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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. TSN can go **** thenselves for switching away from the bombers game with two minutes left with a two point game. What idiot made that call? I’ve seen starting coverage a few minutes late cause one game runs late. But to air the entire game and switch away with two minutes left??? I PVR’ed it. Ignorant pricks
  2. He’s not taking it quietly anymore...
  3. Had the Big Dill at the Four Points By sheraton on south Pembina. I don’t like pickles. But I loved this burger. It was amazing. Great taste. They make everything in house. The chef is great. And it was super busy with everyone eating the burger. This is it. Fantastic
  4. You can’t really make that sign accidentally. She did it on purpose both times. Question is why? Is she just an immature unprofessional troll? She’s not doing her boss any favours? Or has the symbol actually become a sign of the white nationalist movement? Oh and...ummmmm trump can’t tell the truth so he can’t be questioned. Hmmm
  5. This is interesting. The white power “okay” hand gesture was originally a hoax. But we’ve seen members of the alt right use it. Supposedly it’s meant to troll the left. I’m not sure if using a symbol people have come to regard as “white power” is really a shot at the left. Seems more like a confirmation of the people using it. So the second time this guys law clerk has used this on TV during the hearings. Is she trolling? Is she sending a white power symbol? Either way she’s an idiot and highly unprofessional. And making a farce of her boss
  6. This guy is so slippery. Watching Sen Harris question him and he’s avoiding, deflecting, giving answers that aren’t relevant to the question. What a piece of work.
  7. Conflicting reports. Its true he got a clause where he can return to Europe rather than play for the Moose but I've seen people say in interviews Vesa has said he is excited to turn pro whether its the Jets or the Moose. Maybe it was something his agent fought for so if he was a bubble guy, Jets would be more likely to keep him up. Hopefully he's that damn good.
  8. I also think Niku will play but maybe not immediately. Chiarot and Morrow will be his competition for the 3LHD spot.
  9. Win a ton of games early, coast into playoffs giving Helle extra rest before we ramp back up for the post-season.
  10. Sanders calling anyone a gutless coward is pretty rich
  11. whoa! HUGE news. As I recall, he was fighting tooth and nail against the Viacom/CBS merger (because he wanted his people in charge). This might help pave the way for the merger.
  12. Swap Trouba and Morrissey and Connor/Perreault and you got it!
  13. Its possible we have Kenny in October by himself. Shoot me a Private Message if I dont send you one first and I'll hook you guys up if you're interested and available in checking it out. I always love dragging some lapsed fans back into it...even for one night! Kenny live on this level is a lot of fun (does some hilarious antics and still all his super athletic stuff)
  14. My sense was Laurent Brossoit was signed to be Helle's back-up. Apparently, he's very well thought of around the league as maybe a potential late bloomer, is training partners with Helle and does the same off-season work-out program. It seemed to be a supportive measure for Helle, rather then signing someone to compete with him. Interestingly, the NHL salary of Brossoit & Comrie is the same &$650,000. But Comrie's is a two-way deal and Brossoit's is only a one way deal. And in a way, its not a knock on Comrie...I'd imagine the Jets would prefer Comrie start for the Moose and get lots of playing time rather then watch Helle play 60 games. They might call Comrie up during the season for a stretch (especially if Brossoit starts some games and isnt good but maybe even if he is, just to Comrie some NHL experience). Comrie is also Waiver Exempt. I dont think Brossoit is. So surely, Comrie starts the season with the Moose. Comrie's AHL salary is $125,000 but he has a minimum guaranteed salary of $175,000 so he'll do alright (and it doesnt cost the Jets anything more to give him an NHL game or two). I think their intent is Comrie plays big minutes for the Moose and Brossoit backs up his buddy Helle.
  15. Kenny and the Bucks or just Kenny? I usually undershoot my estimates but I think a Kenny & Bucks show would attract fans from SK, AB and the US, to be honest if its marketed properly. Huge expense but chance to really explode. The record for indy in Winnipeg is 1750 people for a PCW event in 2002 that had Eddie Guerrero on top. I think we could beat that.
  16. VERY preliminary but working on a Kenny Omega return in October. I reluctantly feel I should raise ticket prices as his last appearance for us was a gong show (way too many people for too few tickets). It would be a Friday night. I've thought of booking a larger venue but Im not sure we have the time to do it justice but I have talked about a "big show" with Kenny & The Bucks in Winnipeg...
  17. Im sure there will be many twists and turns along the way. If the Mueller report is criminally damning, it will almost certainly lead to impeachment in a Dem-controlled House. If the Republicans are hurt badly in the mid-terms, they will start to turn on Trump and perhaps an internal movement to convince Senators to convict him (or pressure Trump to resign. Pence feels its his God-given destiny to be President...will he tie his can to Trump in 2020 if Trump looks like a lame duck?
  18. UFC's parent company Endeavor, purchased the final 10% of outstanding shares from Flash Entertainment, owned by Saudi Arabia. They wanted it for awhile but the Saudis didnt want to sell. Based on what Dana White said of UFC being worth $7 billion, it sounds like Endeavor paid $700 million for the 10%. They now own UFC outright and are considering taking it public.
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