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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. People have different reasons for distancing themselves from people. One of my best friends is gay but he was generally a conservative for years. As he got more involved in the gay community, he began moving towards the left. I recall him being very anti-trump well before the election and I recall telling him that he shouldn't be too hasty that Trump's stated position had been supportive of gays. Of course, my open mind to Trump has allowed me to complete be disgusted with him. The suggestion that its sad when anti-Trump people distance themselves from their trump loving friends, I think diminishes the historic level of disgust people feel. Many people would consider it reasonable to distance themselves from friends they come to see as racist, bigoted, ignorant, misogynistic etc. We can probably agree on that. So if people in the US see their President that way, it should be no surprise they'd distance themselves from people who support that. I liked W. and I recall having many debates and discussions with friends and others and it was never nasty. I've been at parties with Trump supporters and to be honest, you can have ten people of various political spectrum discussing something and the Trump supporter is like a grenade in the midst.
  2. Yowza To me, regardless of politics (again, Im a conservative but not an alt right, with left leaning social beliefs), we really should all agree that this confirmation process should be halted and a complete FBI investigation conducted. Why not?
  3. I like Kulikov and hope he can regain his form but two major back issues says its a gamble. Jets arent in dire need of cap relief so its not a concern. But I do agree with Goalie that if you have other players ahead of him, then perhaps its time to waive him. Ideally, you'd trade him but no one will bite without thinking he's at least healthy. So in a perfect world, he regains his form and helps the Jets. Second best scenario is, he regains his form enough to be traded. Next summer, with one year remaining, if the Jets need his cap space they could consider buying him out or do a deal where they send him somewhere (and throw in a pick to sweeten the pot). Josh being a two year deal matches up nicely with Kulikov expiring though.
  4. Yeah, I dont disagree that is what they do. Its counter to the way Vince built WWE in the first place. Playing it safe and raking in money is great and no one is suggesting they go back to TV-14. But RAW is so boring, long, formulaic...it lacks sizzle, its not cool, most of it seems very cookie cutter. Its almost like a 3 hour infomercial for WWE the company. Changing creative to be more interesting wouldnt be a risk. At some point, they will chisel their audience down. If rights fees ever take a dive, there go their profits. But there is talk the whole point of WWE right now is to set up for a sale to a conglomerate. All the talk from behind the scenes is that the writers arent bad, its just that their audience is Vince, not the fans. And that he, at his age, just doesnt have it anymore.
  5. Yes, my point being that the conservatives who are pooh-poohing legitimate claims of a sexual attack wanted Clinton for having a consensual affair. If you feel it was egregious of Clinton for using his position to have that affair (and I dont disagree because of the obvious power imbalance) how can you shrug off these claims? At the very least you should be saying this is why the FBI should be tasked with investigating and why Kav should not be confirmed until he's cleared. Your position about victims not coming forward...well, you seem to be accusatory towards them as if they did something wrong so they got what they deserved. But this isnt voodoo, its far too easy to read about the effects of these attacks on women and why so many do not come forward. You can't have it both ways: Either 1) Come forward and 2) so we can call you a liar, a *****, threaten your life and put you on trial. If you want women to come forward, then the way Dr Ford has been treated is the exact opposite way you'd treat women. Unless you condemn Trump, Kav and their people in their treatment of her, you dont really want women to come forward. You just want a hollow excuse for why we shouldnt believe her. And by the way, Ramirez being unsure of the identity of the man who assaulted her does not mean her account is untrue. Thats like saying its okay to rape an unconscious woman because she wont know its you. If you want to discuss her specifically, at least tell the whole story, that she didnt come forward at all....it was people she knew that openly talked about the time Kav did that to her and she was approached by media to tell her story. The fact that she might not have known it was Kav until witnesses told her, well, many victims dont know the identity of their attackers. Again, sounds like something that warrants investigation by the proper authorities, no? If Kav was innocent, he'd want the FBI to quickly and completely clear him. He'd want the eye witness (his own buddy) to testify. The facts are, the GOP wants this confirmation rammed through to avoid an investigation because they dont want any more stories coming out. Why is that?? If he's innocent, then investigate, clear him and charge any and all parties who maliciously set out to harm him. Funny how they dont want to...
  6. Strong NFL game and season premieres but those happen every year and RAW still trends down. Its been trending down for a couple of years. One thing WWE is very good at is minimizing these things. Vince used to be very simple when it came to what he considered key metrics -house show attendance & ratings. Usually house show attendance would flatten out before TV ratings but it showed you a down turn was coming. Now, WWE literally doesnt care (at least not publicly) about any of those things that used to be indicators of softening interest because they are profitable. Whereas a bad rating would see immediately response in terms of a creative change or a bad buy rate would see immediate change, they think far more big picture. Its the same with Roman. Whereas in the past, Vince would have changed direction immediately, he saw Cena get boo'ed and still sell a ton of merch so he doesnt trust fan response anymore. WWE is hugely profitable and with the TV deals, will be for years but I'd be concerned about the ratings if I were them. To me, sure you can have soft ratings and still make a massive profit but why not make a massive profit and be more creative and interesting? When New Japan, All In etc do big numbers, its not because they have a corporate machine behind it like WWE...its creative (story-telling and talent). WWE should learn from it. There has to be that fear if you're Kenny, Bucks etc about going there when they promise you the world but you see they wont change.
  7. Pigseye is smart enough to know. Its just the blame the victim mentality in support of powerful men who share the same political perspective. The GOP wanted Clinton out of office for having an consensual affair.
  8. Yeah maybe. It funny how the victim wants an fbi investigation where she’s be subject to a felony charge if she lied and the accused, the president and the GOP don’t...
  9. Everyone else who? Can you really think of no reason they came forward now? Which isn’t true by the way. Dr ford disclosed to a therapist several years ago. The other accused didn’t come forward, people that knew her and Kav were actively talking about it.
  10. Yup. Anyone who believes Kavanaugh is innocent should be demanding an FBI investigation not insinuating the victims are lying and should simply be ignored.
  11. Does absence of recent incidents mean everyone is lying? Perhaps he changed. Perhaps he stopped drinking. Perhaps he matured and realized his future was in jeaopardy if he continued his behaviour. How much research did you do to support your position that people don’t stoP? Cosby’s last incident was ten years ago. The treatment of Dr Ford and the GOPs stated intention to disregard alegations could have a chilling affect on others, don’t you think?
  12. Just need two republican senators to get a clue. Hard to believe that’s such an unlikely scenario but it is
  13. No kidding. Talk about delusional. Lol
  14. Thats how this whole thing started. A comedian was doing a bit about how hypocritical Cosby is because he rejects the "raunchy" comedy in favour of his more family-oriented stuff and that comedian said "But you rape women, Bill! Look it up, he rapes women" and it was recorded and went viral. Cosby had a schtick that made him rich.
  15. You beat me to it but I forgot to hit Submit 😉 What a sad ending to a seemingly brilliant career. I signed up for Amazon Prime earlier this year and they still have the Cosby Show on it and I watched much of the series (mainly I have fond memories of it as a kid and had a huge crush on Lisa Bonet). The series was incredible and really groundbreaking in its portrayal of black Americans. To have Cosby end this way is rough but self-inflicted. What a jerk.
  16. haha, I mean, this strategy is just the dumbest thing ever. Not only does no one believe it but it doesnt matter anyway. basically he's saying you cant sexually assault someone if you're a virgin? The guy is up for a SCOTUS job and he doesnt understand how sexual assault work? That should preclude him right there. He thinks you can waive your ******* in a woman's face, hold a woman down and try to take off her clothes against her will but that's not sexual assault?? He's not remotely capable of being impartial. He's an Alt Right nut and apparently, based on his assistant, a White Nationalist pig. I think thats the strategy. They *might* be able to based on having a vetted list ready...its not like they need a new search. But if they dont have time..and they might not want to even try, the idea might be they want THIS guy, a right wing nut, not a center-leaning conservative that is acceptable to all sides...that doesnt accomplish the goal of shoving the Court to the far right for the next generation. So, they either ram him through or, its a rallying cry to give Republican voters something to hang their hat on since they have nothing right now. Thats why the messaging this week is, "democrat conspiracy" "look what they've done to a fine man". They are sacrificing the women vote...although not their base as we saw by that interview on CNN with the worse women ever (but committed Trump voters).
  17. Well sure and I didnt watch but from the reactions online, it doesnt sound like the interview did him any good. He's now on record lying. You've got Trump attacking victims (when even Mitch McConnel told him that was only hurting Kav) but Trump doesnt know any other way based on his response to his own sexual assault/harassment allegations I think the GOP knows this is a lost cause unless Dr Ford implodes on Thursday. They will use it as a rallying cry (the Dems conspired to vilify a great man and will take down the President) for the mid-terms. Kav claims he has calnadard from when he was 17 that he kept detailed about his social activities? Come on... oh and he didnt note "raped a chick" so I guess he's off the hook. But he wont release material pertaining to his work? He wont reveal where $200,000 in debt went right before his nomination? His own room mate says he was a drunk and his alleged behaviour is in keeping with his character. He should have got in front of this and said yeah, I was a smarmy, drunk frat boy, who wasnt? And let the chips fall. He's made it a lot harder for Republicans. And let's not forget his arrogant assistant who repeatedly made the White Power sign on camera while he testified in the US SENATE!
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