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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. A great move in the days when finishing moves actually finished matches. When Jake did the short-arm clothesline, the crowd immediately jumped to their feets and began yelling DDT...and then he gave the sign for it. Fantastic. Arn Anderson had a heck of a DDT as well and used it to finish matches. If you watch video of Arn hitting it, same as Jake, as soon as he set up for it, the crowd buzzed. Some variations over the years have been great. The Rock did the float-over DDT (didnt always hit it very well). Shane does that one too.
  2. So on the subject of new TV shows, I watched "I Feel Bad" last night, a new comedy. Made it about 10 minutes before I gave up. Good cast, awful writing.
  3. He shrunk more when he was Crow sting. He was older and going through some personal stuff. When he showed up for Starrcade 97, he was soft and out of shape. Thats the motivation for Hogan changing his mind about doing a clean job. Totally ridiculous. The angle had been built up amazingly for a year and the fans were ready for Sting to finally beat Hogan. Hogan said Sting wasnt a professional, didnt take it seriously and didnt deserve. I think it was Bisch that also felt Sting let them down by showing up out of shape (it wasnt like he was fat...and his gimmick wore a body suit so not a huge deal). The storyline was also Bret Hart's first big show in WCW. Referee Nick Patrick was supposed to do a fast three count on Sting, Hart would come down and say he wasnt going to allow a ref to screw a wrestler like he was screwed (a few weeks earlier in Montreal) and re-start the match. But Hogan had gone to Patrick and told him to do a normal three count. So the end result was Sting got dominated and pinned cleanly and Hart looked like an idiot re-starting the match and it appeared Hogan, the heel, was screwed. Crow Sting was amazing story-telling but I agree, once he was back for good, it sort of had a short shelf life. But him dropping from the ceiling was crazy and he did it so often. When you consider what happened to Owen later, its really incredible Sting did those stunts. He even dropped from a chopper and another time, dropped, hooked another wrestler (I think DDP) and they both ascended into the rafters. Yikes.
  4. Mueller investigation could be hitting the home stretch as it seemingly zeroes in on trump
  5. Hutch waived by Florida. So a couple of ex Jets goalies looking for work
  6. Holy **** Trumps going to use this to fire him.
  7. Superkick is definitely up there. I actually use it as a catch-all when giving direction (ie. "hit the ring, superkick,...") meaning a quick, visually strong move. Stonecold Stunner also a favourite. I had hoped WWE would give Ronda Rousey the stunner. Its quick, visually impressive, easy to hit etc. Ronda's current move requires too long to set up and cant really be done with multiple people. I'm also partial to the Alabama Jam, Spinebuster Slam, Superplex (you can tell Im a fan of old school JCP/NWA - Eaton, Anderson, Windham).
  8. CNN managed to find the stupidest group of women they could. Another example of why so many women don’t come forward. They can’t even rely on their fellow women.
  9. It does expose what the GOP plan is as far as their attack. Trump was obviously in a strategy session where they decided to attack the victim based on not filing a police report at the time.
  10. Trump is patting himself on the back for his "measured response" to this. But he let slip his true feelings by asking why the victim didnt contact the FBI when it happened. Huh? She was 15 and the accused was not a Judge. You might question why she didnt tell her parents, teacher or police, but the FBI? Trump is an idiot. Also, we know its completely normal for victims to wait years to disclose, sometimes never. Most people wrongly accused would be screaming from the rooftops that they want a complete and nonpartisan investigation to exonerate them. If Ford is lying, she's playing right into Kav's hands by demanding an FBI probe (she'd be charged with lying to the FBI, a federal offense). The fact she named the only eye witness as Kav's buddy only serves to help the accused. The Republican's demands for her to testify so quickly and their efforts to bring in outside counsel to grill her show that we havent evolved much. Their intent is to turn it around on the victim. When Trump says Ford should come forward and then "we'll see"...I think he's exposing the results of their internal discussions. They want her to appear before the Senate and get grilled and hopefully (to them), she is discredited. If not...if her testimony drums up more public demand, then "we'll see" becomes "fine, let the FBI investigate..." Remember Trump has many sexual assault/harassment allegations against him. His default position is, boys will be boys and women should never be believed.
  11. Unless his contract has a clause against firing I can’t see him winning.
  12. On CBS All Access. Another solid investment with a niche audience. Hopefully SPACE or someone picks it up as I'll give it a shot. The gf was a big Outer Limits fan, she'd try this too.
  13. In my experience the cops have a mixed response to things like this. I remember from my time working in bars, we often got mixed messages. For a time, the cops would show up (cause every entitled drunk we threw out would call the cops) and berate us for "thinking you're cops" or "being out of control". Then we had a community officer who was great and he met with us and told us our job was tough enough without dealing with BS so to call the cops anytime we wanted. So we did and then got berated for "not being able to handle your own problems." I remember my boss angrily telling our community officer that we could handle things ourselves if the cops supported us or we could call them for every incident or a combination of the two but that he was threw with cops showing up with attitudes. The community officer was totally with us. But community policing ended and it was the wild west again, a crapshoot as to what type of officer you'd deal with when you needed them (or they were called). I noticed in the last couple of police information releases, it seems the LC security was being more active and there have been more arrests.
  14. WWE will be launching a tiered price for the Network. That's why people think the Impact/WWE meeting was about the library, with Impact supposedly doing the pitching. I cant see WWE willing to air Impact without owning it, though they had considered airing some smaller indies on the network, but Vince always changed his mind. And I cant see the Fight Network selling the TNA library because its the whole reason they bought it in the first place. WWE does own Progress and ICW tape libraries (UK-based indies) and have sat on them. But they're probably saving them for the Network Tier pricing. Having TNA's library would be a good hook for that and WWE negotiated to buy TNA a couple of years ago but they never get into bidding wars. They have a value they put on libraries (an amount per hour) and they wont pay more. I think thats a bit stubborn in the case of TNA as its 16+ years of turn-key footage, meaning it's ready to air as-is...cataloged, on masters, HD, ready to go. Its an enormous library. And it contains some of the best matches of key WWE guys like AJ Styles and Samoa Joe as well as the last match of Ric Flair, years of Sting, the whole Hogan thing etc. WWE had minor talks with ROH too. If they could ever secure both ROH & TNA libraries, it would be a great thing for the Network.
  15. Joe’s a great guy. Great honour for him and he deserves it!
  16. So on the subject of Saudi Arabia, this is hilarious. Its Undertaker & Kane vs HHH & Michaels, in HBK's first match in 8 years. He always turned down their offers to return but the money was too much to ignore. The Saudi government are basically wrestling fans from 10-20 years ago. They had some weird requests, like I think Yokozuna was one of them...or someone who was dead anyway. So, Kane didnt want to do it because he's the Mayor of Knoxville and he felt it looked bad politically. So WWE donated $100,000 to a Knoxville charity on Kane's behalf. So he'll do it. lol Good for him!
  17. I think they sure think he does. And he probably does. Star power carries weight and he has it. Its the reason they throw so much money at Brock when he hasnt looked that impressive for awhile and why he'd walk back in and get a title shot. Its why they signed CM Punk who was 37 or whatever with no fight experience...cause he has star power. Cormier doesnt want Jones before Brock. And Cormier said he'd retire at 40 (next March). But if UFC can do Cormier/Brock and then Cormier/Jones and then Brock/Jones, thats three massive PPV's over the next year. Not to mention Jones' return fight against whomever.
  18. Pretty stiff comments. SNL generally sucks, Ill give him that. But to suggest it was downhill after he left...yeah right. To me the glory years were Dana Carvey, Dennis Miller, Nora Dunn, Chris Farley, Franken, Hartman, Jan Hooks, Jackson...basically the late 80's into the 90's. Plus, Chase always seems batshit crazy
  19. I just did some Googling and it seems the deal with the Panthers is, they have a great lease with the city owned arena whereby they get revenue from other non-hockey events they host as long as they keep the Panthers there. The lease runs out in 2023, so probably a good couple of years before we hear about relocation there.
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