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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I’m guessing the statute of limitations has expired. Thus no police investigation. The FBI’s Position is it’s not a federal crime. They basically do background checks and will investigate when they are asked to. So protocol is for the White House to request the FBI investigate. Trump and anyone else suggesting they can’t or don’t want to is false. If trump believes the allegation is false he’d instruct the FBI to investigate and exonerate Kavanaugh. Trump knows the score. He’s harrassed and assaulted women many times oh and this...
  2. They count tickets out as the attendance. So if they distribute 100,000 tickets that no one uses, they can claim an attendance of 100,000 people. I cant remember the details on the Panthers but there was a reason why they hadnt been relocated...a lease or something. They'd be ripe for the pickings though...
  3. Huge respect for Ford. She's practically a patriot at this stage by refusing to give testimony to the Senate until the FBI investigates. To the people implying she's a Democrat plant and this is all nonsense or "convenient", she's receiving death threats, has had to leave her home, leave her job etc. This is why victims are reluctant to come forward. Most accused want to be exonerated when they arent guilty. Kavanaugh should be the one demanding a full investigation. He's not. What does that say? Listen, Dr Ford could be batshit crazy and this could be a lie. We dont know. We can only judge what we do know. That she disclosed this to a therapist years ago, to her husband years ago, to friends....thats one hell of a long game if its a set up. If its a lie, she'd say no one else was there. Instead, she named a witness who happened to be Kav's best friend. What a witness! Geeez.... Judge doesnt want to give testimony...well, one reason could be, he doesnt want to be involved. Another reason would be, he doesnt want to support Ford and surely doesnt want to lie under oath. If he gives testimony and then its shown he lied...he's in big trouble. This might be unpopular, but honestly, Kav should just tell the truth, assuming he knows he did it. Had he come forward and said "Look, I dont specifically recall this incident but I remember Ms Ford and remember spending time together or being at the same parties. I remember many parties, and as young people we did drink a lot. If I ever did anything that made Ms Ford feel attacked or threatened, I sincerely apologize. I believe her 100% that she feels the way she feels and I wish I could take that pain away. Its no excuse to say we were young and immature. Young men should be taught that no means no and they are responsible for their actions. In the 40 years since, there has never been a similar allegation made and I have tried to live my life in a way my family would be proud. My record speaks for itself. I will answer any question and cooperate with any investigation." If he says something like that, I believe he gets confirmed.
  4. The national post. I guess cause Drake’s gf is 18 it’s coming across creepy that he’s so close with a 14 year old.
  5. Those prices are killer but when its time for a new one, I'd look long and hard at the 10S.
  6. I think the idea of Myers on the left is to give him more ice time. Maurice said something about that, giving everyone time. He even joked that Trouba told him he'd play the left side. Morrow is actually pretty solid. He was pretty highly touted when he came into the league, didnt really have the success people thought he would...but he's not a scrub. As others have said, with Niku, no reason to rush him, He's young, has a two way deal, can be sent down etc. I thought Poolman could be too but TSN this morning said he is subject to waivers which gives him an inside shot at 3RHD or the press box. Same with Logan...he can be sent down so no sense in hand-wringing over him yet. He has lots of upside and does some things well. He'll get used to the speed of the pro game in the AHL and be better for it. The D is pretty good this year and has some good pieces moving forward, primarily if they lock up Josh and Trouba long term.
  7. Im not sure I'd take him at face value. Their rehab program has been pretty generous. I believe they sent Sunny multiple times...finally announced they would never send her again and then quietly did send her again. Chair shots to the head would be one of the worse things guys did to hurt their brains but for a time, it was standard operating procedure. WWE should take some responsibility for that but my point is, how can you sue WWE for not protecting you from CTE if no one knew about CTE at the time. The NFL got in trouble because there was evidence they DID know and didnt disclose that. Old timers from the 70's/80's in any sport suing the league or company for not disclosing information they had no reasonable expectation to posses doesnt sit right. On the other hand, if you worked for a league for your career and are now suffering, there should be a morale obligation to assist. The problem is, WWE doesnt have a pension plan and many of the guys worked all over the world....if they worked for NWA/WCW for 10 years, Japan for 7 years and WWE for 4 years, why should WWE be responsible? Now that WWE is aware of brain injury, they actually are the safest promotion in the world in that regard, from having a special super-padded ring for training, making trainees wear helmets, banning head shots, banning most neck moves etc. WWE generally has a higher injury rate than New Japan, likely due to their schedule but they are protective of the head. Depends on the promotion and the talent. It used to be much more the wrestlers but WWE asserts more control over the details. How it generally works is, the writers work on RAW all week, go back and forth with Vince and others all weekend (in the 90's, the bookers would go to Vince's house). On Monday, when the script was more or less locked, they'd have a production meeting that included the agents (WWE now calls them producers) to go over the show and what the writers (and Vince's) intentions are for the story they're telling. Each segment is assigned an Agent (an agent can have more than one segment). When talent arrives, they check the run sheet (the synopsis of the show) to see who their agent is and go seek him/her out. The agent conveys the story and works with the talent to put their match/segment together. The agent is responsible for ensuring the rules and WWE's vision is adhered to (so if Seth said he wants to do a pile driver, the agent would nix it). So the talent has a lot of say in that regard but within the context of the story WWE is telling and their style. Thats why a lot of WWE matches have similar tropes. WWE also books for TV so for example, there has to be a spot at a specific time where the action spills to the floor and everyone is down so they can go to break...or Corbin slaps on a 4 minute chin lock while they're on commercial etc. When segments are bad or guys do **** they shouldnt, there is often heat on the agent. You can see a difference between RAW and NXT where the agents are conveying Vince's vision on RAW whereas conveying Hunter's vision on NXT. Some WWE agents are Arn Anderson, Mike Rotundo (IRS), Jamie Noble, Fit Finlay, Adam Pierce...and I think Winnipeg's own Sarah Stock is an agent too. New Japan provides more freedom to the wrestlers to come up with all their stuff. Individually, some wrestlers prefer to have every detail mapped out while some prefer to have a basic outline and call it in the ring. Flair & Steamboat had some of the greatest matches ever and both preferred to just go to the ring without a plan. Randy Savage was notorious for wanting every detail mapped out (his WrestleMania 3 match against Steamboat was heavily rehearsed). Hogan/Warrior was heavily rehearsed. On the indies, most guys would have the freedom to put their matches together and most guys would go over it beforehand. You might have a booker who is more tightly controlling but I always feel like indies are for learning and guys need the freedom to explore to really learn what works and what doesnt (and then you provide them feedback after). So for example in my promotion, we have a crew meeting before the show where I briefly go over the entire show with some key storyline stuff. I used to go over it in more detail but I find its easier to save the details for smaller groups. So after the meeting (sometimes before as guys arrive), I'd meet with guys in a match or segment and go over the storyline aspects and whatever ideas I have. Generally, I'd provide a finish which could be "whatever you want" or "you over clean, however you want" or "you over via shenanigans, however you want". Sometimes I have a finish in mind and will suggest that and unless the guys have a better idea, thats what we do. Sometimes I have an idea for how to start the match or a spot during the match. Mostly, Im providing story beats and they come up with how to convey it. Every booker has a style and certain "rules" to how they put shows together. For really green guys (rookies), I've given a lot of detail but as Im not a worker, I dont feel its my strength so I generally dont. We have a lot of veterans so usually young guys are working with a veteran and sometimes Ill specifically designate a guy to "agent" a match. For what its worth, Kenny goes over his matches/segments in detail before hand. It used to be something less athletic guys would use as a criticism "real workers call it in the ring". But these super talented guys today, they can go into a match totally blank but their focus is on the best match they can do so they like to go over it beforehand. EDIT: And I should add, the timing of the match is probably more important to the company. In WWE, Billy Kidman times the matches and its super important (he sits at the Gorilla Position, behind the curtain and keeps the time). All In almost blew it because two matches went long and they got off the air with 3 seconds left in their PPV satellite time. So even in New Japan, they might not give Kenny and Okada details for their match but they will definitely give them time. ie. 25 minutes and you better hit it as close as possible. Since the big promotions have wireless headsets to convey orders to the refs its easy for time and commercials etc, because the ref will relay it. For smaller promotions like mine, you'll just see me angrily motioning towards the guys...lol
  8. You’ve now got a victim who says she wants an FBI investigation and an accused (and Trump) refusing. If this is a Democrat plot and has no veracity wouldn’t they want an investigation to exonerate Kavanaugh??
  9. My issue is when old timers sue based on the idea wwe knew and they didn’t. There is common sense involved in head shots. The company rewarded people for risks and there is merit to holding them accountable for that. But Saturn worked for ecw and wcw for years before wwe. Wwe is pretty careful about head trauma now. And you accept a risk because even easy bumping could be causing issues. I’d like to see WWE have a pension plan but their position would be they pay enough to guys to manage their own finances. They do provide rehab for anyone which is pretty generous.
  10. Impact met withWWE at WWE HQ. Allegedly just a meet & greet. And impact claims neither their company nor the library are for sale. Other rumours indicate impact is for sale. Vince was not involved. It was Hunter’s team at the meeting.
  11. Yup. It’s a serious issue but the case was absurd. There were guys who worked for wwe like 4 years our of 20. Just totally ridiculous. I don’t blame the workers for signing up. Why not, nothing To lose if wwe paid a settlement but it seemed like an effort to get some quick cash. And now those guys might be on the wwe **** list.
  12. The concussion/CTE lawsuit against WWE by several of their oldtimers (Demolition, Road Warrior Animal, Paul Orndorff etc) was thrown out. It was nonsense from the beginning but had a long list of former wrestlers attached (looking for a settlement payday). The lawyer was a joke and basically, the judge told him repeatedly what was wrong with his complaints and to re-write the suit and he never did so she finally threw it all out. I dont believe WWE was doing business with any of the people involved so hopefully now that its cleared up, they might do some legend deals with some of them. Demolition, in particular would be a great Hall of Fame induction (though there is lingering heat between Vince & Ax).
  13. You don’t have to care. Other people do.
  14. All accounts are Stanley is slow. Maybe it’s relative to the overall high team speed of the Jets. But saying that those sane accounts have him looking solid and making good plays. Is strong and nasty. Based on one game I’d suspect he spends the year wirh the Moose to ripen. Petab...I don’t know. On Vesa:
  15. I’ll see your letter from 65 women and raise you a letter with 200.
  16. That sweet, sweet Saudi money. Brock returns for a big payday and Shawn Michaels apparently returning as well, something he said he'd never do. HBK & HHH vs Undertaker & Kane. Wouldn't surprise me to see the nWo there as well.
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