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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I find it interesting they questioned Dr Ford on the polygraph. Someone noted online how interesting it is that they want to know who paid for the test but they dont seem interested who suddenly paid off Kav's $200,000 debt before his nomination. Who cares who paid for the poly. The results matter...and to a degree they dont. Its inadmissible. Will Kav take one? If they dont want to question Judge, that tells you everything.
  2. And the Sens. create an environment designed to chill other women and witnesses from coming forward. Its a circus. The President of the United States will publicly call you a liar and a conman. Dont come forward. If you're a witness....why would you? But the FBI knocking on your door? That's totally different. You have to tell them the truth. This screams for a real investigation and the ONLY reason the GOP wouldnt want that is because they know the truth. If they believed it was a con, they'd be demanding these liars be thrown in prison.
  3. The impression I get is, the Republican's really dont care. They aren't moved by Dr Ford's testimony. You can truly imagine them in a room saying "so what if he did these things? It was a long time ago, he was drunk, he was like every other young man...so what??" Like they dont care. If they watched a video of him doing it, it wouldnt matter to them. They accept he did it. Their public narrative is he didnt do it. But they know the truth. They just dont care.
  4. Ummm yeah...thats a totally wild statement considering not just Bill Clinton but their attacks on Hilary when she was running for President. And maybe...maybe...he should consider what it means when he says it happens to "them". Its entirely untrue that only Conservatives have been accused of sex crimes. He's nuts. They confirmed Trump's first nominee without this... He's basically threatening to create false allegations against Democratic nominees..
  5. I think all the allegations, including Dr Ford's make him look really really bad. But clearly the Senators didnt want anyone else in hearing because they want to frame it exactly as Graham said...(and as Trump said), random allegation from 35 years ago ruins a good man. Thats the narrative. Multiple allegations and some more recent, ruin the narrative.
  6. Thats totally unbelievable. They can be critical of Sen. Feinstein if they want to. But they have refused an FBI investigation. By the way, as I read, the Anita Hill FBI investigation took three days, so had they called for this last week, it could have been done by now. Regardless of Dr Ford, there are 4 other allegations, multiple witnesses etc. He's more concerned with NOT getting his nominee than he is with the truth. He sees this as fake and a con and that Dr Ford is a liar. He's a creep.
  7. When fox has turned you know you’re in trouble
  8. Either junior is this stupid or it’s a vile attack on a victim. People with a fear of flying fly all the time.
  9. And you just know these guys wont be moved. They will say "see Kav said it didnt happen so it doesnt matter how credible, striking, gripping, Dr Ford was...he didnt do it."
  10. I dont hate the idea in theory although, its a bit hypocritical to not want an FBI investigation saying the Senate is able to investigate and then to want an outside prosecutor to question the victim saying you need someone qualified to do it. And then the Dems should be able to choose a prosecutor to question Kav. They wanted to avoid the striking image of a bunch of old white men who said stupid things in recent days grilling a victim. But as you said, the image is now a bunch of old white men too gutless to question her so they bring in a female ringer....which is really transparent. Saw a poll, 52% of Republican supporters say Kav should be confirmed EVEN if he absolutely did these things. What an embarrassment that party has become. And why many of us conservatives want to see the Dems clean their clocks for want of any other alternative. Its not that we want a far left party...we want a center-right party that is fair and responsible. We dont have it and we cant have until this grotesque Frankenstein that the GOP has devolved into is wiped away.
  11. BellMTS Place was largely private sector driven. They did get some taxpayer support but as I recall, Premier Doer had a presser to announce their investment had been recuped in new taxes much earlier than intended. For something like an NHL arena, it makes sense for public investment. I tend to agree. I like responsible use of taxes but its not like IGF was *that* expensive. As the stakeholder responsible for Canad Inns Stadium, the province was always going to write a big cheque. To either renovate CIS to "really crappy but not outwardly life threatening" standards or build a new one. IGF was a much better use of funds. Not only way better than renovating CIS, but you get something that serves the U of M as well. The issue with IGF that makes it different than the arena is the lack of events and the lack of area development. And those two things are connected. With the area, you have 15,000+ people downtown 40+ times a year just for the NHL, not to mention the plethora of other events. And we see the investment in downtown happening. With IGF, it's 10 football games and a couple of concerts, so its not a driver of development. But it was still necessary. So we could have built a cheaper, smaller less fine building that would still have cost a lot of money. Instead we have a wonderful building that will last a long long time (construction issues notwithstanding). There is no private owner per se so the argument that the Bombers should pay just doesnt work. The province gets a little piece of the action in terms of taxes and will, eventually get their piece of the pie (along with the city) in terms of taxes from the old site as well. I think the community is responsible for the Bombers and building and thus, it has to be paid for. Its a drop in the bucket over the life of the Stadium.
  12. I’m only able to follow online. Is she doing that badly
  13. she always seemed credible. This shows the White House thought they could tear her down in questioning.
  14. lol Hilary Anyone hear about the hearing today? Seems important. And not a laughing matter. Dr Ford is 100% credible and if trying to impeach her fear of flying by pointing out she has flown many times is all they've got, they're screwed.
  15. Vesa was talking about how he needs to improve and how much bigger and faster the game is compared to Europe so hopefully he'll accept the assignment to the Moose.
  16. I was a generic action show with the Magnum named slapped on it and hoping the success of Hawaii 5.0 can give it a boost. It wasnt Magnum. If they wanted to do Magnum, do it right and make it a continuation with the original cast in supporting roles.
  17. Good thing the Senate has this under control and will be able to properly investigate this entire matter by speaking to one person and then voting.
  18. There’s something wrong eirh him. I’m not sure if it’s a mental defect or he’s just not very smart
  19. This is incredible. Hes a total simpleton and desperate. Telling the female reporter to sit down. True colours. So embarrassing. This is like...something else.
  20. He didnt even really win the last election. lol Although his intelligent targeting of voters in an effort to gain strategic ground on the electoral college was impressive (not his, but his people). I cant imagine him winning again, but you never know. The issue isnt ALL his supporters because a lot of people who vote or at least answer polling questions on the phone arent overly knowledgeable. We all know people around election time that literally have no clue. The issue is that surprisingly large amount of people that fall into "White nationalist subtle racist" and "out and out proud to be a hater racist". Those are the ignorant people that were generally held in check by community standards which are not the norm anymore. You also have a percentage that will vote Republican no matter what. Trump could literally murder a black child while shouting the N word and a segment of the right would vote for him because they would hold their nose and consider it better than voting Dems. The same is true of a segment of left voters. The fact there is ample evidence the President is a criminal, has committed numerous acts of sexual assault/harrassment, is laughed at on the world stage etc etc should be enough for the "right" to want him gone and replaced with someone qualified. But they'd rather win, no matter what. The same might be true of the left but since the Dems have not elected someone like Trump, we can't be sure.
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