actually means he continues working on the second highest court in the US making a lot of money.
  9. I was thinking the same thing. Clearly the right thing to do is move on to someone else. But if they confirm him, it’s the narrative and battle cry of the Dems in these midterms. The opposit might be true for the GOP if they don’t confirm him. They might be wise to sacrifice Kavanaugh to save the senate.
  10. Let’s pretend Kavanaugh is totally innocent. His performance today should preclude him from serving on the SCOTUS. Unabashedly partisan.
  11. Watching clips now. Such fake anger from Kavanaugh. What a sham hearing. Shameful.
  12. Yup. Trump loved his nasty performance.
  13. If a witness in a trial evaded and argued like Kav the judge would order him to knock it off. If I didn’t know he was a lawyer and judge I’d never guess it. He’s awful. With gop sens defending him from the dais he doesn’t even need to say anything.
  14. Listening now. So evasive. So smarmy.
  15. Is Justine being sarcastic or was this a real exchange? it sounds like Kav was told he has be on the attack and beat down the questions. He sounds out of his mind. He’s making fence sitters believe he could be violent when drunk if he’s like this sober
  16. great point. He’s showing he is not impartial at all.
  17. Ummm not just mark, but they didn’t want to hear from anyone.
  18. He was told to come out swinging. Someone should get him a drink
  19. Yup. They will say "no evidence, no corroboration". They will pretend the other allegations didnt happen. They will say there is no time for an investigation. And the crux of my issue with that is, there IS plenty of time. They refused to hear Obama's nominee for a made up reason. There is no magic drop dead date for confirming Kav. They think they might lose the Senate, thats the problem. So be it. If Kav was a good pick, it wouldnt matter...the Senate is supposed to work together to confirm a qualified candidate. My big problem is, this isnt like any other job. Even a cabinet position where they could confirm him and if further evidence came forward later, they could fire him. He gets this seat for life. What happens if more people come forward and sue him or file criminal charges while he's on the SCOTUS??
  20. How can any republicans be proud of this
  21. Especially that prosecutor. Im surprised she didnt look at that question and tell the Senators it literally didnt matter and would be transparent. I havent seen the actual video of the questioning but from reading about it, reports are Trump is upset she didnt go after Dr Ford harder and people seem to think the prosecutor realized pretty quick she had a credible truthful witness and the whole thing was a sham. She read the questions, even the stupid ones. Anyone watching that can detail the conduct of the prosecutor?
  22. the only way Graham's angry statements about feeling betrayed make any sense is that he's really angry after listening to Dr Ford because she was credible and he knows it to be true. He cant still be this angry after this long over it coming out publicly. He's angry because he expected his prosecuter to rip Dr Ford to shreds and now he has a big problem.
  23. And as I just read online, her lawyers said they paid for it. I imagine its fairly standard as part of your over-all legal fee arrangement. She'd be billed for it. OR, it was due diligence on the part of the law firm to test her credibility. Many lawyers have done that. Someone correct me if Im wrong, but isnt the choice of SCOTUS nominee meant to be confirmed by Senate as a check on the power of the President? So this idea that Trump can pick anyone he wants and the Dems are evil for not just going along with it rings hollow. The whole point of selecting someone that is agreeable to the majority of the Senate is to avoid appointing a radical or someone of undeserving character. You dont get your pick guaranteed. And if the GOP felt that way, they broke their own rules by blocking Obama's pick.
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