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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. This is where he loses people. Why lie about this? If he said look I was in high school and I went to parties and we drank. And like most parents I tell my underage kids don’t drink but I am not naive so I also tell them to call a cab or call me for a ride. To lie about this, to try and spin even this to make him seem squeaky clean just taints everything else he says
  2. It’s almost tiresome to keep posting more sleazy stuff about this guy. Heres a question, if everything is true...but is restricted to incidents in high school and college and not since, does Kavanaugh deserve a break? If someone natures and changed as a person, what then...?
  3. Don’t worry. Kavanaugh did an interview with fox. Everything will be okay
  4. So why is the senate so determined not to question Mark Judge, the apparent witness to this assault and pal of Kavanaugh? Because lying on Twitter is one thing but lying to Congress is something else...? And anyone think the White House is plannng to pull the nomination and use firing Rod as the cover?
  5. Geez Kellyanne is slipping. Right wing nuts always resort to whataboutism when they have nothing else and she compared Kav to two men who had allegations of years-old incidents come back to bite them, ending their careers (and possibly their freedom). An odd comprising but I guess all they have left.
  6. Theyre not even trying to be cute anymore. I think they will march ahead because they really dont care. Clearly they knew of the second allegation against Kav which is why they were trying to force Ford's hand for a Monday hearing (or to pressure her into not testifying). They wanted the vote to confirm him before any more allegations came forward. Based on his record and now these allegations, there is simply no way he should be confirmed. He should be pulled and they should nominate someone else. But they dont want to be seen as weak. Problem is, they are sort of screwed. If they pull him now, they have to try and push a nomination through before the mid-terms. They will look defeated which hurts them in the election. Pushing Kav through is going to hurt them in the mid terms anyway. Firing Rosenstein this close to the mid-terms would be an epic disaster. Trump might just double down and fire everyone including Sessions and Mueller and hit the mid-terms with the message "if the Dems win control of Congress, they will take down this admin and mire the nation in a crises." Of course, never under-estimate the stupidity of the electorate.
  7. Read this thread. When the Times story broke there were plenty of anti-trump people critical of it saying it reeked of a planted story
  8. I hope Mueller has kept copies of everything "off-site" with a nuclear option to get the file in the hands of media or something in the event he's fired. I know the Trump supporters are quiet (or they dont read this thread) and feel its an echo chamber but really, this admin is chaos. Absolute chaos.
  9. It’s all over the place. Reports are White House will demand he resign but Rosenstein will refuse and insist on being fired. White House saying he reigned so they are trying to spin it. Doing it with Trump at the UN so Kelly does it. Mueller probe should fall to next person and I’ve heard it won’t change anything but wonder if trump tries to install someone new to end the probe. Hopefully mueller has his ducks in a row.
  10. If I recall, in the comics, when Steve Rogers refused to be a pawn of the government, they created a new Captain America while Rogers became..."Cap"? They didnt get that deep into it in the films, which is a shame because a new Captain America would have been interesting. Thats an awesome little video. Watch, this Joker film will be awesome...but not be part of the DC Universe so it wont matter.
  11. Someone take the GoT's poster and make the background castle a pic of Winnipeg... Couple more new season shows I watched. New series Gone (Bravo), starring Chris Noth. I love everything Noth does and the cast is good but the writing is ridiculous. Noth is an FBI agent who rescued a kidnapped child named Kit. 15 years later, Kit now calls herself Kik (because she mis-remembered her name as Kik when found) and is a martial arts expert, gun expert and apparent genius. She lives with her gay best friend who is an expert hacker and wants to help find other missing kids. Noth puts together a kidnap task force because apparently the FBI is really bad at finding kidnap victims. He says they are "well funded" which is true because they have what appears to be a aircraft similar to Air Force One...a super jet outfitted with computers etc. Noth sends his FBI partner (another former Law & Order cop) Bishop, to recruit Kik, which he does by pretending he needs self defense lessons and then apparently attacking her. She defeats him and is recruited to the team. They then arrest her friend for hacking but let him go when he agrees to help. Because he's the best hacker ever or the FBI can afford a super jet but not an FBI hacker. Kik proceeds to become the de facto partner of Bishop as they investigate a kidnapping with Noth, the best friend hacker and another agent who has nothing to do, relay info from the superjet. Fortunately, they have a fancy Google Maps program which Kik points out cant be FBI because the FBI doesnt have a fancy Google Maps. Its okay, Bishop is former Military Intelligence and THEY have a fancy Google Maps which Bishop can use... Lucky for them, Kik appears to be trained in all manner of FBI technique when it comes to clearing a building, making arrests etc. And the best friend hacker is able to find anything they need on the internet. I wanted to like Gone. But man...it sucked. Also, The Deuce (HBO) is back for its second season. I want to love it. But I'm struggling to stay invested. I didnt even watch last week's episode until last night. The back story is, HBO's series Vinyl had disappointing ratings, they fired the show runner and then cancelled it before the second season in favour of The Deuce (as both series' took place in 1970's New York). But Vinyl was INFINITELY better than The Deuce. Besides the maddening fact that The Deuce' sound is so poorly mixed I have to strain the hear the dialogue over the rest of the audio, its just not that interesting. Occasionally it seems to be...but its just hard to embrace. One thing I noticed is, they have really quick cuts between scenes...there is almost too many storylines happening at once and its hard to embrace them. Its slickly made of course, being HBO and well cast and well acted. But the gimmick of James Franco playing identical twins seems to be really pointless. It has a few elements of Sopranos or Boardwalk Empire without the drama or gravitas of those series. It has the grit and period piece nostalgia of Vinyl without the heart or humor of that series. And Bobby Cannavale was a better leading man than Franco (and I like Franco). Tonight, it's Magnum PI!
  12. Avanatti claims to have a client who is not the woman above. Best part of the article is when GOP Senators learned of this additional allegation they wanted to push for the vote. They literally want to get this guy confirmed before any other incidents come forward. They don’t care what he might have done.
  13. One of the most interesting senate races is in Texas. Cruz vs O’rourke Cruz posted this speech by O’rourke thinking it was a smear on him What does it say about Cruz’s opinion of Texas voters?
  14. I heard that too. She should file a police report since trump basically demands she do it. And sue the prick as well.
  15. Yup, The Impaler (leaping DDT). Windham did the leaping DDT as well (I think he swung the guy around as he did it). As an aside, Gangrel (The Brood era), had one of the best intros ever. When I was kid I loved the Claw Hold. When Braon Von Raschke put it on, it terrified me. The Von Erich's used the Claw as well and Windham did the "body claw" (Stomach Claw). Funny local story, we had a wrestler who was never a top guy but I always liked him (he had several tag title and secondary title reigns). We wanted to freshen him up and I thought he looked a bit like a Windham, so I told him we were going to call him Kevin (his real name) Windham. And I asked him to do all Barry's moves (Stomach Claw, Leaping DDT, lariat, Superplex etc). He argued in favour of not using "Windham" but did the moves....all except the Stomach Claw because someone told him it was stupid and would never get over. Fast forward a couple of years and a clique in our local promotion were all really good workers and friends and they decided to take random moves and try to get them over. For example, one guy chose the Screaming Toe Hold, which he got over huge. Well, one of the team members was away for a few shows so the rest of the team made up a story that he was in Japan learning the secrets of the dreaded Stomach Claw. They'd say this every week on the show. When the guy finally returned, they told him what they had done and said he had to use the hold now. So he's wrestling and at the right moment reaches into his tights and pulls out a glove (someone had an extra pair as part of a rarely-used masked gimmick). And the crowd went nuts. So he began using it as a finisher and it was super over. The best part of the story is, he was asked to play the part of Kenny Omega's opponent in a video we call the Cottage Country Match. Kenny was being booked in Japan against Kota Ibushi who was called the Anywhere Champion with the gimmick he defended the title "anywhere". So they asked Kenny to film a match they could use to hype him as the Anywhere Champion of Canada. As an aside, when the video was posted online, the local goofballs all derided it as "exposing the business", "backyard", "not taking it seriously"...until they realized it was part of Kenny getting booked in Japan. Anyway....long story short....Kenny arrives in Japan and all anyone wants to talk about is "Mike Angels" (the guy he worked who he called the Anywhere Champion of Canada....who Kenny beat). Everyone bought him as this major star. "Do you know him," they asked. "Can you get him to come here?" So Mike gets booked in Japan. He arrives and the promotion is filming vignettes and they have a bag of apples. They think the whole Stomach Claw thing is legit and are interviewing him and ask him to smash an apple with his claw. He takes the apple and is thinking "If I dont smash this friggen apple, my Japanese career is over..." He begins squeezing. "Please God, break this ******* apple..." And suddenly the Apple explodes in a million pieces and everyone watching is oohing and awwwing. He said after the crew left, he picked up a few more apples and couldnt get another one to smash. Stomach Claw!
  16. If its open 24 hours, I'd suspect it would do very well on late night weekends. I know Johnny G's (both of them around there) are always busy (or at least always busy when I go). And the lunchtime crowd should do well at Sals too.
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