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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Trump just reiterated his support for manafort. Claimed there was no Russian meddling.
  2. Now that trump has been implicated, congress should immediately stop all plans to confirm The new justice.
  3. Cohen’s lawyer and Rudy is already playing word games.
  4. And by the way, Russia was caught hacking. That came out today. But you didn’t hear it from the White House. It came from Microsoft. US Attorney just said they won’t be afraid to prosecute others. I think he’s implying going after trumps business.
  5. Watching live. Stunning stuff. Any other president would resign.
  6. No chance they do it now. They are focused on confirming their Supreme Court pick. They’ll gamble on retaining control of the senate. Dems take the house and impeach him and the senate acquits him. Then I guess we have to wait til he’s out of office and see if they indict him. Unkess GOP decide to Put country before party which they haven’t done yet (most of them). If the senate is still GOP after the election but it’s Close you could sway some. Senators usually take seriously their role. And by then if they think trump is a liability they might turf him. Still to come is whether trump pardons manafort. Manafort clearly expects it. But trump would look terrible now.
  7. Impeachment just became very likely
  8. Guilty let me be more specific. Manafort found guilty. Cohen pleads guilty and has implicated trump. Paid off women, in coordination and at the direction of Trump.
  9. yeah it likely means guilty but you never know.
  10. Im not at all sure what point you're arguing.
  11. Chris Pine as Robert The Bruce seems like a poor casting decision
  12. Its only been since 2009 that players were on the field for the anthem. So this whole this is totally absurd. If I was the NFL, the way to "fix" it would be to make it a fan thing (you could just stop doing it altogether but try being the guy who suggests that) and have the players enter after it's playing.
  13. Exactly which is why the idea of voting on opening up an intersection is so absurd. People are treating it like there are ZERO pedestrian crossing's and this would be the FIRST ONE EVER lol
  14. As I understand it, Bowman had no choice as it had the support of Council so he supported it to avoid going on record as opposed to it. It was that decision that totally undermined his opponent. And it speaks to the quality of voters in that, Bowman will likely easily win but his big city project will be defeated. Its lunacy.
  15. Sore loser? How would you sound if we could go in time and not have the new area, jets, TNS, IGF, Bombers etc? Thrilled? Its fair commentary to be critical of the decision to hold a referendum. As I noted, I said whichever side you're on. If a referendum was more likely to generate an outcome I personally supported, I'd be happy AND still point out how stupid it is. Every election now, someone running for mayor or someone on council will pick some issue and say "why not add it to the ballot". When it comes to politicians making bad decisions, you know how you stop it? You vote for someone else. If the point is that the politicians in favour of Olympic spending would win again anyway, what does that tell you? If referendum's generate more public interest, then lets get rid of the mayor altogether and just hold an annual referendum on everything. Easy peasy.
  16. Looks like horse women vs horse women at survivor series. A source told me there is a belief Jericho shows up as a surprise at all in.
  17. Working my way through it now. Amazing show. Its interesting that everything seems better in NXT even their entrances. Weird. Hunter has a vision. One day we’ll see it on the main roster. Talk of EC3 moving up. I sort of thought Adam Cole might go too but with the Era retaining tag titles it would seem not. They’re a great act.
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