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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. She says she's not injured. The rumour going around is she's pregnant though some dont believe that to be the case. It might explain why Drew did the handshake with Seth last night but they changed his music and gimmick so I sort of doubt its a faceturn.
  2. Well for one, Hall, Nash & Hogan arent some sort of unit with Sting so I fail to see the connection. Hogan is under contract to WWE. Hall was not as big as Sting and is notoriously difficult to work with, has personal issues, has a pacemaker etc. Kevin Nash, I suppose you could. But he's in rough shape, even just to walk to the ring, let alone do anything physical. Sting is a former multiple time world Champion and has a long connection to TNT and WCW. He cant wrestle but he isnt incapable of moving around, cutting a great promo etc. AEW has shown they're pretty good as using the legends and I think Sting could serve a role there. Though I also assume Vince wouldnt allow it and would lock Sting up. EVen if its just Sting presenting the TNT Championship. If he wants one more match, he might be able to do it. I think he needs neck surgery though.
  3. I think they've been okay but I do think they need better messaging. Trump is such an angry simpleton that his rhetoric plays to the masses really well and media eats it up. Even guys like Mitch and Graham too. Dems need very simple, aggressive (but not angry) talking points that can get a lot of press in each news cycle. Trump is easy to play. He will respond with anger and stupidity and that chips away at his approvals. Look at what happened here....his approvals spiked with COVID because people rally behind leaders. It took him no time at all to piss that all away.
  4. They really dont. The alt right is totally fine with a dictator and their rights being eroded as long as its THEIR dictator. The left is suitably outraged but people really need to see how bad this can be. They think Hitler cant happen here but its not like he seized power one day...it was a slow build. THe chess pieces are being moved into position to set the Presidency up as a near dictatorship. In this case, sure you still have the DOJ and the SCOTUS but they are being hijacked to serve this President. If Trump wins...it could get very very dark. If he loses, there will still be a serious power struggle but its the only hope to save America. Its why I argue with the right leaning people here. You're a real "right" person if you support this President and what he's doing. This is what the GOP was meant to stand for. They're just so weak and egocentric and likely, many of them compromised. Its scary, really.
  5. Its extra hilarious with this President since he spends half his day laying in bed rage tweeting, and the other half playing golf. No time for investigations!
  6. Sting has made a few tweets about AEW lately...
  7. Yeah I think that will be the way they go. They'll put down some markings for social distancing and line people up. The drive thru idea wasnt bad...they could have tweaked it with, perhaps, more staff but there is a maximum number of treats you can make at once.
  8. The way Trump apparently rails against his campaign staff for bad polls, it wouldnt surprise me if that staff, at some point, accept their plight and stop giving Trump the truth. They'll tell him the polls are all wrong or biased and their numbers show a landslide victory. And he'll get beat badly and they will finally be rid of him.
  9. First episode of the undertaker docuseries is tremendous. Really really well done. Whomever writes, produces and directs these things should be running wwe.
  10. Any media that signed that are absolutely idiotic. Supposed to be journalists
  11. What’s he on about? And does the idiot not know how to hashtag
  12. Well it only took the NIMBY’s a day and a half to shut down BDI
  13. I found this story incredibly fascinating.
  14. Can’t wait for trump to publicly express his admiration for famed actor Robert Redford and congratulate him on being head of the CDC.
  15. The only way is massive cheating and/or the pandemic flaring up that keeps masses of people from voting. In a fair fight they lose. Easily.
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