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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Yup and even though I've been on the receiving end of some posts from people for being a "lefty" (even though Im not), I posed the serious question as to whether Kav should, to a degree, get a pass if indeed this is true but he's done nothing of the sort since. I think its fair to say he should not be on the SCOTUS (and really, he shouldnt be for reasons other than these allegations). I also suggested, had he come forward to apologize, he might have survived and might already have been confirmed. The fact he is taking the approach that it never happened, its all lies, he wasnt even there etc, makes it about proving one side over the other. Reportedly, he will admit to the Senate that he was "not perfect". Akin to that suggested early apology. I think he's toast.
  2. Yup, it almost seemed under the radar. If thats the way it is, its a windfall for the Bombers. And likely the NDP's plan all along...they just put off the political **** storm to the PC's. It makes the Bombers fully competitive in every aspect of team management that requires money. I believe they still have their loan for improvements but shouldnt be tough to pay.
  3. If I read this correctly, bombers no longer have to make loan Payments which, since they were making their payments, is great news for the organization. Should ensure profits for years to come. Would also make Bombers attractive to private purchase though there would seem to be no reason to sell them now they are out from under the debt.
  4. I would guess more so a current media conglomerate. Many fans joke about Disney buying them. They've openly said they are open to offers and as a publicly traded company, they are obligated to do whats best for shareholders. Saying that, they are very over-valued right now. If they got a $7 billion offer, theyd almost have to sell. But as the new owners of UFC are finding out, spending billions creates large debt. The new TV deals give WWE a lot of cash for the foreseeable future though. I imagine any purchase would be similar to UFC in the sense, they'd want Vince, Hunter & Steph to continue on in their roles. Its really hard to say. I would think Hunter & Steph want to keep it in the family. They often talk about the legacy for their children. But if they turned down a major offer, it would tank the share price (I guess...Im no stock market expert)
  5. Senate Dems are demanding Trump pull Kav's nomination or instruct the FBI to investigate. Given that choice, you know Kav doesnt want an investigation...
  6. So you support pulling his nomination? That's a great step towards healing. Asking anyone here who they'd prefer as if the pint is "name someone better or accept him" is pointless. Obama's pick was better simply because he wasnt seen as overly partisan. But Trump has the right to pick someone that the Senate confirms. Let him pick someone who doesnt have multiple allegations of sexual assault...hey, maybe that would set a precedent and the US wont pick a President with the same issue!
  7. If Trump wins because you posted a partisan "letter" on a sports forum, you should be buying a Lotto Max ticket this week.
  8. I agree. Im not sure why you did it. Seemed an odd thing to do in the midst of pressing news about multiple allegations against Trump's SCOTUS nominee.
  9. I’m a bit more skeptics of this one. But it certainly deserves proper investigation.
  10. Read one interesting take on why the GOP is so determined to ram this guy through. They dont feel there is enough time to confirm a replacement before the mid-terms, will lose in the mid-terms, will be blocked from confirming someone next year due to impeachment hearings, will be blocked from doing so in 2020 (the McConnel rule) and will lose 2020. So their chance to jam the SCOTUS hard right is now or...possibly not for a long long time.
  11. The letter wasnt an olive branch. And that person doesnt speak for the entity of the "right". What olive branch is being extended when the President of the United States tells Americans to disregard a victim of sexual assault because she was drunk? Or to disregard another victim because she's a liar? What we see today is vastly different than past admins. It got nasty and racist with Obama. But generally, whether it was H.W., W, Clinton, Obama, there were disagreements, not a sense of deep, deep divide. Its not about politics. Its far more.
  12. Im legitimately very sorry to hear that. Its tragic. And yes, had his very first victim come forward, your friend might have been saved. But you must know that had his very first victim come forward, she might have been vilified, called a ***** and received threats. She might have been told it was her fault because of what she was wearing or drinking or where she was or how she "flirted". And it might have made no difference at all. If the first victim doesnt come forward, wouldn't you hope the second victim does? Or third? Someone...anyone, right? What if, no one came forward about Kav and five years from now, he's at a party, drunk or whatever and sexually assaults someone. But he's on the SCOTUS. Would you then say "well damn those previous victims for not coming forward." Yes, its unlikely Kav would rape someone now...we certainly hope he wouldnt. But if you look at your own position, would you not be 100% supportive of the victims coming forward to stop this man?
  13. What are you talking about? Firstly, Im not the "left". Secondly, if you mean the left in general, you're suggesting that they, as the party of understanding and healing should embrace Trump and go along because....why? And the inverse is that the GOP can continue to sow discord because they dont claim to be understanding? lol I guess it would be easier for Trump supporters if people who object to his white nationalism just accepted it. But I dont think thats going to happen. I suppose the left could learn from the right in how to accept a President they dont like, right?
  14. I believe you are incorrect. First of all, a victim is not obligated to report a crime. Of course, its always better when they do. We've established that you do not believe there are any legitimate reasons that victims of sexual assault would not report those crimes and we've established that you're wrong on that count. But assuming Dr Ford wanted to file charges, I believe the jurisdiction is the Maryland PD. Its not a federal crime. Where the FBI has jurisdiction is investigating Federal employees, such as Kav. In this case, they'd have to be instructed to do so. We've heard Trump say "the FBI doesnt do that". That is factually wrong. They've actually done this exact same thing before, at the request of the White House. The FBI stands ready to do so. But they must be directed by the only party able to direct them to investigate, the White House (or Sessions, which is essentially the same).' Again, why do you not want an FBI investigation. If they investigate and three days from now they say "meh, we cant make heads or tails of this", what was lost? Nothing. We know they wont say that. I guess thats the issue. As I said, its not about ditching a Trump-appointee. The GOP wouldnt confirm Obama's nominee when he had every right to make one. Yet they want to ram through a guy with multiple allegations of sexual impropriety? Is that not deserving of a full investigation by a non-partisan body?
  15. What fighting? Do you mean specifically here or do you mean in general in the US? I dont see people fighting here. People in the US have every right to protest. Their President appears to be a racist, bigot with at least 17 credible allegations of sexual misconduct who was just laughed at by the UN assembly. You're not sure why people have a problem with that?
  16. You posted a "letter" that was a partisan, smarmy attack on the "left" and then when people pointed it out for what it was, you lamented that we cant get along and cant "heal". If you think opposers of Trump need to embrace the perspective of that "letter" to heal, you're being very close minded to what actually divides people.
  17. I dont believe Mark Judge gave a sworn statement that carries a perjury charge...he should be there. But the Senate is not the FBI. You're conflating a show-hearing where the Senators have already said they plan to confirm Kav regardless, with a legitimate investigation. Why do you fear an FBI investigation? In Maryland, it may not be outside of the Statute. However, the reason the FBI should investigate is because they are the federal investigative agency. They do back ground checks on prospective nominees and will do deeper investigations at the request of the White House. They have the power to do a full investigation. And when you are questioned by the FBI, you are obligated to tell the truth by law. There are too many accusers, witnesses and second-hand, third-hand etc accounts...too much stuff floating around on both sides, to not demand an FBI investigation to weed out the irrelevant stuff and focus on what actually happened. What the White House fears, even in a "he said/she said" is an FBI report that calls Dr Ford "credible". And oddly, we see here supporters of Trump dont want an investigation at all. Imagine being okay with a potential sexual predator and liar being confirmed to SCOTUS. Its not like if Kav s pulled, his replacement will be a liberal...lol The line isnt being drawn at "Republican appointee", its being drawn at "lying, partisan, white nationalist, potential sexual predator." I dont know...seems like a reasonable line to me. Pull his nominee and go on to the next one. Thats why there are confirmation hearings. to weed out crap like this. He's crap. Next.
  18. You cant be serious. Are you not aware of the number of witnesses that have been named, especially Kav's best friend who would be his best witness but he doesnt even want him there for some reason. We're talking about trained investigators who are experts in questioning people and conducting these sorts of investigations. Its ridiculous to rely on people coming forward publicly when doing so puts them in jeopardy. But an investigation could point to other witnesses who would be obligated under threat of felony charge, to tell the truth. I mean...man...so any time there is a crime, the people involved should just write out their versions and mail it to a judge and thats that? No investigations needed? lol The only reason you'd not want an investigation is because you fear the outcome. Anyone falsly accused of a serious crimes wants to be exonerated. If they wont talk to the feds, if they dont want their witnesses talking to the feds...there's a problem. If you think Kav is telling the truth and everyone else, including his room mate, is lying, why wouldnt you want that investigated? EDIT: And how do you know the statements are the "only evidence"? Who said that? Just today we have a new witness, a new victim and Kav's High School calendar. Are we to take it all at face value? Does it not warrant a check of its veracity? There could be other evidence out there, other witnesses....thats why you do investigations.
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