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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I read up on what he went through. Crazy. He ejected from his jet and landed in a lake in the city. He struggled to free himself after both legs and one of his arms was broken. The citizens set upon him and bayoneted him in the groin and beat him. He was tossed in a cell and wasnt given medical treatment for weeks. The reason his arms seemed odd was because of how they healed, he was not able to lift his arms over his head. He was offered a release because his dad was an Admiral but he refused because there were other POW's that had been in captivity longer. He was beaten again, for refusing. Imagine being in that situation and refusing release. I hate to be political but compare that to a clown who gets multiple deferments for bogus bone spurs.
  2. Wow very sad. POW. Served his nation his whole life. One of the defining moments for me was when he hosted a townhall and a supporter ripped on Obama’s as an “Arab” and McCain cut her off and proceeded to say that Obama was a good man. When does that happen in politics?
  3. Interesting. I’d always have expected the jets to be fine with a bridge. They want to lock the core up long term. Makes me wonder about wheeler.
  4. I laughed at the video because it was funny and I guarantee Bob would not be surprised to learn he's over-weight. And I agree, can't threaten to fire a guy over his weight. If it was me, I'd laugh too just as I'd laugh if there was a video of a different amusing "tick". If it was a video of him at the beach laughing at his topless body, that would be shaming and very cruel.
  5. I agree fat shaming is wrong and very hurtful. Others might say 'well its a choice' and not have sympathy. But its often a choice like being an alcoholic or drug addict is a choice. Unlearning years of habits is tough. Believe me. I've been thin and I've been very fat and everywhere in between. I went to Mexico in December and lost about 50 lbs before I went because of the motivation of the trip. Not easy. But it is easy to re-gain. Its not just people eating chips and cookies all day. I suspect Bob is pretty active and is at a point in his life where he just doesnt care about doing the work (or seeking the medical help) to lose weight. He probably doesnt feel that bad because he's active. He will likely have a serious health issue at some point and then do something about it. I used to know I needed to get in shape when I worked at the bar and the first thing a drunk would insult was my weight. lol I remember a girl I had dated, she moved away and then came back, came to the bar and told me I was too fat for her at that time. We howled with laughter that she could be so vain. I got the last laugh though *wink wink*. Anyway, I know how you feel. Its a daily battle. Good luck!
  6. Nope, he was always "not returning". One has nothing to do with the other. Toby was not coming back.
  7. W. did. Obama cancelled W's plans and kicked it to the private sector to lead. But as I recall W. actively wanted a base on the Moon and to get humans on Mars. So for sure, its nice to hear, but they have to fund it. Let's hope they do.
  8. Makes you wonder why those closest to Trump are flipping rather than counting on a pardon. They clearly have no faith in him. And Manafort made a fatal error.
  9. Whoa!!! That is massive. I remember reading how he was the guy who knows where ALL the bodies were buried. They are going to tighten the noose on Trump by taking down everyone close to him and his business and the day he's out of office, the FBI will be waiting with a warrant and cuffs. Unfortunately, he will now declare martial law and suspend elections to remain President forever lol
  10. Yeah you could be right. I think he thought he'd lose when the P*ssy Tape came out. But then Comey did him a solid (forced to by Rudy G's New York FBI guys). I read it was 77,000 votes that won him the election so even if you pretend the Russian's didnt have an impact which they obviously did, imagine the porn star pay offs came out right before the election. Easily would have swayed those votes. Thats why, when Trump claims its no big deal, he's desperately trying to convince his base. It was campaign violations which might not be a huge deal on its face, but had a huge implication on the election. I never really thought Trump would end up in prison but Im pretty convinced now he will eventually be indicted.
  11. I think the plan was to lose, claim it was biased and corrupt and start a new far right media empire. Im sure he relished being the most powerful man in the world (next to Putin) but this has been a disaster. People close to him going to jail, all the reference and respect washing away, cant nail porn stars anymore and potential to go to prison himself. And even if he's impeached, the idea of a far right media empire might still happen but it will be more of a niche for the bigots than a true "new right". He's toast.
  12. Think he regrets running for president yet?
  13. Free delivery on Uber Eats through October. And they have some places Skip doesn’t.
  14. This is the dirt worst. There is no greater indication of their lack of patriotic duty than sitting silent to see which way the winds blow when the President has been outted in a criminal conspiracy to influence the election. And thats not even related to his clear coziness with Russia and refusal to stop them from influencing another election. It does show that if the Republicans get pounded in the mid terms, you'll see members start to jump off the Trump Train. Its disgraceful that so many are neglecting their duty to their citizens and to their nation. Its gross.
  15. Are you saying Trump will be brought down by his Pecker turning on him?
  16. I remember reading about this and there were some clear similarities.
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