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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. That’s an emotional response too. He wasn’t great but he doesn’t play the game by himself. And while the fans can feel any way they want as paying fans, it doesn’t demolish the honest feelings of the player. He wasn’t insulting the fans. He said it hurt because he was giving it his all. He can under perform and still be working hard and feel hurt. He’s obviously an emotional guy.
  2. Always hotel. Indies pay the airfare, hotel and trans to and from. It’s not the norm to pay per diems but usually the promoter would pick up a meal or drinks (or you arrange sponsorship to do so). But the import generally buys his own food. For example I usually buy dinner. But I’m not with them 24 hours so their breakfast, lunch etc is on them.
  3. He said it hurt to hear the fans booing. That’s an emotional response by the fans and an emotional response by Matt. And it’s understandable.
  4. For multiple shows you would get a discount. So if a guy was $500 US per shot but you had 20 shows? It’s a lot less. Even if you book someone for 2 or 3 shows you can usually get a deal. Especially for talent that isn’t working a lot. And I’d tou can give them Monday-wednesday shows that’s great cause those are generally not big days or bookings. We used to book big names on Thursday’s a lot and they loved it because they always had froday and Saturday so if they could get in and out of Winnipeg for a quick Thursday booking it was a bonus.
  5. ROH is number 2 for sure yes. they are actually owned by a company (Sinclair) that is larger than WWE but they consider ROH a touring brand and content for their syndication network and dont invest a ton of money. Hopefully that changes. Kenny's contract with New Japan expires in late January. The 30th I believe (or around there).
  6. Meltzer news: Some numbers to indicate how big this ROH/New Japan MSG show is: - Sold Out in less than 19 minutes of Public On-Sale - Largest Non-WWE Gate (over $1million) anywhere in the world other than Japan) - Second fastest MSG wrestling event sell out of all time and fastest since WM 20 - Accomplished with only Tanahashi, Okada & Naito advertised - First non-McMahon wrestling event at MSG since 1960 Some Jim Neidhart tidbits: - One of the strongest men in the US when he was a shot putter and ranked #1 in that sport while in College - Was once ranked 3rd in a World Shot Putt meet and narrowly missed out n the 76 Olympics - Was nicknamed Rhino by Stu Hart - Tried out for the Dallas Cowboys - Signed with the Oakland Raiders despite not playing College Football, suffered a broken arm in training camp and was released - In WWE, was a singles wrestler managed by Mr Fuji before Bret Hart (who disliked his own "Cowboy" gimmick) suggested they be put together with Jimmy Hart as the Hart Foundation - Dropped the WWE World Tag Team Championship to the Fabulous Rougeaus in Montreal to make the locals happy and then had the titles returned to them due to Rougeaus using the Megaphone during the match - In 1990, during their second stint as WWE World Tag Team Champions, lost to the Rockers as Neidhart was being cut. Bret went to bat for Neidhart and they changed their minds and decided to keep Neidhart and, again, returned the titles to the Hart Foundation (using the fact the top rope broke during the match as the excuse to disallow the decision) - He and Owen later formed The New Foundation bit Jim was fired in 92 for refusing a drug test - Returned in 94 and he and Owen were going to win the Tag Titles but Jim was fired for missing dates - During the 97 Hart Foundation, Jim was working without a contract and when Bret and Davey left for WCW, Jim was cut (and embarrassed on his way out by DX) - He had legal issues: Extortion, Drug Possession with intent to distribute, trafficking illegal drugs, burglary & contempt of court Random: - Matt Hardy might be done as he has several lingering injuries and is taking time away from the ring to heal up and see how he feels. In the interim he will be shadowing agents to get a feel for that job and see if its a fit as a future gig. - Jason Jordan has also been shadowing agents as his neck surgery did not go well and he might be done - Chris Jericho declared himself a free agent for 2019 and said it would be a "very interesting year" - Batista might do a farewell tour - Rey Misterio is all but signed and WWE wants to make a big deal out of his return - 1000th episode of SD is October 16th in Washington DC (which makes me wonder about a Batista appearance there as he's from Washington I believe) and you have to think they desperately want The Rock for the show since it was basically named by him
  7. From a connected individual at the Skyscraper forum
  8. I was open minded. I didnt mind the relationship per se. There were hints of Uhura liking Spock in TOS. But the writing was so bad. Like they were doing a low budget teen love story or something. They portrayed Uhura as very unprofessional (and Spock for that matter), very emotional (and Spock for that matter). It just didnt work for me in the long term. As soon as I saw Uhura making out with Spock on the transporter pad in front of everyone before a critical mission...its like, nope, they dont get it. Beyond was truer to the characters but it had tons of problems too. Lots of big logic holes. I see Beyond as the smaller story and STID as the epic story. Bob Orci's original script for Trek 3 involved Shatner and Nimoy as Kirk/Spock and sounded like an epic adventure to celebrate the 50th anniversary. He was fired.
  9. Some fan renderings. I actually don’t think Quinto looks like Nimoy that much. A slight resemblance but in some key areas like the ears it just doesn’t work. I didn’t mind Quinto but the writing and directing of Spock was awful.
  10. It’s funny. Every day there are numerous items to post here but scandal and BS is now the norm so they don’t seem that pressing. But maybe this becomes a story
  11. I didnt like Skyfall. But I mean, if the idea is Craig is old now, whats the point in hiring an actor almost the same age? Elba is 5 years younger, but thats not a lot.
  12. That was my reaction too. That his age works against him. He looks great and I don’t care if he’s black or white. But I think if he was white people would be concerned about the age aspect. Although if it’s a continuation of Craig’s bond then we could just watch him grow older. Put that in the storyline. An aging bond.
  13. The sun story was really fair I thought. At this stage I’d prefer not to change names as there is so much named after him and while he did supposed residential schools it sounds like he was also an advocate for metis rights. Id support erecting some sort of informational signage or plaques thst explain the history. And I’d be happy to see that for many of our streets, parks and neighbourhoods that carry historic names. I think for an entire generation or more of people, Bishop Vital Grandin is just a road and park and mall. So educating us on the history including the controversial aspects is good. But really the feedback of aboriginal people is paramount and should be respected.
  14. You are correct, sir, thats her. The other girl didnt really stalk Gunn though. She was his local gf. They were together awhile. The break up was a set up. The promotion didnt like her, feeling like she acted self-important because of her relationship with Gunn so the promoter told her Gunn didnt want her around anymore. So she told his wife. And recorded his calls. She ended up going on to date Ricardo (Del Rio's ring announcer).
  15. A few Jim Neidhart stories for those that dont mind reading my longass posts (and maybe a fun non-related tidbit at the end): Its gonna be a long one. Read at your own risk! 😉 - We first booked Jim Neidhart in summer 2002. We had debuted in March 2002 at the UofM with a show that still holds the Manitoba indy wrestling attendance record (1750+ fans), featuring Eddie Guerrero, Honkytonk Man & Brutus Beefcake, and subsequently ran shows weekly at our "home" venue The Stratosphere (Palladium) and other places. By Summer we were gearing up for our next big show. Ill try to give some background without taking too long. We wanted to go back to UofM (IGAC) but our office manager claimed to be close friends with Sam Katz and through a series of meetings, he offered us the Ball Park for "free". That turned into "a small sum". Which turned into "no more than IGAC costs" and then when we had no time to seek other arrangements, turned into more than twice what IGAC costs (Im not a Sammy fan). So a bunch of other crazy crap happened that made that show a cursed one. Ballpark held over 7500 people so we needed something big to at least try and fill a third of it. We booked Roddy Piper and Bret Hart with Piper getting the Key to the City. My concern was neither guy wrestled so I suggested booking Jim because it was a cheap flight from Calgary and he was relatively inexpensive. And then in essence, we're doing the Hart Foundation reunion and gives more booking logic for Bret to interject himself in the action (and he'd likely be willing to do more in the ring). Piper ended up backing out due to a schedule conflict and was replaced by the Road Warriors (in a funny twist, I think we had booked them first, then when we could get Piper, we cancelled the Warriors and when my partner called Animal back to re-book him, Animal gave him an earful lol). Then Bret had his stroke, about three weeks before the show. We had tickets on sale, we had tons of print and radio advertising out. And worse yet, Bret's condition was being kept secretive. His agent told us he was not that bad and intended to make all bookings. We had a contract and could not cancel. Meanwhile, the local wrestling radio show (Joe Aiello & Don Callis) reported Bret was in dire condition. Callis hated my partner (and generally didnt support local wrestling) so when we'd buy advertising on the radio show, he'd not-so-subtly make heavy sighs and other noises to indicate he did not endorse or condone or otherwise think very highly of our events (he more or less did that for any local that bought advertising). He made a point every week of saying "If anyone thinks Bret Hart is making his advertised appearances, they are crazy. Do not buy a ticket expecting to see Bret Hart." (We eventually had a blow up with the station sales person over it). To his credit, Joe had me on the show and I truthfully said Don could be absolutely correct but I can only tell people what the agent tells us. We even had a deal with the Blue Bombers to provide shows at the tail gate parties and then could distribute advertising and I remember people taking our very expensive flyers and saying "come on, Bret is dead" or "Bret's not coming, what are you trying to pull" etc. Of course, Don WAS correct. So we start getting a bad feeling and our ticket sales have stalled completely. I decide to push Jim to our regular weekly show and use the big show to promote it because the weekly show was, in a way, more important to our survival than what was shaping up to be a disaster of a big show. About ten days or so before the big show, we get word Bret is out. My partner and I then get into a fierce battle over who should replace him. He wanted King Kong Bundy (He might have suggested Bam Bam Bigelow too). And I wanted Jeff Jarrett. I remember being in our board room arguing and we decided to let one of our top guys be the tie breaker. He said absolutely Jeff Jarrett. I left the boardroom and we ended up booking Buff Bagwell (go figure lol). So now we're really facing a disaster, so we decide we have to cancel Jim (no Bret, whats the point). I call him and give him the bad news and he reads me the riot act and then calmly says to keep in touch and he'd love to come in lol Long story short, we did draw well (over 1200) but it was a disaster. And almost ended up in litigation with the Goldeyes (and had one tense meeting with Sammy). And by the way, our financial investor who had stopped investing for anything non-office related, wanted to pull the plug before the big show and when we protested, he pulled out two dice and said "over or under", rolled them, my partner said "over", the roll was a seven and thats how we stayed in business. We limped along for awhile and a year later (Aug 2003), my partner quit (a power play which I wont detail here). I spent the next year solidifying things and fighting off competitors etc and decided I wanted to begin bringing "names" (import talent) back. And I targeted Jim Neidhart. It was low risk. He was a short flight from Calgary, no hassles with Customs, paid in Canadian and since it was a Thursday, I assumed he'd actually show up. The deal was simple. He asked for, I believe $600. I countered with $400. We agreed on $500 (he later asked for an extra $50). He'd work the main event against our Champion and put him over (lose via pinfall/submission). In the weeks leading up to the show, he'd call my apartment from time to time to just chat. If I was out, he'd chat with my gf. Nice guy, but seemed lonely. I had arranged for him to fly in the night before (a Wednesday) because I was slightly nervous about him showing. He blew off the Wednesday flight saying he'd just come in on the Thursday. I was nervous. I go to the airport and wait...and wait...and wait. A fact of life is, any wrestler travelling via plane will always be the last one through the door (especially true when clearing customs, especially in Winnipeg where they enjoy hassling wrestlers). So, everyone enters...but no Jim. I go to the Payphone and call my gf and ask if Jim called...she says no. And I begin loudly cursing his name....only to see the guy on the phone beside me look over. It's Jim!! Crises averted. We went to the hotel and had dinner and he was very jittery, like ADD sort of but very cool. When he asked about his opponent, I said he had a WWE try out a few months earlier but they hadnt signed him and he got all nervous saying "there's something wrong with him, there's something wrong with him." I put him at ease and he goes to his room to relax. He declined to come down to the locker room so I sent his opponent up to his room to go over the match. At Intermission, I go up to check on them and as soon as I walk in, our champion gives me a sort of "ugh" expression. I say "How are things going Jim?" He looks a bit confused and asks "what did you want for a finish?" I say "our guy over via pinfall." Jim strokes his beard for a moment "How about I go over?" "Well, Jim, that doesnt really work because he's our champion so we need him to go over." He continues stroking. "What if we do a DQ?" "Well, Jim, we really wanted you here because you're a huge star and its helping our guy get over and helping us look like a big time promotion to have you. So you putting him over would really help us out." (laying it on thick). He continues stroking. "Can it be a ****** finish?" "Absolutely Jim, he's a heel, he can screw you." Our guy interjects "Ill hit you in the head with the belt", to which Jim snaps "you wont hit me in the head with anything!" Jim agrees to the finished (belt shot to the back). Another crises averted. Match happens (it was basic but fine, crowd enjoyed it). I was ring announcing and the pop for Jim when I intro'd him was awesome. After the match, Jim gears down and bee-lines to me, "where's my money?" he demands. I say "Jim, no problem, I was waiting for you to get dressed." I pull out the cash and he strokes his beard while leaning over me as if he needs to intimidate me into paying him. Hilarious. He then politely thanks me and we go back to enjoying some cold ones at the bar. Jim would order a beer, drink half of it (which is about two gulps) and order a fresh one. He kept doing this (his tab was comped) until the bartender, getting annoyed finally says "what about the one in front of you, arent you going to finish it?" Jim looks at the half full bottle of beer and says "nah, its old. Give me a new one." Then things get really interesting. A young woman, early 20's, is there. I know her from the bar and the fact she dated a couple of local wrestlers. And, in fact, was then dating a local wrestler (but not one that worked for me and he was not there this night). She's hanging out with Jim, flirting, drinking etc. She comes to me and says her bf is getting mad she's out so late and wants her to come home. But she wants to hang out with Jim. "Im a huge Hart Foundation fan and this is awesome," she says. I tell her she should do what she wants and if she enjoys hanging out with Jim, stay and enjoy." Awhile later, she comes back to me and says "my bf wants me to come home but Jim wants me go to his room and keep drinking with him. I dont know what I should do." So I say "well, you can go home with your bf any night. How many nights can you go home with Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart?" She smiles "thats a good point. Thank you." So Jim grabs two beers in one hand and this girl in the other and goes off to his room for a nightcap. Now, I dont want to disparage the memory of the recently departed, but the young lady was happy to report that she was "Anvil Approved" (she even had a shirt made). The next day, we get a minor snow storm. I have to pick Jim up at the hotel and take him to the Airport. Im running late and he's getting anxious and calls my gf to express his anxiety. She talks him down, tells him he has plenty of time etc. I arrive and he's pretty nervous about missing his flight. I assume Calgary airport is farther out then Winnipeg's and he was just not familiar. He even saw a building in the distance and thought it was the control tower and got excited. So we arrive at the airport and I get out of the car and go around to his side to grab his bag and thank him etc. He suddenly leans on me like he's been shot in the leg. I ask him what happened and he whispers, play along. I practically carry him into the airport where he is grimacing and moaning. A WestJet employee runs over, "Oh my, sir, are you okay??" "Im a professional wrestler," Jim replies through his gritted teeth. "I blew out my knew. I cant walk." She tells him not to worry as she grabs a wheel chair. Jim says "This knee made us late, Im afraid Ill miss my plane." "No, sir," she replies. "Ill take care of everything and hold the plane if we have to." Jim winks at me and as the woman is getting the ticket info, he whispers that it "never fails" and its an old trick to avoid walking through large airports. yeesh I thank him for the match and the fun stories and off I go as he is wheeled towards his gate. You could definitely tell he was of the old school WWE variety but he really enjoyed doing shows and being around the boys and the fans and was really funny. Loved telling stories. He was a good guy. Bonus tidbit: Ill be sitting down in front of cameras this weekend as will several others including Don Callis, for a project. What could it be? Stay tuned!
  16. As terrible as they idea sounded, I dig the trailer. It seems likeable.
  17. Apparently the White House has now said they can not guarantee trump never used the N word. Which is obviously a confirmation he has. This would be the end of the road for any other president.
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