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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I’m guessing the morrissey deal paved the way for this to get done quickly
  2. Some GOP senators beginning to waiver.
  3. Had to post this. Saw the headline and had to laugh. What a lousy sex life she must have. The reply by someone was even better “actually it’s the straight people who need to practice” hahahaha
  4. I don’t mind anthems in arena. I like hearing the truth north yell. But it’s sort of manufactured patriotism. Is tonight’s game on tv?
  5. Looking like a he said/she said right now. But in many ways, the victim has better credibility at this point. If the 65 women from his high school DO distance themselves, he's got a problem. His best witness, his buddy who was there, has deleted his twitter. He has made some less then helpful public remarks about "male passion" etc...he wont be a good witness. The fact the victim is seemingly a respected professional person lends to her credibility. That she disclosed this years ago to her husband and therapist certainly adds to her credibility. Her willingness to come forward is her greatest strength because she is going to be beat up beyond belief. If one more person comes forward with an allegation against Kavanaugh, Im not sure how he survives. White House position is interesting, with Kelly Anne doing the media rounds saying she supports the victim and wants her to be heard but saying it should be taken along with the "character" of Kav...among other platitudes. Of course, as soon as Trump is asked, he'll blow it all up Im sure. Either way, even the Right should be agree that with Trump under criminal investigation, being named an a co-conspirator, with at least 17 credible allegations of his own sexual wrong doing and now this allegation, at the very least the confirmation should be postponed until after the mid-terms. In fact, it might help the GOP to do just that. They will still control Senate anyway...but trying to ram this through will only serve as yet another rallying cry for Dems, especially the ones that seem to be gaining the most ground - women.
  6. The victim also took and passed a polygraph test. Of course it’s inadmissable. But I wonder if Kavanaugh would be willing to take one. Hes toast. Well he should be but since it’s the new GOP where a serial sexual harrasser is President, this probably just makes Kavanaugh more popular with the base.
  7. So you’re saying it doesn’t matter if he did it, the fact it was years ago and was “dug up”, makes it stink and thus it shouldn’t matter? well it wasn’t dug up. The victim first came forward anonymously in July. She has since waived her anonymity and provided details. She disclosed to a therapist several years ago. Her husband backs up her claim that it was Kavanaugh. The therapist notes don’t mention him but does detail the allegations as disclosed years ago. So was the victim able to predict the future? I agree all allegations need to be vetted but on its face the allegation is very serious and deserves to be taken seriously. Interestingly Kavanaugh denies it and yet somehow had statements from 65 women claiming he’s never done anything like that. I don’t know about anyone else but I don’t carry around statements from women from my school saying I never attacked them just in case someone says I did that would seem to indicate he was aware of a potential allegation. Interesting....
  8. Many victims are reluctant to come forward. I’m not saying she is legit cause I don’t know but the idea that she would have come forward already is simply not true.
  9. I’ve been a promoter for 17 years. And I love talking wrestling. There are some great and knowledgeable posters here. Ask away!! Youre in Seattle?
  10. Wouldn’t this be the critical time for her to come forward? While occasionally these stories are made up and lies in the case of high profile allegations they very rarely are. The blowback is always immense. This isn’t a job interview to manage the local McDonald’s. Every thing he’s ever done no matter how small or big is fair game. And should be fully investigated to determine its veracity.
  11. Plus with Maurice saying Myers will play LHD you've got a top 4 of Josh, Trouba, Buff, Myers. He also said he likes Kulikov on his off side and Morrow and Chiarot can both play both sides.
  12. Hahahahaha they know he will incriminate Trump so they can’t say he will tell the truth! This after trump praised him a few weeks ago.
  13. You have to start believing the only thing standing between trump and multiple indictments is his job. And that won’t last forever.
  14. People will buy them. I think I might, yes.
  15. Winnipeg simply didnt have an owner willing to absorb the losses of an NHL team, especially while a new arena was being built. While there was a public aspect to building BellMTS Place, it was driven by the private sector who put a lot of money into it themselves and the public investment was recouped earlier than expected. Plus, the owner of the team (the Moose at the time) ran their team themselves and obviously, paid a large sum to bring the NHL back. I think Calgary will have to realize, a new arena will need to be private-sector driven with a significant investment. I dont sweat the taxes helping TNS because its a fraction of the over-all investment and we gain over time by having it. But if government was asked to foot a majority of the bill, it would be an issue. Flames arent going to move. Ottawa? I doubt it but I dont think its without possibility. If Melnyk wanted to sell and couldnt find a buyer in Ottawa? In Morrissey news, Peter Tessier, a blogger for Hockeybuzz and someone who occasionally has some solid analysis, claims he has a source that says Jets have both a bridge and long term offer on the table for Josh to consider. Jets prefer long term, Josh prefers bridge.
  16. I actually love it. And I liked it immediately. I know all the twitter people who think they're sports experts are tripping over each other to bury it but its a simple and sharp design. Its a third jersey, not a new primary jersey. The Heritage Classic is awesome. Using it for the third jersey, however, doesn't afford the Jets an extra design for marketing. You can see its inspired by the original WHA logo (they had the word mark with the swoosh underneath in a round coke like circle and a simple wordmark logo that had a Jet-like swoosh as the cross over the T). I find it really clean and sharp and I like the blue.
  17. I think Ed O'neill's character is almost too obvious. The article guesses that it's Phil's dad but that doesnt strike me as "significant". Assuming they wont kill any of the children, Ill guess Cam or Mitch because it would impact every other character in a major way.
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