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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I have no idea what its even used for anymore. I dont think it sat over 1000 people did it? I was never in it. And they couldn't serve booze either. I was watching some old WFX tv shows on youtube and as time progressed, they got that place looking pretty darn good. Their TV looked very professional by the end. The booker just didnt understand modern wrestling.
  2. Our regular venue is Doubles Bar and thats where Kenny has worked for us for the past 6 years. The last time was available was last November and it was a gong show because I didnt raise ticket prices at all and we had way more interest than space. So, a potential october show with Kenny is likely to be Doubles (with a higher ticket price). My dream scenario of a Kenny/Bucks show, which would take several months of planning, I have two leading ideas for venues. One is an "easier" environment for organizing and holds about 700+. The other would be the UofM, giving us 2000 and up for seating but requires more organizing, more money out for staging, seating, staffing etc. Of course, the revenue is also higher and potentially could be a revenue/attendance level that would be historic for indy wrestling here. I really need to sit down with Kenny and discuss that whole thing though. But...Im hoping to find out by next week if Kenny will be here for us in October. I have a hold on October 19th as a potential date.
  3. I'd put the blame squarely on MLL for this. The policy of non-intervention might sound nice when its dealing with occasional issues, but as soon as the policy became known, these punks were simply walking in, loading up on booze while everyone watched, and walked out. When I worked for Lotteries years ago, doing security at a casino, we were told the same thing. Under no circumstances were we to get involved in any incidents. Our job was to observe. I thought it was ridiculous. Nothing ever happens at the casino's...but there was one fight while I worked. From my years of bouncing, instinct takes over, I ran from an adjoining post to break it up. Brought one person out and handed him to the slack-jawed security, went back and grabbed the other and brought him out to find the first guy had not been secured and they began fighting again, which I also broke up while a bunch of security, including the investigator, watched and were amazed. I dont blame the guards, many of whom are minimum wage or barely above. They dont have training. They might have fancy kevlar vests and radios, but have never dealt with an incident in their lives. The companies hiring them to be visible deterrents dont want liability. But as WPS says in this story, there is a certain onus on the business to do their own security. Stop hiring crappy minimum wage security companies. Hire the right people. Train your people. Support your people.
  4. There is something wrong with his brain
  5. He also arrived in shanksville and was first pumping when he saw the crowd. It’s not a campaign rally you prick.
  6. My remark was clearly meant to convey a sense that if the Jets intent him to play 30 games, its a serious sign of confidence towards a goalie who has played a sum total of 22 NHL games in his entire life. But feel free to always take the low road with your ******* comments. Im still waiting for the Jets to get rid of Blake Wheeler, mr expert.
  7. And there will be people whining about spending $11 million to earn $59 million in tax revenue.
  8. The cops do traffic enforcement all the time. Hiding behind lamp posts, fences and trees. Pretending to be homeless, taking money at intersections. If kids' lives are in danger in school zones, I expect the police to have a serious desire to do traditional enforcement there. Maybe it doesnt generate as much revenue as photo enforcement but the idea is supposed to be safety, right?
  9. They better know something no one else does about Brossoit.
  10. Hmmmm why is there a need for this if the photo enforcement works? Also if this is better and works why do we need photo enforcement?
  11. As it stands, Dems are likely to have a solid majority in the House. They have a chance at a majority in the Senate too which would be great. Even if they only win the House, it allows for many investigations and they have subpoena power so they can really make life tough for Trump. If there is evidence of wrong-doing, it guarantees impeachment. But unless the Senate is willing to turn on Trump, impeachment stops there. But my theory is, most of the GOP realize Trump is nuts but they know they are boxed in. If they come out against him, its not like Dem voters are going to vote for a Republican. All it would do is cost you the Republican votes, so its career suicide. But, if the mid-terms are bad for the GOP, then you'll begin hearing of chatter that they want to get Trump out before 2020. If you combine that with a Mueller report that contains real criminal wrong-doing, that might knock the balance towards GOP Senators being more open to convicting Trump on impeachment. At the least, it might cause some closed-door "suggestions" that Trump should quit rather than risk it. It *might*, as it did with Nixon, create a scenario where the GOP convinces Trump to leave quietly in return for a Pardon (perhaps even a pardon for his kids). It would be tough politically for Pence to try and heal the nation while pardoning Trump. Perhaps, if Trump has any honor whatsoever, he'd trade his resignation for a pardon for his kids but not himself. Voters might understand Pence's pardoning the kids, especially if he gets to act tough by not pardoning Trump. That assumes ofcourse, that the kids get tangled up in some illegalities.
  12. Perhaps. But I tend to think if Trump resigns due to impeachment its because he fears actually being impeached. Since it takes a super-majority in the Senate to convince on articles of impeachment, that would mean a significant amount of Republicans voting in favour which would mean Trump's standing in the GOP taking a major nose-dive.
  13. Kids get hit by cars. As long as there are cars, there will be incidents involving pedestrians. Thats the way it is. Sure, a car going 30 will hurt less when it hits someone, but its not eliminating the issue. I told two stories of kids being hit by cars from my school days. One, for sure, was outside the school zone so today's efforts had no bearing. Im not sure where the other incident was along the school route...I *think* it was outside the school zone as well. My experience was always most cars do slow down during school zones because of the presence of kids, patrols etc. My issue with this is, the motivation is revenue, not safety and therefore it's wrong-minded and is a tax on citizens. More productive ways to make the streets safer around school zones exist, including better signage but the fact the city ignores most requests for better signage (some that violate their own by-laws) is proof of the motivation. We're all for keeping kids safe. This was a tax wrapped up in a feel-good "kid safety" blanket which makes it even more gross. Kids shouldnt be pawns for the government.
  14. Finished Ozark Season 2 on Netflix. I highly recommend this series. Both seasons are available for binge watching. Its a Jason Bateman vehicle about a family caught up in a Mexican Cartel's money laundering scheme and move to the Ozarks to deal with it. Its a drama with some humor. Great cast. Julia Garner is the stand out as young Ruth Langmore, a local petty criminal from a white trash family. Lots of twists and turns along the way.
  15. Pence feels its his God-given destiny to be President, he wont make the same mistakes Ford did. Plus, if Trump is proven to have some really nasty crimes, the feds are smart enough to send some indictments down through State Court, doing an end run around Presidential pardon powers.
  16. I forgot to. I often do as well. But seems to be standard practice to stay with the game you’ve been showing all afternoon rather then pull away with two minutes left. Oh well. I was annoyed. Not the end of the world. Those with TSN stock don’t take it personally lol Maybe it was for the best. Imagine how I’d feel if the bombers had made a xomeback to win haha
  17. Lol whatever. It’s nkt advertised as a regional channel. It’s clearly their main channel. It’s not TSN1. Sorry do you work for TSN?
  18. If they advertise the game they should play the game.
  19. Someone has to get fired during the bye just on principle.
  20. Well I guess so now. Who would think they’d switch their main network which was scheduled to show the bombers game and was actively showing it. The right call is to show the warm up of the other game and advise to switch over to the other channels and join it in progress. It’s two friggen minutes. Jerks.
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